Tell us about your pets!



  • pinbotchick
    pinbotchick Posts: 3,904
    I am a crazy cat woman with 5 cats - all wandered into our yard or were rescued from friends that couldn't keep them. Brook is the oldest and stares me down each night for 2 hours until it's "that time" and I give them their Fancy Feast treat (1/2 can each). Taylor (my favorite) is tiny and snotty but loves me. She is the one pictured in my tat. Jenna is the beauty and shy but runs up to the car to greet me every time I come home. We live in the country and have a cat door so they come and go all day. Floyd is a spoiled boy who cries if he isn't able to sit on your lap. Zora the newest will be 2 soon. He just learned to snuggle in bed and it makes it hard to type when he is laying across me and the laptop.

    I also have 1/2 a dog. 8 years ago DH was against pets so I got a dog that lives at mom's house - 6 miles away. Paws loves the snow. Mom and I take him out walking every day. He was in his glory playing in the snow and tracking critters this weekend as we hiked a local park.
  • willywonka
    willywonka Posts: 743 Member
    ooh i would definitely be in on the pug lovers group!!! :love:
    I have two babies, Willy and Lulu. Both are fawn pugs, Willy is 7 and my Lulu is 4. I love them!!
  • weebles
    Down here in 'bama, we have two mini doxies - Kenzie, a 4 year old red doxie (with a red nose and nails - too cute!) and Teagan, a 2.5 year old black and tan who's about 3 pounds smaller than Kenz. They're so cute and cuddly and lovie, and are FABULOUS for a brisk hike around our hilly neighborhood!

    I have a purebread 2 year mini doxie male. His name is Ozzy (after Ozzy Osborne of course!). He is a black, brown and gray dapple. I had to put my 15 year old Ginger to rest 3 years ago and was devastated. I have had a dog all my life and was lost without one, but swore to never get another one. Well, after seeing his pic....yeah....I couldn't resist.

    He is a little booger! I run daycare and have to make sure to keep all diaper bags zipped and snapped. He loves to go nosing around and pulling things out. He follows me around and sits outside even the bathroom door and waits for me! LOL And I have never seen a dog that loves icecubes like he does! He hears the ice machine on the fridge start up and runs over to get the one we drop on the floor for him! :laugh:
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    lol cut off the beginning, you have quite a menagere!! What do you feed your dogs? I've tried to rawfeed but unfortunately my animals all like to pull their food out of their dishes to eat it, and one dog in particular likes to take his food into the living room to eat off the carpet in there... raw chicken+carpet=ewwwww! so we're back on kibble. When we move to a bigger house and can get a designated feeding room thats all tiled or laminate I'd like to try again.

    Sorry, I just saw this!
    I feed my big dogs outside to take care of the raw meat all over the house issue. 2 95 pound greyhounds flinging 5-10 pounds of dead animal everywhere is not my idea of good fun. :laugh: I feed my little dogs in their crates & my medium sized dog is good about staying put on her mat in the kitchen. I've read that vinyl shower curtains or table cloths are good to put down & then it's pretty easy to train the dogs that if they don't stay on those, then they don't eat. Then you can just wipe the vinyl down with vinegar and water & you're all sanitized.

    I feed my guys whatever I can get my hands on -- the bigger and more in-tact the better. :sick: Lately I haven't had any good finds from the hunters around here so unfortunately it's been a lot of chicken leg quarters & ground beef (I don't really advocate feeding ground food to dogs who are physically able to chew bones, but it's is the only grocery store beef I can afford to buy for my dogs & at least it provides a little variety). Sometimes I can get a big bag-o-organs (ew) from deer processors & hunters but when I can't score any free stuff, it's just chicken/beef liver & beef kidney. Ah well -- they do better even on limited variety than they ever did on kibble. In the summer my bf and I go fishing but we both hate fish. So, the dogs get anything we catch -- just gotta be sure the fish haven't swallowed any hooks or anything like that. And if they're fish with barbs or sharp fins, cut those off first.
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    Down here in 'bama, we have two mini doxies - Kenzie, a 4 year old red doxie (with a red nose and nails - too cute!) and Teagan, a 2.5 year old black and tan who's about 3 pounds smaller than Kenz. They're so cute and cuddly and lovie, and are FABULOUS for a brisk hike around our hilly neighborhood!

