Weird things nobody tells you about losing weight



  • jmeyer925
    jmeyer925 Posts: 326 Member
    Boob shrinkage....and I mean *extreme* boob shrinkage.

    I went from almost a very full D to a B cup. Although, now that they're smaller.....I've grown to like them much better this way. :happy:

    ^ This, execpt I'm not "happy" about having to wear a sports bra almost all the time, but they definitely are perkier now! lol! Think this was the biggest difference my guy friends noticed :noway:

    No more cushioning around my hip bones. If I bump into sometime it hurts!

    That other "non fat" parts look bigger. I never thought I had a big nose until I lost weight, oh well!

    Those odd looks you get from people who knew you when you were bigger, but aren't sure if you're the same person or not, so they just oddly stare.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 405 Member
    Yep - discovering all these bony prominences as just weird. What the heck is that?? LOL. Also, alas, I look older but feel younger. Fat tends to fill out wrinkles so when you lose the fat, the wrinkles show more. But I have so much more energy and stamina and zest for life it is worth it.

    Losing weight doesn't solve all our problems - as someone else posted above. It won't make you prettier or more popular or more desirable (though it does improve certain things a lot...*delicate coff*). It won't make people like you. It won't necessarily improve your self confidence nor will it make you a better person. It isn't easy and the battle has just BEGUN when you get to goal as it is never ending. You don't go "on a diet" and then stop. It isn't magic and it is damn hard.

    However - it is so worthwhile. It does teach you about yourself - as to how strong you are...not only to have the willpower and discipline to keep at it even though it is never easy - and then the things you learn about yourself while doing the exercise (I sort of accidentally became a runner and that amazes me about my non-athletic self).

    So, enjoy the strange bones, the lack of padding, the need to wear extra clothes to stay warm.....and go out there and run circles around everyone else. That's what I love about it.
  • PetulantOne
    PetulantOne Posts: 2,131 Member
    My Husband told me over the weekend my butt was getting bigger :explode: I was so mad. Then he explained himself, and what he meant was it has lifted!! I guess the squats have pulled it up some so it's sticking out a little more.:laugh:
  • BeSophisticate
    Losing weight can expose flaws. For some people, and I include myself, losing weight makes you look older. Fat fills in wrinkles. I've had to come to accept that I look older but am in much better shape. Personally, I'm going for the old tough-as-nails wiry guy look because my baby face went with the fat I lost.

    The wrinkles thing is 100% true. However, I think there's a balancing effect.

    Heavy people also tend to look older than they are because we unconsciously associate fitness with youth. For example, I know once I've lost more weight, it's going to start showing in my skin, but by that time, I will also no longer look like a frumpy dump approaching middle age.

    Ultimately, I think it's a wash.
  • bikinibeliever
    bikinibeliever Posts: 832 Member
  • mancnix
    mancnix Posts: 1 Member
    I've lost 78 lbs and I'm so worried that I'm going to have extra skin and won't be happy with my end result. Anyone else who has lost a bunch of weight the old fashioned way have any experience with this? I still have 43 lbs to go to be at my ideal weight.. I'm just hoping my bikini body is not just a dream...
  • ellenasl210
    ellenasl210 Posts: 95 Member
    Sitting in the bath tub is not as comfortable as before. My tail bone and hips do not have the cushion they use to have...oh well, I will take that side effect...I sit on a folded towel if I plan on soaking for a while.....

    haha I have this problem too, except in school. I lost so much weight over the summer, and now when I sit all day in school my butt hurts so bad! I need a cushion :P
  • cmpollard01
    Okay, I'm going to be seriously peeved if my feet shrink and I have to replace all my shoes. I gained a half size in shoes with each of my two pregnancies. I've always just thought it was due to the spreading out of the bones or loosening of the tendons while carrying the baby, and I didn't even associate it with the fact that I put on a lot of weight that I didn't lose after pregnancy. I had a lot of cute shoes that I had to replace.

    Anyway, one weird thing I noticed. When I was full on fat, my waistband of whatever pants or shorts I was wearing would kind of sink into the fat. I definitely didn't have to worry about them slipping down. Now that I've lost some fat, toned the muscle underneath, but still have jiggly fat/loose skin floating on top of the muscle, I have to be careful. Especially when I'm working out, my shorts waist bands tend to move around on that waterbed of a fat pad and work their way down, regardless of how much I tighten the drawstring. :blushing:

    Trust me, I'm peeved for you. I have a ridiculous collection of heels that now have to be replaced. After losing 50lbs, my shoes are all too big! And i'm with you on the "waterbed!" I have several pairs of gym shorts i can't wear out anymore because of that...

    I will say, I didn't realize I had collar bones! And for me, I still look at myself and see that chubby girl I've been, so to fit into 12s and 14s after wearing 18s and 20s, it's hard to reconcile it all in my head. My sister lost 85 pounds before a kidney transplant 2 years ago-she says she still looks at herself as the chubby girl, not the chick that went from 230 to 150!
  • relucas81
    Your youthful, chubby face is replaced by a slender one with crows feet! :O
  • Coffeeholic8
    Coffeeholic8 Posts: 270 Member
    I've posted this one previously but I love it so I'm posting it again. Don't often use the bath tub in this apartment, prefer the shower and probably only used it 6 or 7 times in the 2 years I've been here. I did a long bike ride, 42 miles, a couple of weeks ago and decided to have a bath to soak my tired legs. Filled the tub to the normal mark, climbed in and it wasn't deep enough!!! :noway: 100lbs less means a lot less displacement than 6 months ago so I had to top up the water to get a good soak. :laugh:
  • JenaePavlak
    JenaePavlak Posts: 350 Member
    I have a lot of the same already posted!

