Couch to Half Marathon... can it be done?



  • bluestocking06
    bluestocking06 Posts: 66 Member
    Most races have a cut off time where you have to stay under a 15 or 16 minute mile. You can always work up to speed walking the distance for your first race, then work up to running from there. Go for it!
  • Sb65513n
    Sb65513n Posts: 131 Member
    You can absolutly do it. You have to really want it. Just take it slow and you can do it.
  • Broken420
    Broken420 Posts: 56 Member
    I just started C25K this past Thursday. You have 3 workouts per week for 9 weeks that switch you back and forth from walking and running until eventually you are just running. C25K=Couch to 5K!! I'd suggest you start here. There's a great free app for smart phones called C25k Lite that tells you when to walk and when to run. There are other apps that do the same but you may have to pay for them. You can google C25K and get tons of info too. Good luck girlie! Persistence pays off big rewards. ;-)
  • AthenaErr
    AthenaErr Posts: 282 Member
    From my running days I know that increasing your distance by more than 10% a week really increased your chances of injury, I cant remember the study but its in fitness for dummies or running for dummies or womens running - a fairly mainstream running guide. Thats quite a slow build up. Of course start with building up a twenty minute run and then adding distance each week to whatever you can run in 20mins or similar beginners running plan.

    Running is great exercise, quick immediate and totally cathartic, but you can get hurt. I would go for building up to the half marathon with smaller races.
  • ktbia
    ktbia Posts: 118 Member
    You can do it! I like the previous poster- start with couch to 5k adn then move up.
    JEff Galloway has an awesome half training plan, he incorporates walk breaks. It is great! I just finished my first half marathon, and had been training for 4 months... So a year- you can do it!
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    I'll be another voice saying BABY STEPS. Work to a 5k and getting your weight down to a healthier # and then go to the half. Why rush the experience? When you get closer to your goal weight and have a good base of running under your belt, the half marathon training experience and race itself will be far more enjoyable and have less likelihood of resulting in injury.
  • nevr2L8
    nevr2L8 Posts: 15 Member
    Absolutely it can be done!!! I did it a couple years ago, walking. (Knee and ankle issues don't let me run) Just keep training and go for it. It's a tremendous sense of accomplishment. And the finisher medals are really cool! :smile:
  • stajken
    stajken Posts: 18
    Ok, I know everyone is going to immediately say "Yes" to that question so let me explain a bit more.

    I am 24 years old and I currently weigh over 300lbs. Dieting has always been hard for me, but I love to exercise, but lack motivation for the most part. So I have gone years without doing much of it. I recently started going to the gym again and being serious about my weight loss and health journey. A thought occurred that a way to keep myself motivated would be to have a goal. Not a weight loss goal because those nearly always fail me and I don't want to go down that path again, but a fitness goal. I want to be able to enter and finish a half marathon by January. Any and all weight lost will be a bonus. A highly desired bonus, but I know if I fixate on it too much I will just give up.

    So far I can walk 3 miles on the treadmill. I have a long way to go, and only 296 days to do it. Is it possible?

    This documentary that aired on PBS really helped me understand the physiology of running and the possibility of the human body. See what you think :) And either way, you are doing a great job of changing your life and honoring your strength through fitness. Keep it up!!!!!
  • imabiddy22
    imabiddy22 Posts: 1
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!! I found this program online, since Im considereing training for a half marathon myself. Its a 24 week program... That starts with 2 mile walk/jogs where you jog 30 seconds and walk 60 seconds until you reach a distance of 2 miles.
    The program finishes in the 24th week with a half marathon. I think its a perfect program. If at any point you think its progressing to fast you can simply repeat the previous week until you're ready to move on!!

    Here is a link to the program! Hope this helps!
  • brandyk77
    brandyk77 Posts: 605 Member
    take it slower in my opinion. that is pretty aggressive.
  • Najay
    Najay Posts: 273 Member
    This can be done. I actually just started it today and I am over 200. The program starts you off slowly and you can control when you are ready to move on. Stay strong and positive.
  • robmaguire1
    robmaguire1 Posts: 111
    bump as this is a great topic.....
  • 06fusion4us
    I think you should go for it. I am going to go for the 1/2 Shamrock in march 2013.

    Start Prepping!

    I am using the elliptical and treadmill. I plan to use the pool at my YMCA also.