So...My mom died.



  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    Welcome!!! Good luck on your weight loss journey!
  • butlerangelia
    butlerangelia Posts: 10 Member
    i too am very sorry about your mom's passing. am very glad you see this as a wake up call though. use this terrible event as motivation. i didn't know her, but as a mom i know i hate seeing my daughter living in ways i know are unhealthy. she is not overweight, but she is a smoker (at 22) and i, like you work in the healthcare field and see daily people that have medical problems that are for the most part-preventable. this site really helps me keep track of my calories/carbs etc. i tried to do the same thinking, i don't really need to right it down, i can follow it on my own. nope, doesn't work that way. i try to enter foods in before i actually eat them and if they are too high, i reevaluate the decision and maybe make a different choice. don't restrict yourself from everything, just make better choices. again, use your mother as motivation. i'm sure she's proud watching you from above and anything that can give you motivation and willpower is a positive. keep it up!! you have many tools to reach your goal out there, and many of them are right here on this site. learn how to use them all to your advantage. good luck!
  • jaehilgers
    Wow! What am amazing story you have. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm impressed and inspired that you are ready to fight the fight.
    I lost my mom suddenly when she was 69. She was my very best friend. I really let myself go after she passed. I still miss her terribly every day and it has been 2 years now. But I realized that not taking care of myself was not going to change the fact that she was gone.
    Now my goal is to just be the best I can be for my Lord, my family, and me :)
    YOU CAN DO THIS!!! It is a daily battle but the results are soooooooooo worth it!
  • paul1batler
    paul1batler Posts: 10 Member
    So sorry to here about your mom , im sure you meet your goals bet you look fab girl when your daughters wedding comes , go for it girl and good look ,

    best regards

    Paul from England
  • MommaT07
    MommaT07 Posts: 2 Member
    I am sorry to hear of your loss. I walk in your footsteps--I lost my mom three years ago so I understand that pain--I have been plus size all my life. I continuously had struggle with the weight. When I loss my mom I decided I needed to make a change. I started with Weight Watchers which did help me but became expensive. Was 330 now 267 and still trying to go down. I have committed to exercising 5 days a week with a minimum of 1 hour. "i control what goes in my mind and my mouth my body is my temple." I say this prayer every morning and before I put anything in my mouth. Let's keep each other encouraged. You can add me if you like.:smile:
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    Welcome! I'm fairly new here and a friend turned me onto this site. It was 5 years this past February when my dad died and my downhill slide began. My turning point was getting the courage to step on a scale and then being horrified at the number. I can honestly say that after 30 days today being here, it's been one of the best decisions of my life!

    I find that if I log everything and I mean everything and stop lying to myself that I can achieve my goals. I have 100+ to lose but after meeting my new friends and reading all the success stories and seeing the pics, I believe for the first time in a long time that I can do this. You may have to give up some foods or limit them, but everything in moderation is my key. Stick close to the calorie goal and don't go too far below too many times and you'll do great. I don't exercise a ton, but I do get on my stationary bike (which is so much easier on my knees) from time to time and after doing that I find that I want to get moving a little more.

    Another key is that if you have a setback, for example overeating at a meal, don't give up. Start again with the next meal you eat. If you log what you are eating and measuring/weighing, you'll do much better than if you don't log your food.

    Good luck with your journey. Send a friend request if you like :)
  • pageantgal99
    WOW. I am reading this thinking, " that is me". I am 31 yrs old and just lost my mom this past year at the age of 59.
    She was very sick and had several several health issues. My mom was never a skinny person, nor was she over weight. I always thought she was kinda "average". But the last time she was admitted to the hospital, the doctors told me she was not receiving enough nutrition. I thought "thats crazy, I live with this woman and make sure she eats every day and every meal" but what I didn't relize was her picky eating habits had caused her to not get the proper amounts of what she needed to stay healthy or at least healthier.
    I am trying to learn from this, not only walking and being more active but trying to eat better, more healthy and more variety.
    I am sorry for your loss and wish you the best with your goals. God bless :)
  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    So sorry for your loss. I am glad you found this place and are taking the steps towards a happier, healthier you. This is a great day with a lot of wonderful inspiring people.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I am so sorry for your loss, but having something as terrible as the loss of someone you love from a preventable condition or disease is often enough to jolt you back into reality.
    Many others made comments that kids are so used to everything being 'super-sized' that they would, of course, feel like they were starving. It was then, that I realized my main issue. My 'normal' meals have become so far off the norm that my body doesn't recognize what a normal portion size is!