    I have a purebread 2 year mini doxie male. His name is Ozzy (after Ozzy Osborne of course!). He is a black, brown and gray dapple. I had to put my 15 year old Ginger to rest 3 years ago and was devastated. I have had a dog all my life and was lost without one, but swore to never get another one. Well, after seeing his pic....yeah....I couldn't resist.

    He is a little booger! I run daycare and have to make sure to keep all diaper bags zipped and snapped. He loves to go nosing around and pulling things out. He follows me around and sits outside even the bathroom door and waits for me! LOL And I have never seen a dog that loves icecubes like he does! He hears the ice machine on the fridge start up and runs over to get the one we drop on the floor for him! :laugh:
    My Hershey does the same thing with ice cubes. He loves them!
  • beachcomber
    I have two grand puppies. A 6 year old Siberian HUsky with blue eyes named Czar and a 2 month old Bull Mastiff named Buster. I dog sit Buster every day while my son works. Now if he could only find a mom for Buster!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • chefcc
    chefcc Posts: 143
    We have 14 dogs, 4 house cats and several feral cats in the barn. Most of them are mixed breed muts that were adopted from the animal shelter.

    Sugar, Gage, Sweet Pea, Daisy Marie, Gracie Louise, Scruffy, Sassy Rae, and Blue were all adopted from an animal shelter.

    Buddy, Sadie, Stetson and Bodine were dumped on the side of the road, so we picked them up. I can't stand to see an animal thrown away.

    Lulu Belle was given to me by one of friends, she is a yorkiepoo.

    And finally, Montgomery-Mo for short is an 8 week old puppy that my husband just brought home from a friend that he works with. Mama is part pit and I think there is a hound dog in there somewhere. He is a very energetic little snot. Loves to chew on everything but his toys!

    The four house cats were feral cats that were injured that we rescued-Festus had to have a back leg amputated when he was about 6 wks old. He's a mess. And then there is Midnight, George and Ratcliff that all had minor injuries and ended up staying in the house.

    My daughter has a rabbit. She wants to be a vet, so she gets lots of practice taking care of animals around here.
  • BigdaddyJ
    We have a 4 yo wire hair fox terrier, Ajax. I the family's baby, we have a female coming in the srping from the same breeder can't wait!!

  • dreamsdaily
    dreamsdaily Posts: 22 Member
    What no ferrets?? We have 3. My husband is allergic to dogs, cats, horses, you name it, so we went to the pet store looking for a lizard (eck). We ended up with our first ferret, Cleo. We carried her around the store for over an hour just to make sure it was going to be ok. Then we decided she was lonely & got Neo. They have both passed but not before we got Fatso, Sunny & Snowball. The 3 we have now. They are so adorable & have so much energy:heart:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Hi Dremsdaily - we had a ferrit once - she was GREAT! (maybe a little stinky). She was so gentle anyone could play with her, even little kids. She used to torment our dogs :-D
  • shellyhead
    I have a 5 year old Lab/Springer spaniel mix named Sadie. She looks like a little cow...:laugh: Shes always got a toy in her mouth and full of energy. If you go outside she has to go with you, no matter what, and the first thing she runs to get is her jollyball. Then you have to kick it for her. She won't stop either. She is now restricted to 30 minutes of play time each time we go out because unfortunately she is starting to show signs of hip problems. Of course if you saw her you would never know. She doesn't let it stop her. Its later on when you get inside that she starts limping. But all in all, she is the biggest sweetheart and she is a very funny and crazy dog. My husband and I know we got the perfect pick from the litter when we got her. I think she will be a puppy her whole life. :happy:
  • pettmybunny
    pettmybunny Posts: 1,986 Member
    We have a 17 year old cat named Duck. He loves me, but only puts up with everyone else in the house. Can we say old and crotchety?

    Also have a 9 year old german shepherd named Rhea. Got her when her family moved to California and couldn't take her.

    And my son has a snake named Rex. He was the first one in science class who could talk their parents into adopting the snake that their teacher had. And it only took 2 weeks, lol.

    My son also has a dead pet Beta. LOL... One of these days, he'll listen to me when I say flush him!
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    All your dogs sound so cute! I really want to get a dog but as I live in an apartment block it wouldn't be fair (or allowed!) When I move into a house I'll definately be getting a baby Westie!

    At the moment, I have a hamster, she's golden brown and called Bridget! She's pretty cool, and can do a couple of tricks too!