How much weight does it take to feel/see a difference?



  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Question to those of you that have lost-how long did it take or how many pounds until you could feel and see a difference in your body? I've had this for a year, but only ever did anything on and off until last month when I finally decided to get serious about weight loss. I've lost 9lbs thus far and I've been both monitoring my diet and exercising, but I'm not feeling any leaner at all. In fact, I feel heavier and more disgusted by my body now than I have in the past. Thoughts? Suggestions? Maybe I need to do more strength exercises and tone as well? I'm just really not sure, so any advice from someone with more information on this would be appreciated :]

    Feel free to also add me and help me critique what I'm eating and the exercises I'm doing. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong. I just want to feel GOOD about the weight coming off, not worse.

    i could tell by 10 #'s that my face looked slimmer.. and now at 21# diff ( lost 21#'s in 10wks on mfp!) i can def see a diff in my face (even more) and my waist and all around.. I didnt measure.. ugh shoulda.. but I was busting out of my size 18's and now fit comfy in 16 and even fit into a stretch/comfy fit 14!!! peeps are noticing and it feels great ! (my profile pic in red shirt is me at start of mfp and right side of pic (darker shirt) is last wk...
    i track every day.. stay on target.. workout every day burning minimum of 300 cals.. and closer to 500-700 and do some strenght training too!!... keep at it.. it pays off... you might just be really LOOKING at your body now and seeing it for first time almost.. vs b4 when not loosing wt.. if that makes sense.. but 9 pounds is an awesome start.. stay motivated!!!!
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    Question to those of you that have lost-how long did it take or how many pounds until you could feel and see a difference in your body? I've had this for a year, but only ever did anything on and off until last month when I finally decided to get serious about weight loss. I've lost 9lbs thus far and I've been both monitoring my diet and exercising, but I'm not feeling any leaner at all. In fact, I feel heavier and more disgusted by my body now than I have in the past. Thoughts? Suggestions? Maybe I need to do more strength exercises and tone as well? I'm just really not sure, so any advice from someone with more information on this would be appreciated :]

    Feel free to also add me and help me critique what I'm eating and the exercises I'm doing. Maybe that's where I'm going wrong. I just want to feel GOOD about the weight coming off, not worse.

    i could tell by 10 #'s that my face looked slimmer.. and now at 21# diff ( lost 21#'s in 10wks on mfp!) i can def see a diff in my face (even more) and my waist and all around.. I didnt measure.. ugh shoulda.. but I was busting out of my size 18's and now fit comfy in 16 and even fit into a stretch/comfy fit 14!!! peeps are noticing and it feels great ! (my profile pic in red shirt is me at start of mfp and right side of pic (darker shirt) is last wk...
    i track every day.. stay on target.. workout every day burning minimum of 300 cals.. and closer to 500-700 and do some strenght training too!!... keep at it.. it pays off... you might just be really LOOKING at your body now and seeing it for first time almost.. vs b4 when not loosing wt.. if that makes sense.. but 9 pounds is an awesome start.. stay motivated!!!!

    You're probably right. I may be wayyy more critical of my body now than I've ever been. I think before I just accepted I was heavy and now I want to make a difference and I want to see it right away. I need to learn patience lol. But that's awesome how much you've lost already, congrats! I've been tracking everyday and sticking around 1200 cals (except on weekends :/ ) and trying to exercise daily, but it's sometimes a lot and sometimes a little. Haven't been doing strength training at all though. I think I'll try to add that in too. I definitely notice the flabby areas of my body now. Cannot wait for those to be gone!!
  • Hang in there, 9 lbs is a significant weight loss and don't be too critical of yourself. I have lost just over 20 this year and went swimming for the 1st time in 18 months last night. I checked myself out in the mirror as I walked to the pool and there was definitely a big difference. I didn't feel that self-conscious at all though I still have a long way to go to get to my real ideal weight. There is no way I would have entered a pool a few months back. It was a significant day for me.

    I think there is a continual danger of not being satisfied until people have reached their ideal weight. I say enjoy the journey and all the little steps along the way. Celebrate losing a pound, it's a much bigger deal than gaining one. All those little celebrations will add up to something of real worth in the end. I also read a quote on here last night which I really liked. It said something like "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"

    Also the whole half full/half empty glass scenario is worth exploring. I was well on track yesterday after my evening swim to be well under my calorie goal for the day. I was chuffed as it was a big day particularly as I got back in the pool for the 1st time. The rest of the evening for reasons I won't bore people with was a nightmare. I ended up snacking 500 calories and missed my target by 37 calories. I'm still celebrating as only a few weeks ago the stress of last night would have resulted in several pints at my local pub followed by a takeout curry. That would have been at least 1500 calories. I actually started walking to the pub, did a quick reality check, turned round a and came home. My glass couldn't be more full but it would be so easy to see it as half empty if I chose to.
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    Hang in there, 9 lbs is a significant weight loss and don't be too critical of yourself. I have lost just over 20 this year and went swimming for the 1st time in 18 months last night. I checked myself out in the mirror as I walked to the pool and there was definitely a big difference. I didn't feel that self-conscious at all though I still have a long way to go to get to my real ideal weight. There is no way I would have entered a pool a few months back. It was a significant day for me.