    I have a hard time doing stuff on my tailbone..
    My shoulders and/or hips hurt when I fall asleep on my side
    My armpits have weird indentations (makes it harder to shave!)
    I can flex my pecs... (Now that was an interesting day when I found that out!!)
    I still feel amazed when I touch my stomach and feel individual ab muscles :)
    And a few wrinkles in my face (that's prolly the one I wish I could change)

    Oh I'm sure there is much more.. and I wouldn't give any of it up for the world! :D
  • teepeetim
    teepeetim Posts: 99 Member
    I had lost weight last year and I lost one of my rings in the mud at church when i was putting my youngest into his car seat. I didn't notice at that time until we started driving and I touched my hand. It was such a rainy messy day w/ so many cars going through the parking lot, that we never did find my ring. I added 20 lbs over this year, that I am trying to get back off(and then some).

    It looks like I am on a ring losing streak. On our way back from a beach trip w/ my inlaws, I shockingly found out that the diamond in my engagement ring was gone. No tines were broken or bent. I have no clue how it happened. When I told my parents about it, my dad said that he still had my mom's engagement & wedding rings(she died when i was 8). He said that he had been waiting to give them to me for quite some time now. She was a petite woman, so her rings are a bit too small for my fingers right now. This is another motivation to lose the weight, so that I can wear her rings. ::trying not to cry!!!:: It gets me every time I think about her.

    You might want to have a look at and then find someone in your area.
  • Tanimom
    Tanimom Posts: 29 Member
    I reached up to scratch my shoulder and was shocked at the hard lumps there - bones! I'm still surprised every time I feel them.
    It's funny how we all do have things in common with weight loss and we share them on here. I also have tail bone pain sitting and very uncomfortable at night with my knees together in bed, I feel the bones and it doesn't feel good, looks better but doesn't feel better actually put pillow between them last night and felt much better. One of the things I love the most is my neckline now and can see collar bone, I have short hair and it looks better with a thinner neck LOL.
  • Tarin626
    Tarin626 Posts: 101 Member
    Weirdest thing I ever heard obout losing weight: guys gain a half inch of "useable length" for every 20 pounds they lose. Of course I know this is total BS. Still funny that someone actually thought that up. :bigsmile:

    Don't know about about much will be gained but I know with my hubby there will be some improvement as his pelvis is where he has a layer of cushioning :-)
  • teepeetim
    teepeetim Posts: 99 Member
    I find I feel cold all the time, now that I've lost my fat coat.
  • sueblue77
    sueblue77 Posts: 54 Member
    My underwear keeps falling down, usually at the most inopportune times. I have to go to the bathroom and hike them up again. Luckily, it hasn't happened when I was wearing a skirt. Time to invest in some new 'draws'.
  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    Oh yeah the cold all the time thing kinda is bummer especially since I live in the coldest spot in the lower 48!
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    That your *kitten* will hurt when you lose the fat off your butt and your tailbone sticks out. :(

    You'll run out of clothes that are too small. That's a good one but it sucks not having anything to 'try' to fit into anymore!

    People pay more attention to you. I find that odd as I treat no one differently. IMO Size only matters for one thing. lol

    Your grocery bill will go sky high unless you have a garden.

    It's harder to shave bony knees than fat ones. lol Also, I hate how my bony knees touch each other when I sleep on my side.

    Fat feet are prettier than bony, skinny ones. Mine remind me of Madonna's hands. Eww

    You'll have a lot more energy and your family will think you're having a midlife crisis. One even accused me of having adhd! I just move more because my skinny butt can't sit as long AND I exercise more.

    Gas. Healthy food makes a lot of it. <sigh> Although I shall never admit that I fart, Beano is my new friend.

    I can't perch my morning cup of coffee on top of my belly anymore. It's gone (the belly) and I'm glad, but I hate using a table. lol

    The plastic toilet lid doesn't cave in when you get under 150lbs. Yayy!

    While I'm on the topic of bathrooms, I might as well add it's easier to wipe! While I'm in the shower, I can now see my feet AND wrap myself in a towel that actually covers me and doesn't fall off. :)

    People will be jealous of your weight loss. I hate that. I'm always happy when someone gets healthier. Also, no one wants to hear you talk about what you eat, what you don't eat, what exercise you did, how many cals you burned during your awesome 2 hour workout, your MFPals or what clothes you can now fit into. You also have to say it's a LIFESTYLE, not a diet or they all yell at you when you eat pizza or anything else that isn't a pile of carrots and celery!

    You can beat your dog up the stairs. woohoooo That was one of my favs until I tripped over her while running (not up the stairs) and broke my foot. :(

    I can feel my collar bones under the seat belt in my car.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I find I feel cold all the time, now that I've lost my fat coat.
    I agree with this one...until I have a hotflash, then I rip my clothes off.