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Weird things nobody tells you about losing weight



  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    I laughed so hard when I read this. I have been working out 6 days a week for months. One day I am riding down the road and I noticed a lump in my forearm. I was like "what the heck is that", looked at my other arm and there was another lump... it's called a muscle. Duh!!!
  • mscolleen2003
    mscolleen2003 Posts: 126 Member
    Congrats on the 250 weight loss. Good for you.
  • vcorbin01
    vcorbin01 Posts: 130 Member
    I've noticed a lot of changes...

    #1 My engagement ring is loose. When my fiance had first purchased it, It fit very snug - NOW - it almost falls off on it's own. I'm getting that ajusted once I get the last 19 lbs off

    #2 I discovered not only my collar bones again, but I'm discovering bones right below my collar bones. At first I was freaking out asking my mom if I should be concerned. Then after while it dawned on me...they were covered by fat and I couldn't see them. Now I'm loving it because it looks healthy not sick.

    #3 I've also noticed since my arms and shoulders are starting to shrink that I'm seeing more definition and it's giving my body more of a femine look rather than a bulky football player look.

    #4 My legs are shrinking which I absolutely never thought could be possible.

    #5 I can see my two dimples on my lower back...haven't seen those cuties since high school swimming =D

    #6 Cold all the time!! EEEKKK but so worth the benefits!!!

    #7 My hip bones have once again been discovered.

    I could think of a million more things to mention, but bottom line is....it's so worth every sweat, tear, and pain in the end. I couldn't imagine going back to the "old" me and I won't! We all sooooooo got this!!!!!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    What I didn't anticpate...it's a total mindf*uck and people are just plain nicer to you when you aren't fat.

    YES! I tried to explain this to people when I lost weight the first time, and people said it was in my head, but it is NOT. People started being nicer to me, talking to me more, holding doors for me, etc.

    That's sad; however there could be other factors at work here.

    You werent happy with your weight so you went on a diet and achieved your goal! It makes sense then that you are proud of yourself, more confident, happier, maybe more attractive, more approachable

    It makes total sense that people are more likely to open doors for smiling, attractive, confident women than they are for shy, sad, women who don't want to be noticed and don't want to be approached

    I'll hold a door open for anyone, male or female; however, someone following 20 or 30 yards away - yeah I think I'd wait for the women with a big beaming smile and a spring in her step. You werent happy with how you looked so do you think that was you?
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    I bashed my ankle against a chair leg yesterday. OOOOWWWWW. Bloody bones! Also, my knees press together quite painfully when I lie down in bed - I put a fleecy blanket between them (I'm so sexy).
  • ravengirl1611
    ravengirl1611 Posts: 285 Member
    I am soooo glad I found this post - I was starting to think I was imagining things, like my shoes being looser. The one I've noticed most is I have cheekbones again!!! I smile a whole lot more. The extra energy is amazing. The being cold all the time SUCKS!!!! I work on a construction site and I keep driving the guys nuts turning the heat up in the office. Looking forward to some of the other things people have mentioned. Keep up the good work everyone!!!!
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    The one I've noticed most is I have cheekbones again!!! I smile a whole lot more. The extra energy is amazing.

    Exactly my point about people being nicer to you when you lost weight. A few mentioned that they had noticed this.

    Could it be though, that like ravengirl - you're smiling more, which meakes you more approachable and receptive to attention?
  • To keep your ring on you might could try a ring adjuster. I have a friend with really tiny fingers and she has to use it to keep her engagement ring on. http://www.amazon.com/Ring-Snuggies-Original-Adjusters-Assorted/dp/B0014DGXU8
  • camy_chick
    camy_chick Posts: 277 Member
    i didn't read through all the posts but so far for me it's just the clothes thing....even though i did discover that when i was down about 1/5th of the weight, i was able to sit indian style agian.

    go to like wal-mart, maybe jcp or target have them too, but i know wal-mart - RING SIZERS - it's a little piece of plastic(you can usually get multi-packs with different sizes). you just put it on your ring, and it adjusts the size for you.........and best of all THEY ARE CLEAR! i used those back when i first got my original engagement ring.....WORKED WONDERS!!
  • TheNewDodge
    TheNewDodge Posts: 607 Member
    I had to start playing soccer so chicks would stop hitting on me.