    I think there is a continual danger of not being satisfied until people have reached their ideal weight. I say enjoy the journey and all the little steps along the way. Celebrate losing a pound, it's a much bigger deal than gaining one. All those little celebrations will add up to something of real worth in the end. I also read a quote on here last night which I really liked. It said something like "Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"

    Also the whole half full/half empty glass scenario is worth exploring. I was well on track yesterday after my evening swim to be well under my calorie goal for the day. I was chuffed as it was a big day particularly as I got back in the pool for the 1st time. The rest of the evening for reasons I won't bore people with was a nightmare. I ended up snacking 500 calories and missed my target by 37 calories. I'm still celebrating as only a few weeks ago the stress of last night would have resulted in several pints at my local pub followed by a takeout curry. That would have been at least 1500 calories. I actually started walking to the pub, did a quick reality check, turned round a and came home. My glass couldn't be more full but it would be so easy to see it as half empty if I chose to.

    That makes a lot of sense. Congrats on accomplishing a milestone for yourself, that's awesome. Definitely looking forward to feeling better about being in a bathing suit, but luckily for me it's freezing here so I've got awhile before I'll have that chance again. It takes a LOT of willpower to not indulge, something I'll continuously be working on, that's for certain. And even more so when life gets rocky. I need to not be an emotional drinker. If ever there were a culprit for my weight gain, it's likely the booze. At least I've noticed that from my tracking, so that helps to know where it's coming from most. Now to overcome it!!
  • 1Fizzle
    1Fizzle Posts: 241 Member
    Taking measurements is something I wish I had done at the beginning of my journey. I have to wear suits to work daily, when I first started I had suits that I couldn't even button the jackets, and now they are so loose that they are literally falling off of me. Even though the scale was going down, I couldn't see the "newer me" by just looking. Good luck to you in your journey! Patience and consistency are key!
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    Taking measurements is something I wish I had done at the beginning of my journey. I have to wear suits to work daily, when I first started I had suits that I couldn't even button the jackets, and now they are so loose that they are literally falling off of me. Even though the scale was going down, I couldn't see the "newer me" by just looking. Good luck to you in your journey! Patience and consistency are key!

    That seems to be the general opinion of everyone. So glad I asked. I honestly didn't think about doing measurements at all, but I think I'll start when I do my weigh ins too. So in case I don't see anything just from looking, maybe I'll start to believe it if the measurements AND the scale say so.
  • wendymaci
    wendymaci Posts: 61 Member
    Measurements are good but I'm a very visual person and I needed to see results. I didn't see any when looking in the mirror so I took new pics and this is what I saw. It was the motivation to keep going this was only 14lbs different first pic at 174 second was 160.

    I can see less back fat, a more defined waist and a shrinking muffin top!!!

    OK trying this again

    Before Pic at 174

    Last week at 160
  • wendymaci
    wendymaci Posts: 61 Member
    Finally got it to work.
  • peuglow
    peuglow Posts: 684 Member
    Take pictures. I started noticing around the 15 lb mark, but the measurements were clear long before that.
  • alisha1321
    alisha1321 Posts: 39 Member
    I think it depends on how much you weigh. Some people it takes about 15-30 pounds. When I was really heavy it wasn't til I lost 30 pounds. Measurements are a great thing. You will get excited when you see the inches being trimmed off around your waist and hips..... try that.
  • alisha1321
    alisha1321 Posts: 39 Member
    you can really see the difference in your pictures.... looks great! Good job!
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    Measurements are good but I'm a very visual person and I needed to see results. I didn't see any when looking in the mirror so I took new pics and this is what I saw. It was the motivation to keep going this was only 14lbs different first pic at 174 second was 160.

    I can see less back fat, a more defined waist and a shrinking muffin top!!!

    OK trying this again

    Before Pic at 174

    Last week at 160

    Work blocks EVERYTHING, so I can't see your pics, but I'm going to start trying these too :] Congrats on your loss!!
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    Take pictures. I started noticing around the 15 lb mark, but the measurements were clear long before that.

    I think I'll do both pics and measurements. The scale says I'm down, I just don't feel like I look any smaller. Maybe pics will help with that.
  • missmacsays
    missmacsays Posts: 681 Member
    I think it depends on how much you weigh. Some people it takes about 15-30 pounds. When I was really heavy it wasn't til I lost 30 pounds. Measurements are a great thing. You will get excited when you see the inches being trimmed off around your waist and hips..... try that.

    That's a good point. I know I have a lot to lose and quite honestly, I don't know what I'd look like not heavy because I've literally been heavier my whole life pretty much. I'm excited to start seeing the differences for sure!!