Today is the day i stop smoking!



  • abentrup
    abentrup Posts: 29 Member
    I've been cig free for 8 days! Yay! I'm taking it day by day and trust me it does get easier! Seems to get easier each day actually. I decided to do it cold turkey. I really cant wait till I can completely stop thinking about cigs completely!

    Good Luck!
  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member

    DO IT!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!! DO IT!!!!!!!!

    I've never been a smoker, but if my dad could quit cold turkey in his 60s after over 50 years YOU CAN DO IT!

    p.s. he said the nicotene chewing gum helped him a lot.
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    Hello to all of you fantastic people!

    I decided to post here after I saw the link on my new friend goonas’s blog about giving up smoking.

    In the last six months I’ve tried everything to give up smoking, patches, inhalers, herbal cigarettes the lot, even after changing my life for the better (loosing around 70lbs so far) I was still dragging on something that could kill me!…. I was really determined each time to stop as I could notice my swim performance suffering as a result and exercise in general (as a bit of a background I’m 25, started when I was 16 and smoked 20a day and 30 on Fridays and Saturdays!)…. I ended up reading Allen Carrs ‘The Easy Way’ and although it didn’t quite work, his message stuck with me… certain chapters kept on coming back to the front of my mind!....

    Anyway… last week, the same week as I was doing week 1 of P90x I got the flu…. This combined with smoking lead to an almighty cough…. The sort which comes right from the base of your lungs!... And after a particularly bad coughing session on Sunday afternoon that was it…. I threw my cigarettes (half a pack) in the bin and slapped on a 14mg patch (less than your supposed to use for my level of smoking).. all I could think is’ would I want to struggle breathing like that in 10 or 20 years time if I continue to force tar down my lungs’…. NO?!.

    Enough was enough! It’s now Tuesday, and I don’t regret the decision at all! I’m half doing Allen Carrs way and half my own… as Allen says in his book… would you ask someone who is addicted to smoking crack to stop and shoot it up his arm instead??? No…. but to elevate some pangs I’m using patches… tomorrow I’m swapping to 7mg and then after 3 days on those there coming off completely… and I’ll ride the nicotine trail to the end… I already feel 1000 times better than before and I never want to go back….

    Now the challenge is getting my flatmate to quit! Either that or he’s smoking out in the rain as I find the smell repulsive now!

    Feel free to add me for motivation and advice for both quitting smoking and weight loss!

    Simon x
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    I'm on day 25 without a smoke... after 15 yrs. I do get cravings but you really have to try to occupy your mind on something else. Drink a glass of water when you want a cigarette, put your running shoes on and go around the block.

    Try to avoid those situations linked to having a smoke.

    You can do it too!
  • La3l
    La3l Posts: 9
    Good luck with quitting, it is one of the best things you can do for your self AND your family :)
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    I quit smoking 5 years ago.... on new years - cold turkey. I STIIL to this day love the smell and occassional get the craving. But each day gets better, take it one day at a time. Hang in there and be strong!!!!

    I chew gum now like a fiend! :)
  • SuzumiyaKyo
    SuzumiyaKyo Posts: 4 Member
    I stopped smoking 3 weeks ago. First 2 was okay, but I had cravings. This week is great, running is a lot easier so it's a good motivation.

    I quit cold turkey, but from january to august I dropped a cigarette a day per month. By September I was at 2 only per day. This way worked for me.

    I do not crave the nicotine though. It's more like I don't know what to do with my hands when I'm walking outside.

    I also avoid parties for the time being.
  • FitBeto
    FitBeto Posts: 2,121 Member
    I quit cold turkey - 5 years is a long time to be a smoker for me lol. I wasnt pressured into quitting and it was something i had done more than once. Definatly stop! I can by 5 alvocados for the price of cigs, 1 a day is way better than a pack a week! You cant loose weight and smoke i found out. It always made me short of breath, i stunk, a always had to have a cig, if i forgot to buy some i had to beg or find someone to beg to have one but no more! Granted I slipped up a few times, only once when at a burlesque show with a friend (come on who doesnt smoke there!) but in the months that i have been a nonsmoker i feel so much better! I thought about it logically - heart disease, cancer, the smell, everything. Its all unneeded, i stress myself and kill myself to have a cancer stick. I dont have any cravings at all, and never had since i stopped. It was easier to stop drinking too - if only i could quit pot lol
  • Cookie0914
    Cookie0914 Posts: 42 Member
    Congratulations on your decision to quit smoking. All states offer support in quitting (some even offer free nicotine replacement therapy patchs). Call 1-800- QUIT NOW to see what is available in your area.
  • icklekimmy
    icklekimmy Posts: 205 Member
    Day number five and I am still hanging in there. Last night was first time I have struggled after having a few glasses of vino. Actually starting to notice the smell of smoke off other people now and its pretty minging!
  • NuggetLovesEdie
    NuggetLovesEdie Posts: 477 Member
    Have you seen this?