    How does playing soccer make chicks not hit on you? If anything, I would think they would hit on you more because now you are an athlete/jock...

    The presumption of sexual orientation of soccer players in America...
  • Me too on the rings! My wedding ring is now perilously loose, and I've only lost 20 lbs since my wedding two years ago. Money is tight so I haven't been able to resize it and I already lost it once in the snow this past winter and (miraculously) found it a week later when things thawed out. I'm thinking of wraping it in string or something so I can at least keep it on my finger!

    To keep your ring on you might could try a ring adjuster. I have a friend with really tiny fingers and she has to use it to keep her engagement ring on. http://www.amazon.com/Ring-Snuggies-Original-Adjusters-Assorted/dp/B0014DGXU8
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I had to start playing soccer so chicks would stop hitting on me.

    How does playing soccer make chicks not hit on you? If anything, I would think they would hit on you more because now you are an athlete/jock...

    The presumption of sexual orientation of soccer players in America...

    Yeah because David Beckham sure struggles to get female attention sice joining MLS!
  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
  • NorthwestPA
    NorthwestPA Posts: 63 Member
    I had to move the seat setting in my car because my belly is not rubbing on the wheel. My foot now sits on the peddle not just the toes.
  • mell6355
    mell6355 Posts: 171 Member
    Me too on the rings! My wedding ring is now perilously loose, and I've only lost 20 lbs since my wedding two years ago. Money is tight so I haven't been able to resize it and I already lost it once in the snow this past winter and (miraculously) found it a week later when things thawed out. I'm thinking of wraping it in string or something so I can at least keep it on my finger!

    I put a bandaid on my rings when they are too loose, it is softer on my fingers, string wears through, and I get sores using anything else! I have had to size my wedding ring 3 times through pregnancy and the original fitting, she is getting a little thin!
  • itsjustdawn
    itsjustdawn Posts: 1,073 Member
    I found out I had an extra bone in my foot. I had been overweight so long that when I started losing, I lost from ankles, feet, and face first. I have a weird protrusion on my feet that turned out to be an extra bone according to my dr. Never knew.

    I found out a month ago that I have an extra muscle in my right foot. Weird!
  • I noticed that my hips don't touch the side of the bath anymore... this I like as I can move quite comfortably in the bath now without causing a tidalwave :)
  • high5girl
    high5girl Posts: 90 Member
    That's pretty hilarious b/c it happened to me as well! I thought there was something wrong with my side - was even having my hubby feel it. Then we realized it was my ribs lol.... I haven't felt those before :)
  • triinityz
    triinityz Posts: 146 Member
    I'm all about feeling muscles and ribs I didn't know I had, but what pisses me off is stuff that seems to sag more now. Boobs/tummy/butt... I've read things about skin can take a year to firm up and I haven't even really lost that much to have these issues so it just makes me mad (at myself for getting fat to being with!)
  • nevertoolate2
    nevertoolate2 Posts: 309 Member
    I can dance in ways that embarrass my daughter much more than my fat waddle and all without thinking I will need to replace my knees.

    My balance is so much better!
  • M_on_a_Mission
    M_on_a_Mission Posts: 67 Member
    This is a fun thread! I'm only down a few pounds since starting about 3 1/2 weeks ago so I'm looking forward to more of the changes that you have experienced. I have noticed that my rings are looser. I can actually get my anniversary band off without running my hand under water. The next goal will be my wedding ring. The fact that I will be able to get it off at all will be a NSV. The biggest surprise so far was yesterday. I have generally found it depressing to look at myself in the bathroom mirror but yesterday I actually saw ribs again. WooHoo! More motivation. Great job everyone!!
  • dadzpeach
    dadzpeach Posts: 174 Member
    You won't be "instantly happy" when you lose weight. Depending on the person, you may not feel much better about yourself, and your eating may be more disordered than when you were heavy!

