
  • mom2mini
    mom2mini Posts: 19 Member
    I am in! Would love to join you ladies - I want to make sure I look great for when I see my family again (moving across country DID NOT do pretty things to my body. Can't even fit into the pants I wore last xmas!) SW=114.3, GW=105ish (I am not too concerned about a goal weight. I just want my body fat % to go down. Also, it will probably take longer than Xmas to get here lol)

    For those doing the challenge too, feel free to add me ya'll!
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
  • I do enjoy a challenge,

    Today 238
    Goal 215
  • Dinah93
    Dinah93 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm in, fallen off the wagon the last few days as my daughter went into hospital, but I need not to loose focus now she's out.

    CW: 144
    Christmas GW: 125lbs
  • Zamba74
    Zamba74 Posts: 65 Member
    Start weight - 172.5lbs
    Goal weight - 158

    08 /10/ 2012 -
    22 /10 /2012 -
    05 /11/ 2012 -
    19 /11/ 2012 -
    03 /12/ 2012 -
    17 /12 /2012 -
    24 /12/ 2012
  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member

    CW: 155
    GW: 145

    I think this should be enough weight loss for me to fit back into my skinny jeans... which would be the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER!
  • dschill522
    dschill522 Posts: 1 Member
    What a great idea and I need the push!

    SW: 155 lb
    GW: 140 lb

    Let's do this!!!
  • chrhcrtr
    chrhcrtr Posts: 2 Member
    I'm late to this party, but I am IN:

    Start weight - (163 lbs)
    Goal weight - (148 lbs)

    10/8/2012 -
    10/22/2012 -
    11/5/2012 -
    11/19/2012 -
    12/3/2012 -
    12/17/2012 -
    12/24/2012 -

    Why is there a Ben and Jerry's ad next to this while I'm typing?? *kitten*.
  • Count me in!!! Love this

    Start weight - 246
    Goal weight - 225( Hoping for more but want to be realistic)

    10/8/2012 -
    10/22/2012 -
    11/5/2012 -
    11/19/2012 -
    12/3/2012 -
    12/17/2012 -
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    I'm in!

    Start weight - 158.4 lbs
    Goal weight - 146 lbs
  • livaneah
    livaneah Posts: 34 Member
    Im in
    SW: 146
    GW: 135
  • MENichols5
    MENichols5 Posts: 176 Member
    SW September 26th: 148.5
    GW December 25th: 138.5
  • JaxCreations
    JaxCreations Posts: 18 Member
    I'm a little late starting - only joined back up today - after a lot of yo-yoing...
    I'M IN for the long haul !!!

    I want to lose 2lbs a week so, I calculate that that will be 28lbs (2 stone) by Christmas :)
    However, just so everyone knows, I'm flying out to Spain on the 4th October, so won't be able to weigh in on the 8th.
    I'm back on 18th October so will weigh-in then.

    Christmas 2012 Challenge:

    Start weight - 283lbs (20st 3lbs)
    Goal weight - 255lbs (18st 2lbs)

    08/10/2012 -
    22/10/2012 -
    05/11/2012 -
    19/11/2012 -
    03/12/2012 -
    17/12/2012 -
    24/12/2012 -


  • CJLS_5
    CJLS_5 Posts: 24 Member
    Height 5'9"
    SW: 212.6lbs 01/04/12
    CW: 188lbs 26/09/12
  • Mact26
    Mact26 Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in! A little late as well, but I'm also recovering from being sick, so I think this will be good motivation to get back into it!

    Starting Weight: 238
    Goal Weight: 218

  • LowFatMama
    LowFatMama Posts: 625 Member

    SW: 150
    Cw: 148
    GW: 125

    :drinker: cheers! lets do this ladies !
  • sandygaylegunn
    sandygaylegunn Posts: 87 Member
    I am in, too! Thanks for the challenge.

    ~3 Month Christmas Challenge~~

    Start weight - 176.4
    Goal weight - 166.0
  • A little late, but I'm in!
  • I'm so in!!! :)

    Christmas 2012 Challenge:

    Start weight - 205.8
    Goal weight - 175

    08/10/2012 -
    22/10/2012 -
    05/11/2012 -
    19/11/2012 -
    03/12/2012 -
    17/12/2012 -
    24/12/2012 -

    Hoping for a little bit more then that but don't want to set myself up for failure!

  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    Better late than never ladies :-) can't wait for weigh-in day !! Good luck to you all over this next fortnight X