egg whites vs egg yolks



  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    Sure, they're higher in calories and fat, but they're also where all the good nutrients is. The yolk is, afterall, what the chick eats in a fertilized egg.

    Don't be scared of yolks. I eat eggs almost daily and I've lost weight just fine.
  • Anna800
    Anna800 Posts: 638 Member
    It was probably a 3 or 4 egg omelet. Did this hurt my diet? I really was craving an omelet which is why i got it regardless but I probably won't do it again.

    Also, how many calories do you think this was? I don't know what to log for MFP.

    You log by entering the number of eggs, then since you watched them make it you have an idea of how much cheese and spinach they put in. Feta cheese is a lot of calories and if he used butter on the pan even worse. This is why it's better to make it at home for yourself.
  • . So i got a normal omelet with spinach feta and tomato. I didn't enjoy it as much because i love egg whites and the whole time i was eating it i just knew how fattening it was.

    Also, how many calories do you think this was? I don't know what to log for MFP.


    couldn't of said it better myself.

    calm down i am 19 i am not a pro at this

    I'm pretty calm. I just think you should ASK not necessarily assume "OMG this is so bad." It's an egg, a NATURAL SOURCE OF PROTEIN, FAT, AND CALORIES. Yeah it has fat but fat is not bad and fat doesn't make you fat. In fact, a lack of fat will create a whole host of problems that you do NOT WANT to deal with--the production of many of the hormones in your body relies on fat. The fact that you were so preoccupied with the fact that you had whole eggs is a bit disconcerting. i suggest you educate yourself on nutrition and the need for not only fat but adequate calories. I am going to guess that you're probably also following a 1200 or fewer calorie diet. Is that correct?
  • ar1ms
    ar1ms Posts: 98 Member
    It was probably a 3 or 4 egg omelet. Did this hurt my diet? I really was craving an omelet which is why i got it regardless but I probably won't do it again.

    Also, how many calories do you think this was? I don't know what to log for MFP.

    You log by entering the number of eggs, then since you watched them make it you have an idea of how much cheese and spinach they put in. Feta cheese is a lot of calories and if he used butter on the pan even worse. This is why it's better to make it at home for yourself.

    i gave him the spinach and the feta cheese and i use the tiniest bit just to get a little extra taste. and i know the butter is bad but i am at college i can't do anything about that. it the only way i can have eggs and omelets in general
  • Unless you have a VERY SERIOUS concern about your cholesterol levels, whole eggs are NOTHING to worry about. Seriously.
  • It was probably a 3 or 4 egg omelet. Did this hurt my diet? I really was craving an omelet which is why i got it regardless but I probably won't do it again.

    Also, how many calories do you think this was? I don't know what to log for MFP.

    You log by entering the number of eggs, then since you watched them make it you have an idea of how much cheese and spinach they put in. Feta cheese is a lot of calories and if he used butter on the pan even worse. This is why it's better to make it at home for yourself.

    feta does not have a lot of calories. It's a college cafeteria--likely used cooking spray and probably 1 oz of feta MAX ...cheese is expensive. they do not load up on those things usually.
  • escloflowneCHANGED
    escloflowneCHANGED Posts: 3,038 Member
    You say fat like it's a bad thing!?
  • meggonkgonk
    meggonkgonk Posts: 2,066 Member
    Egg yolks are good for you. Fats are good for you.

    Next time you are in this situation, just have 2 full eggs instead of 4.

    How was is "probably" 3 or 4 eggs?
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member

    Learn to log. Click on food. Put in the food you ate. Click add. It will tell you the nutritional content.

    ^^^^ This. Be sure to add any butter or oil used.

    4 large eggs will be about 280 calories, 24 g of protein, 9 grams of fat.

    Fat isn't "bad" for you by the way. :smile:
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    One egg is usually about 70 calories if you eat the whole egg. The whole egg is actually not horrible for you (it's good fats) and it's not bad to eat them in moderation. I will usually eat 2 egg whites for every 1 whole egg. (my trainer suggested this)

    Anyway, it's not as horrible as your making it out to be.
  • ar1ms
    ar1ms Posts: 98 Member
    Egg yolks are good for you. Fats are good for you.

    Next time you are in this situation, just have 2 full eggs instead of 4.

    How was is "probably" 3 or 4 eggs?

    idk it was a pretty big omelet so i am just assuming.. they use cartons not regular eggs
  • llamalland
    llamalland Posts: 246 Member
    They had eggs but didn't have egg whites, now thats odd.

    My thoughts exactly....
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Look up "entire chocolate cake" and then log it as that
  • Egg yolks are good for you. Fats are good for you.

    Next time you are in this situation, just have 2 full eggs instead of 4.

    How was is "probably" 3 or 4 eggs?

    idk it was a pretty big omelet so i am just assuming.. they use cartons not regular eggs

    so maybe it was actually egg substitute then and not even actual eggs.
  • marthadztx
    marthadztx Posts: 337 Member
    I love eggs, THE WHOLE EGG! I get plenty of protein from problems with cholesterol at all. Enjoy! :drinker:
  • OnWisconsin84
    OnWisconsin84 Posts: 409 Member
    They had eggs but didn't have egg whites, now thats odd.

  • cbu23
    cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
    Look up "entire chocolate cake" and then log it as that

    ^^^ hehehe! Yes, log that!
  • Eerinelizz
    Eerinelizz Posts: 114 Member
    Sounds like a delicious, healthy breakfast. No worries!
  • They had eggs but didn't have egg whites, now thats odd.


    Actually large cafeterias use cartons of egg whites -- separating yolk from white is something a lot of restaurants etc. won't do.