Being Deleted/Deleting Friends



  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    I'll delete people just to get my FL to a multiple of 5.

    I like it when mine adds up to 7.

    And I've had people delete me MINUTES after I accept their request. It happens. Can't let it get to you.

    I've actually deleted someone a minute after accepting their request because their profile may be private. I take a looksie and if I don't like it, BAM DELETE.

    But I would never do that to you. :flowerforyou:
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    Too laid back and chilled to worry over something as menial as this...

    Am I the only one picturing you with a blunt in your left hand and a PBR in the right?
  • AReasor
    AReasor Posts: 355 Member
    I lost some friends while I was away for a bit.

    I had to delete a 110lbs. 19 yr old who posted 10 times a day about making her thighs look leaner and saying she is ugly.
  • 2boypeas
    What are the prerequisites for having friends on Mfp?
    I'm pretty new, and have read so varying requirements that
    I'm unsure sure of what is needed.

    Is logging my intake mandatory? I do log, but I've been using
    an app I'm more comfortable with.

    Anyone care to help out a new person?
  • ksemien
    ksemien Posts: 133 Member
    I'm quite sure I have been deleted, but haven't noticed. I delete people for a variety of reasons (inactive mainly). If I disagree w/ something like a 1000 calorie burn in 30 minutes then I just don't comment. I can't say awesome, wtg, when I am pretty sure that was some apps over estimation, but to each his/her own. I won't delete them because their calorie burn is bogus or I don't see eye to eye with their way of health, but pure inactivity will get you gone.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I don't like denying friend requests. I don't like deleting from my list. But I'll delete people off my list if they're inactive and I'm out of room.

    And I've deleted a few who were looking to be super-skinny while eating under 1000 calories a day and burning off another 1000.
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    I delete people all the time for a variety of reasons. In all honesty, wearing too many clothes is reason enough.

    Dammit! And here I thought flip flops and a thong was minimalistic! Guess I'll lose the thong. ;) LOL
  • RocketsGirl
    RocketsGirl Posts: 346 Member
    I have been deleted and I have deleted people.

    I can't say why people deleted me but it maybe for some of the same reasons that I delete people:

    1. I find them creepy/annoying/whiney/boring/etc
    2. my personality just does not click with theirs
    3. their attention whoring gets to be just too too much

    Bottom line is the main reason that I delete people is personality. I use this sight the way that I choose to use it, which is what I find helpful for my success. This does not always work with some people. I am not a constant cheerleader and I am not on the sight a whole lot. I don't need a constant cheerleader. These are things that just don't work well with everyone. Like I said people use the sight the way that works best for them.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I have deleted people and been deleted.
    I actually do not even know WHO deleted me, so I guess they were not that important.

    I have deleted for mostly eating like 300 cals a day.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I had one person delete me after 3 days. Oh well. I recently deleted people due to inactivity and/or zero interaction. I like to interact with friends and get feedback, but I don't seem to have this.

    Edited to say: I don't mean inactivity for a few days or not talking to me each day. I mean someone who never speaks to me even after I reach out several times. Someone who hasn't logged in for a month. There were a few people who I saw that didn't log in for a while and I tried to get a hold of them. Some logged back in and started tracking again and others continued being inactive.
  • happypath101
    Boundaries are good. Just saying! :O)

    (I have deleted people for drama, e.g. constant posts about the crazy ex. If it's not about being healthy; I don't want to immerse myself in it. Not here at least. It's only been twice and it's been something I've watched for a while before I took action. I never said anything; I have no idea if they missed me.)
  • shaleasymphony
    shaleasymphony Posts: 172 Member
    i delete people who havent logged in for awhile. 3 days ehh thats ok. but when i see you havent logged in for 25 days, that shows me you're not serious. i only want serious friends that can help me and encourage me and for me to encourage them.

    i also deleted someone who complained that they were sooooo fat because she weighed in at 107. her goal was to be under 100 lbs and she wasn't a super short girl. sorry but thats rude to others who 2 or 3 times your size to say you're fat at 107 and your not making the healthy desicion by trying to be under 100 lbs....

    but thats me though
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I delete people if they go missing for over a week or if they are not active on MFP. I figure we are all here for the same reason and if my "friends" arent supportive, then they dont need to be my friend so they get deleted

    I guess one cannot take a vacation and stay on your FL! lol
  • tpittsley77
    tpittsley77 Posts: 607 Member
    I was once deleted by this one girl because I disagreed with her opinion. She felt mfp needed a like button. I told her that I categorically disagreed. I detest the like button, as it impersonalizes life in general. She unfriended me for that. On the plus side, one of her friends sent me a friend request because he also dislikes the like button. And that has been a fabulous friendship. So win win for me!
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Been deleted by one person right after accepting their FR - shook my head and went on. Deleted two myself, one for starting to ask me inappropriate questions (my profile specifically mentions I'm married!) and one for FRing me when I first started and then disappearing (after 2 months of absence it's safe to say she isn't that into MFP).

    It's probably better to have 5 friends who work the site than 100 friends of sketchy dedication. My opinion only of course. :wink:
  • Onaughmae
    Onaughmae Posts: 873 Member
    I have probably been deleted and just never even noticed it. I dont delete often...every now and them I will go through my list and if someone has been a no show for over a month then I will delete them. Thats the only reason I have had so far though.
  • TinaBaily
    TinaBaily Posts: 792 Member
    I have deleted a few MFP folks from my friends list and this is why:

    #1 reached out to me to be a friend, but never once commented to me about anything, nor responded to any of my encouragements, and this person's profile was completely private. In case you think I'm a snob, these encouragements are always positive comments such as "fantastic weight loss", "wonderful workout today", or even comments that are a question, to help build on the "friendship" here, like "wow, that sounds like it was hard, how do you feel today?" I got nothing, so after a month of this person not even signing in, I removed them from my friends list.

    The others I have deleted were those who hadn't signed on to MFP in over a month with no reasons for the absence given, such as vacation, sick, whatever. I honestly need friends who are active here and will be mutually supportive. I don't want a ton of friends, but a good handful or two of the kind of folks who will care enough to comment here and there, who will respond to my comments from time to time, and even write a message back and forth once in a while.

    I also never just dropped any of these people out of the blue. I wrote to them, inquiring politely if they were okay and that I missed seeing them here on MFP. I commented on their walls that I missed seeing them and hoped they return soon.
  • MollyKid
    Good for you!
  • ajohn252
    I deleted everyone I had on here just a few
    nights ago actually. I re-realized this is for
    weight loss and not another stupid social media
    site. Lord knows we don't need any more of those.