    Tell me about it, I've become depressed. I'm not even near my goal weight, but I am getting more attention from guys, because apparently I am "gorgeous" now. What was I before??

    I guess it's stupid, but I still feel weird about it
  • I actually notice flaws in my body more now that I am trying so hard to change it. I look at myself and think I lost 20lbs from where and think omg my thighs are huge.:noway: I knew I was over weight but not this badly. But I to have lost a shoe size and my rings are to big.
  • VanillaBone
    VanillaBone Posts: 119 Member
    People don't move out of the way like they used to; when walking into the kitchen (a pretty small space) the kids would instinctively scatter like little fishes to avoid being bonked in the head by Mom's butt or hips.

    I still expect to have that buffer, but it's not there anymore so I find myself threading through crowds, instead of forging a path. This became even more obvious earlier this year when the husband and I went out for a night festival. I had to walk behind him to avoid being squished!
  • RLDeShazo
    RLDeShazo Posts: 356 Member
    I had to start playing soccer so chicks would stop hitting on me.

    How does playing soccer make chicks not hit on you? If anything, I would think they would hit on you more because now you are an athlete/jock...

    The presumption of sexual orientation of soccer players in America...

    Really? I know quite a few guys who play soccer, and none of them are gay. Never heard that one before.
  • AmoreCouture
    AmoreCouture Posts: 255 Member
    -I had to adjust the driver seat closer to the steering wheel. Less cushioning made me sit further back in the seat, so my feet couldn't reach the peddles as well.
    -Another one is stretch marks look a lot smaller and less visible. Because I was heavier, my skin was pulled more taught, and they appeared bigger and darker due to being stretched.
    JIGGLYbellyPUFF Posts: 81 Member
    What I didn't anticpate...it's a total mindf*uck and people are just plain nicer to you when you aren't fat.

    YES! I tried to explain this to people when I lost weight the first time, and people said it was in my head, but it is NOT. People started being nicer to me, talking to me more, holding doors for me, etc.

    That's sad; however there could be other factors at work here.

    You werent happy with your weight so you went on a diet and achieved your goal! It makes sense then that you are proud of yourself, more confident, happier, maybe more attractive, more approachable

    It makes total sense that people are more likely to open doors for smiling, attractive, confident women than they are for shy, sad, women who don't want to be noticed and don't want to be approached

    I'll hold a door open for anyone, male or female; however, someone following 20 or 30 yards away - yeah I think I'd wait for the women with a big beaming smile and a spring in her step. You werent happy with how you looked so do you think that was you?

    The one exception, hooters waitresses ignore our table now. I'm in SoCal so there are locations everywhere. When I was heavier they used to treat us like any other table coming over, being super nice and flirty with the guys in the table (not knocking them, that's why that place exists) but now that I'm "hot" (....weird...) they tend to ignore our table and we get ****ty service often (jokes on them, I'm a fabulous tipper on the rare occasion that we get somebody that actually waits on our table). TOOOOTALLY worth it tho! Besides, their food sucks. Big Wangs is where it's at for hotwings!

    edit: typo.
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
  • TXtstorm
    TXtstorm Posts: 163 Member
    Had a similar moment a couple of weeks ago. In the dark, laying on my back in the bed, knees drawn up, and one hand resting on my thigh. Talking to my husband when all of the sudden I catch myself thinking, "That feels weird!" I started kinda patting and squeezing my leg when it hit me... my leg felt different because I'd started getting regular exercise and the muscle was firmer, plus the weight I was losing meant there was not so much fat over top of the muscle. It didn't even feel like my leg. So much leaner! Still have a significant pad of fat on the inner thigh, but it was nice to notice the difference!
  • -I had to adjust the driver seat closer to the steering wheel. Less cushioning made me sit further back in the seat, so my feet couldn't reach the peddles as well.

    I am super short so I had to sit all the way forward to drive and my stomach would touch the steering wheel not anymore there is a very nice gap. Haha I even pushed out my belly the other day to see if it would touch and didn't lol!
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