    I found it to be very helpful when I stopped smoking 9.5 years ago.

    Also, the thing that really clinched it for me was the smell and taste of apples.
    When I smoked, apples were sort of bland.

    After I stopped, like only a few days to a week in, the smell and taste of apples was PHENOMENAL.
  • icklekimmy
    icklekimmy Posts: 205 Member
    Wow thank you, have just read it :D
  • icklekimmy
    icklekimmy Posts: 205 Member
    Wooo hooo, now one week cig free!!!
  • OK...I'm an ex smoker I used to smoke a pack (when I was good...) od red Marlboro per day, so I give you the right motivation now...."YOU DON'T WANT TO GRAVE YOURSELF BY GETTING LUNG CANCER, DO YOU ? ", I strted cutting the cigarettes not the number the cigarettes so that to leave just few puffs, then I started getting nicotine chew-gums ...were awful but they did their part, then I started to eat less meat and I explain you why...the meat stimulate the saliva that in its turn makes you crave more nicotine, so I become vegetarian but I got all the proteins I needed because lents and spel and cereals in generals have a tons, so cutting 3 months I quit and never back to smoking, I smoked for 15 years, then I also became a trekker to have back my lungs...SANE LUNGS and not ruined or intoxicated, so I trekked Hymalaya in India 4.500 meters, Alpes in Italy 2.500 and 3.500 meters, first camp base of Everest in Nepal 6000 meters, the satisfaction and the bravery I developed after quitting is something cannot be substituted I was 35 y.o. when I did those mountains now I'm 44 and I'm still the same trekker....hehehe
  • MoAuerswald
    MoAuerswald Posts: 2 Member
    You go girl! my BF used Chantix did the trick for her... crazy weird dreams though. You can do it!:bigsmile:
  • Wooo hooo, now one week cig free!!!

    I just came across this thread today, but CONGRATS! I quit smoking on New Years Eve of 2009. You can do this! And you'll be so much better off in the long run. Keep up the FANTASTIC work! It seems like you have tons and tons of support here!
  • I just went through that, good luck! It can be a ***** but you'll feel better soon and it's so worth it to be healthy!!
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    today is day 15. I had my last cigarette 15 days ago. I walk down the street and smell other's smoke and my brain goes haywire wanting a drag. I am still a little bit edgy (okay, ruthless *****y is probably more accurate), but I have made it 15 days.

    It has been the longest 15 days since I started MFP, but I am doing it. One day at a time.

    I'm totally willing to support you in this. I need someone to whine/*****/cry to on occasion.
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    I've been cig free for 8 days! Yay! I'm taking it day by day and trust me it does get easier! Seems to get easier each day actually. I decided to do it cold turkey. I really cant wait till I can completely stop thinking about cigs completely!

    Good Luck!

    OMG!!!! I can't wait til I stop thinking about them too!!!!
  • Treneaking
    Treneaking Posts: 30 Member
    I also used to be a pack a day smoker. I am slowly decreasing the time of day I have my first cig. and it seems to be working very well! I want to be able to run again and not feel like Im going to pass out. Today I'm going to try going the first full 24hrs! Wish me luck!

    I just wanted to share with you a similar experience for motivation. I used to weigh 184lbs, now i weigh 132lbs. I did it by running while I was still a smoker. I started out, I would run a quarter mile, I would cry, and want to pass out. Slowly adding a little each day, I worked myself up to running 3 miles a day, and maintaining my weight, I just wanted you to know, I did that while still smoking. Starting to run as what may feel like a beginner again, will get better, as long as you do a little more each day, I promise!!! and it will soon become an addiction.

    Now, I would also like to add: Once I lost my weight(realizing how much dedication it really took) I told myself that if I could do that, then I can quit smoking!!!! My husband and I both have not had a cigarette in one month, three weeks, and four days!!! And we are proud of it. Life just feels better, I can run over 4 miles now, I can sing more songs in the car, My laugh sounds better, The house and the car smells fresh, we smell fresh, and to top it off, we are saving TWO HUNDRED AND FORTY DOLLARS A MONTH!!!! (between the two of us from a pack a day)!!

    So, those are the reasons I am proud, and reasons for both of you to always think about every day!!!! Keep up the great work, you will be sooooo glad that you did!!!!

    Also, you should REFUSE to let an addiction rule your daily life!!! Did you know that cigarettes are more addicting that CRACK??? It is crazy(and to think of how rich tobacco companies are from ruling our life and checkbooks). Also, we used the patches, 24mg for a week, 14mg for a week, and 7mg for a week, then no more patches. We liked it because it would step you down from the physical addiction while you focus on the mental/habit portion of the addiction. Walmart's brand *equate is the cheapest route. The hardest part was the two first days of no patch, that is when your body is going through the true withdrawals, but if you just recognize that and refuse to give in, and think of the WONDERFUL reasons you are going through such horrible days!!, then you will be fine. After about a week with no patches you barely think about it. It is now a lifestyle!!!