You must eat breakfast if you want to lose weight



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Why is everyone so agressive in their answers? This seems a competition on who is right and who isn't.

    Welcome to MFP :drinker:
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    this thread is full of so much fail............

    :bows out:

    a lot of people seem to have graduated with a Broscience PhD.
    time to bail

    Interesting. It is hard to know who has the proper formal education in nutrition, and who is the amateur here.

    Hint: The OP is an amateur.

    LOL, that was apparent.
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Umm your point?
    All those definitions prove my point - it's a precondition, NOT a guarantee.

    That was my thought too. The poster was agreeing with you.

    I was just pointing out how what the guy said about having to eat less than TDEE isn't necessarily wrong and he wasn't saying it's a guaranteed way to lose weight. It's just that if you don't eat less, then you're not going to lose weight. But actually for someone with normal health and metabolism, I can't see how eating less than TDEE won't result in weight loss. Oh well I'm too tired I gotta go for a walk or something now.

    I was just pointing out that I agreed with your point!

    Great minds think alike! :drinker: :smokin:
  • LoriBeMe
    LoriBeMe Posts: 165 Member
    And oh yeah, another "must' that folks swear by is exercise. I am physically unable to do anything besides walk (very short distances) due to numerous pinched nerves, herniated disks, bulging disks & arthritis. Weight loss is still possible, just takes a bit longer.

    All kinds of weight loss myths out there!
  • Frosting4fun
    Frosting4fun Posts: 1 Member
    People say you should eat breakfast even if your NOT hungry, but I wait till I'm hungry, or noticed I haven't ate anything for a long time....either way without me making myself eat breakfast I'm losing weight anyway...just by watching my I say eat as you please and if your saving your calories for a meal your looking forward to and not hungry at breakfast then spare yourself and skip breakfast to indulge those calories for the meal your looking forward to. :smile:
  • I thouroughly agree. Bfast can be very detrimental to weight loss because it makes me hungry all day long. IF is the only way to go in my opinion! I eat all I want for 8 hours and lose 4lbs per week and I am under 20% body fat so that is a lot of weight to lose per week. Plus the added fact that IF allows you to burn 90% fat and 10% muscle. Eat breakfast = lose muscle (25% of all weight loss).
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member
    Eating in the morning is very important!!! The sooner you eat the sooner your body starts making insulin which in turn starts the fat burning process. Skipping breakfast just slows down your overall metabolism and the amount of calories burnt in a 24 hour period. So skipping out on breakfast is not the best thing you could do however if it happens once in a while it will not hurt you at all, just dont make it a habit lol.

    lofl. what?

    insulin is anabolic. it makes things grow. fat and muscle both............
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    Just as eating less than TDEE is no guarantee of weight loss.

    How can it not be, eventually?

    Medical problems could cause water retention that could offset a very small deficit.

    No, if you're not losing weight you're not eating below TDEE, medical problems would LOWER TDEE.

    I hate you for stealing my thunder. I was waiting for the right time.... Grrrrr.

    Of course you used it in probably the only case where it's not relevant. Oh well.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    This thread is like riding a mechanical bull... better when drunk and ultimately leaves people laughing at you. =/
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Eating in the morning is very important!!! The sooner you eat the sooner your body starts making insulin which in turn starts the fat burning process. Skipping breakfast just slows down your overall metabolism and the amount of calories burnt in a 24 hour period. So skipping out on breakfast is not the best thing you could do however if it happens once in a while it will not hurt you at all, just dont make it a habit lol.

    Huh? Insulin aids in retaining fat....not burn it.
  • Since there is so much fail, how about some win right here:

    With breakfast, insulin output is disproportionate to the input (breakfast), due to cortisol. A mismatch that would otherwise not be present under different circumstances (i.e. the same meal eaten later in the day, with low cortisol, or by someone with lower insulin sensitivity).

    All of this raises interesting questions regarding the role of the cortisol-insulin connection, or dare I say breakfast consumption, and adaptation (or absence thereof) in the role of human evolution and its consequences for modern man, with his modern meal patterns.

    Very interesting indeed, when you consider the events that transpire on a metabolic and transcriptional level once you combine cortisol and insulin. Not to mention the role of cortisol in place preference conditioning, learning, and the fact that even though breakfast-first-thing-in-the-morning is an artificial habit, manufactured by one of the first and possibly largest giant of the food industry (The Kellogg’s Company), it certainly is a habit we learned very fast.

  • My unicorn poops rainbows!
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    How can breakfast be wrong?

  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    My unicorn poops rainbows!

    Regular, or low calorie?
  • BurtHuttz
    BurtHuttz Posts: 3,653 Member
    Listen, if ANY of you hope to lose any weight, you need to mail me a dollar. Some studies might have shown that people who have mailed me a dollar lost on average MORE weight than people who haven't. If you want to lose weight, you must mail me a dollar!
  • I try my best to eat breakfast. I feel, for me, that it wakes up my motabolism. But I hate the fact that I get hungry very soon after eating breakfast (hence the waking up my motabolism).
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Didn't read the whole OP because the subject line and first few sentences were just too silly. There are NO "musts" in weight loss.

    You MUST eat a calorie deficit under TDEE for weight loss.

    As someone already pointed out, this is not true. Just as eating less than TDEE is no guarantee of weight loss.

    He didn't say it's a guarantee. He said it's a precondition.

    must    /mʌst/ [muhst] auxiliary verb
    1. to be obliged or bound to by an imperative requirement: I must keep my word.
    2. to be under the necessity to; need to: Animals must eat to live.
    3. to be required or compelled to, as by the use or threat of force: You must obey the law.
    4. to be compelled to in order to fulfill some need or achieve an aim: We must hurry if we're to arrive on time.
    5. to be forced to, as by convention or the requirements of honesty: I must say, that is a lovely hat.

    Umm your point?
    All those definitions prove my point - it's a precondition, NOT a guarantee.
    ie. just because an animal eats doesn't mean it will live. Its head might get bitten off by a cougar. But if it doesn't eat at all it certainly won't live.

    Nice try but come again.

    point = If you "must" eat a deficit to lose weight then it is guaranteed that you won't lose weight without it. (which is not true)
  • AngryDiet
    AngryDiet Posts: 1,349 Member
    point = If you "must" eat a deficit to lose weight then it is guaranteed that you won't lose weight without it. (which is not true)

    LOL nevermind.
  • fatboypup
    fatboypup Posts: 1,873 Member
    Calories are calories ......... I DOESN'T MATTER WHEN YOU EAT THEM
  • juicy_cat
    juicy_cat Posts: 145 Member
    I have lost weight both the moment it's working for me not to have any...on a work day I eat little and often...every two hours or so...I eat breakfast at weekend tho...