Does Anyone Else Weigh in the Morning AND at Night?



  • fitmommy75
    fitmommy75 Posts: 50 Member
    I weight in the morning AND at night. I have figured out that during the day I usually fluctuate 2 lbs between the two weigh ins. So, if there is a great change I watch the next days intake a little bit more carefully.
  • DLMinus10
    nah....I think (and have read) depending on water, caffeine, tons of things your weight can fluctuate 2-3 pounds. I usually do it once or twice a week at same day/same time and scale etc.
  • leeanneowens
    leeanneowens Posts: 319 Member
    I weigh all the time. My husband bought me a digital scale because I kept saying I wanted on e and I can't seem to stay off of it. :laugh:
  • MyPaperBleedsInk
    MyPaperBleedsInk Posts: 240 Member
    I never weigh at night because one weighs more once after a day of food and whatnot.... I only weigh in, in the morning after I get up.
  • icimani
    icimani Posts: 1,454 Member
    I step on the scales morning and night.

    The AM number is the one I go by, and the PM number does a few things for me:
    - it reminds me that my weight does fluctuate and not to freak out over it
    - it serves as a motivation - sometimes it keeps me from eating in the evening (more calories) because the weight of the food will show up on the scale. And it's usually from boredom, not because I'm hungry.
    - it's just another way to keep eating healthy in the forefront of my mind.
  • peachea
    peachea Posts: 92 Member
    The only scale I use is to weigh food. I follow my body measurements. The scale is too inconsistent for me. I can't be on that roller coaster ride.
  • abetterjune
    First of all, thank you for all the responses! A lot of them were super helpful for calming my own nerves. And of course the funny people... and the people who'd rather just tell me I'm wrong then say anything helpful... haha.

    Special thanks to........
    Sometimes just for fun, I like thinking that I can magically lose 2 lbs just sleeping :)
    I weight myself all day long. I bought a scale to keep under my desk and I just keep my feet on it all day long so I can see it change as the day goes along. I've considered getting one for me car too so I can keep an eye on it while I drive.
    Best idea I've heard all day!
    I weigh myself in the morning and at night, I see about a 3-4lbs fluctuation in weight depending on how much water I intake, if I've used the restroom and if I have eaten any heavy carbs. I say the best time to weigh is anytime as long as you weigh the same time everyday! And why am I always 5lbs heavier at the doctor's office?!
    3-5 is about what I tend to see over an average day. Seems like a lot, but I feel so much better knowing other people see similar numbers!
    I weigh in the mornings, underwear only, but it makes sense to me to weigh at night as well to get a better idea of where you stand. Of course you're going to weigh less in the mornings, and then more at your midday doctor's visit, and then a little more after dinner, and then less again after you haven't eaten or drunk anything for 8 hours because you were asleep.

    IMO it's stupid to call weighing at night "ridiculous" because it's not any more ridiculous than sticking to your morning "light" weight. You don't weigh THAT all day either, do you? :P Who cares when you weigh, as long as it's consistent so you're not weighing yourself Tuesday morning, then coming back Friday night and wondering how you gained two pounds.

    The scale is a number, and for that number to have any meaning, you need to use it at the same time of day each time. If it's morning, if it's night, if it's at exactly 3:34:55 AM, who cares? Does it really affect you if you think you weigh 152 vs. 155 if you're losing at the same rate? You'll still weigh 155 at night if you weigh 152 in the morning, you know. You're just recording the lower number, that's all.

    As for arguments that heavy foods during the day will affect your weight at night more, that's bull****. Yes, food weight affects your weight. But it STILL affects it in the morning, the overall number is just lower because you've had time to dehydrate and digest, is all. You're still digesting the same amount of food. Unless your "heavy pizza" is all undigestable fiber that you poop out before you get on the scale, that heavy pizza still affects your weight if you weigh in the morning.

    Thanks again for the awesome responses, people. I didn't think people would be so interested... haha
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
  • Sandee2k
    I prefer in the morning on Fridays, since I do so much damage over the weekend.
  • RobinvdM
    RobinvdM Posts: 634 Member
    I do every now and then, I have it figured out I weigh at night between 3-4lbs more than in the morning
    so on days that I KNOW I hauled butt and don't want to wait until the morning to see the results, I hop
    on in my jammies right before bed and then subtract 3lbs to get a sneak peek at tomorrow's numbers.

    NOT always accurate, but generally a good indicator.

    I don't do so frequently, though. Makes it less special.

    I feel like a KID ON CHRISTMAS EVE on those evenings, lol XD
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I weigh once a day, and that is before dinner, at around 9pm. I eat the bulk of my food between 9pm and 3am currently, so it is the most comfortable time for me to weigh. I have no idea if I would weigh less on waking up and going to the toilet, given I eat a lot of veggies for dinner, and fruit and yoghurt before bed. Never dared find out. But I think to be so obsessed as to want your goal to be in clothes and after food etc, is really over the top. And I also think it is pointless to use evening weight as a gauge for what is working because you could have a load of vegetables and weigh more immediately after than if you had a pizza, simply due to the weight.
  • beedeevee
    beedeevee Posts: 10 Member
    I generally pop on the scale in the morning (about an hour after waking up) -- I generally find that I'll have a fluctuation between waking and that time, up to a pound a half less, even if I've eaten breakfast.

    Sometimes while preparing for bed, I'll get on the scale. I can generally account for a 2lb swing overnight.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    I weight myself all day long. I bought a scale to keep under my desk and I just keep my feet on it all day long so I can see it change as the day goes along. I've considered getting one for me car too so I can keep an eye on it while I drive.

    :heart: :drinker: :heart:
  • Kikilicious84
    I weight myself all day long. I bought a scale to keep under my desk and I just keep my feet on it all day long so I can see it change as the day goes along. I've considered getting one for me car too so I can keep an eye on it while I drive.

    LMAO... this is the best post I've read all morning!
  • Lisah8969
    Lisah8969 Posts: 1,247 Member
    I weigh both morning and night and sometimes in between as well. Yes, I know it fluctuates, but I am still 47 down from where I started so even if it says I am 2 more than I was this morning, I still like the number looking at me better than the one that was there 7 months ago. It doesn't make me crazy. I still have a long way to go so the numbers will continue to drop and that's just fine. Once I get to my goal weight, I will concentrate more on inches lost than weight lost/gained due to more strength training. But for now...unless I somehow gain 47 in day, the scale is not my enemy.
  • BrunetteRunner87
    BrunetteRunner87 Posts: 591 Member
    I weigh myself whenever I go into the bathroom.
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I only weigh once a week in the morning after I've used the bathroom and before I've ingested anything naked! LOL...Hope that's TMI LOL
  • LIswimmer51
    I weight myself all day long. I bought a scale to keep under my desk and I just keep my feet on it all day long so I can see it change as the day goes along. I've considered getting one for me car too so I can keep an eye on it while I drive.


    well they do say, both a car and a scale go between 0-200
  • SmileyFaceGuy
    My weight is never lower at night than in the morning. After being continually disappointed, I learned to stop stepping on the scale more than once a day.
  • busywifehealthylife
    I only weigh in the morning. I think it would be unrealistic to expect my weight to be the same in the morning and in the evening unless I fasted all day. Which I don't. :)