    This is EXACTLY how I was. I started at 218 with a BMI of 33.1, well into obesity. Before I got pregnant, I was down to 176. 42 lbs of excess weight gone. I felt amazing. After the baby comes, I'll get right back on track.

    You CAN do this. Just remember to eat well, but not too much, and work your butt off. Think of your mom as inspiration every single day, especially on days when you don't feel like doing anything.
  • debjae
    debjae Posts: 242
    You can add me as a friend. I am sorry for your loss.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    So sorry for your loss. So impressed by your resolve. You can do it. Thanks for sharing your story and your strength.

  • MsKsJayhawk
    I was so saddened to read about the loss of your mother as it brought back memories of my mother's passing. I am encouraged by your decision to move forward and change your life and become more healthy. Your writing has helped me, today, to resolve to keep on the path of changing my way of eating so that I will be around to see my two baby granddaughters grow up, graduate and get married. You are on your way to being healthy and having a much more fulfilling life!
  • LovePBandJ
    LovePBandJ Posts: 288 Member
    I cannot imagine your pain. I am so sorry.

    But know that you are turning that pain into good. Welcome to MFP. Spend HOURS looking at the Success Stories on the Community page when you need the motivation. Read the blogs of others who have walked in your very shoes. You do not win the prize for having the most to lose around this site. You are among friends and peers.

    Get rid of your excuses. They are wall to your success. Knees, hours, desk job - we all have 'em. We all have to find ways around them. There is always a way. There is ALWAYS a way.

    The road is bumpy. At times it feels like there is more frustration than success. You will want to quit. You will want to sooth yourself with food. Have a plan for these bumpy times. Reach out to your new MFP friends. They will support you! Write yourself a letter today, while you are motivated and determined, to read some other day when you hit a bump in the road.

    These walls and bumps are what stand between you and your success. Arm yourself now.

    Most importantly, take a picture and measurements now. Your heart will swell with pride and strength when you take pictures a month from now. You can see your hard work paying off.

    I am so proud of you for reaching out and making this stand! Bottle that enthusiasm!

    Oh, and add a picture of yourself. We love to see smiling faces!
  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    Sorry to hear of your mother's passing. There is a blessing she left you though. You have the clarity and courage to change your life. Congratulations on that! You can friend me if you would like. I have a small but great group of friends. I like keeping it small. We encourage one another and direct one another when needed.

  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    A prayer for you and your dear Mom.

    O God, who hast commanded us to honor our father and our mother; in Thy mercy have pity on the soul of my mother, and forgive her her trespasses; and make me to see her again in the joy of everlasting brightness. Through Christ our Lord Amen

    You can do this. You will live a healthy long life and be the example for your children and grandchildren. My sister is a nurse and spends hours on her feet. She found riding her bike was her way to a healthy lifestyle. Plus there are so many reuse of old railroad tracks turned into bike and jogging trails she can ride for hours. Bring a basket she gathers blackberries on the side of the trails.

    So deeply sorry for your loss. If you would like to add me as a friend please do. But I am hard core. If you do not sign in for a week I delete you :) Accountability it helps.

    God Bless you
  • MimaMia
    As with so many people here. I am so touched by your story... admire you for opening up to us all and letting us into your life. Well done for you for coming through such a difficult time in your life, your mom would have been so proud of you right now. WElcome to MFP, there is so much support and motivation on here... make use of it when you feel you need it.
  • CoolestNecessity
    Welcome to the most supportive community anywhere! I highly recommend listening to Renee Stephens' podcasts called Inside Out Weight Loss. They have helped make my journey easier, and helped me understand why I haven't succeeded at weight loss in the past. Find them at

    Friend request sent!
  • jackiebo
    jackiebo Posts: 115 Member
    Your post was beautifully written and showed a lot of insight. Feel free to friend me, make your food diary public, do a lot of reading on nutrition and the behavioral changes you need to make. It's not easy, there are bumps along the road, but if you are committed and educated, you can do it. Best of luck to you!

  • brendaj39
    brendaj39 Posts: 375 Member
    feel free to add me, I'm sorry to hear of your mothers passing, My Mom passed away on August 1 of this year, from cancer...its been hard to accept...
    what an inspiring story and i'm proud of you to change your lifestyle and your goal can be reached, you can do it! She will help you!!!
  • CoolestNecessity
    Start real slow on the exercise because of your knee... just do 5 or 10 minutes of walking maybe when you first wake up, then when you get home from work. Doesn't have to be much to start getting more flexible and stronger. =) Hang in there! YOU CAN DO IT!