Any Vegans on here?



  • VeganHippieChick
    VeganHippieChick Posts: 27 Member
    Decade long vegan here :smile:
  • mamaclose
    mamaclose Posts: 219 Member

    Wowzas, thanks! Nacho cheese is something I gotta find a fix for it lol thank you so much!

    I will check out the reading too, learning more will be a big boost I think.

    BTW, this site continues to impress me with how friendly and supportive everyone is!

    I've found that any vegan/plant based "cheese" isn't quite what I remember real cheese to taste like! That being said, I live in a very rural area and don't have access to things like Daiya or vegan cream cheese. I haven't tried the cashew cheese yet either, only nooch based cheese.
  • janyben
    janyben Posts: 5 Member
    Hi everyone!
    I'm brand new to this site.. well, joined a couple months ago but did nothing with it. After exercising 5 days a week for 2 months and not loosing a pound, I decided it was time to start tracking what I'm eating. I'm a new vegan! I did a 30-day juice fast in March and it was awesome. Then I slowly went back to eating junk food and gained back 20 lbs. I lost 5 when I started to go back to vegetarian eating, but I still cheated a lot with junk food, even though I wasn't eating meat. Then, I think I wasn't eating enough calories so my body was storing fat instead of burning it. I need to find that happy medium where I am eating the right amount of food, and exercising, and loosing weight! My goal is to eat a 50% raw vegan diet, with juicing for breakfast. What I find is the hardest for me is that I'm the only one in my family that is vegan and my husband isn't very supportive. So, I told him I'd eat chicken once in a while if he cooked it in a healthy way.

    I'd love to have some vegan/vegetarian friends and I welcome any and all help with meal plannings. I think I'll go take a look at some of the things you all are eating so I can get a better idea of things that I can eat. I need simple stuff.. like salads, that I can just through together. I'm not a cook at all, and I don't have access to any specialty stores. I can order things online, and I can get to Whole Foods, like once a month. Otherwise, I shop for food at Stop & Shop!
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321

    Welcome to the boards, post often. I may not chime in as often as the others but I am around. Feel free to add me if you like.
  • glennhaggard
    glennhaggard Posts: 21 Member

    I've found that any vegan/plant based "cheese" isn't quite what I remember real cheese to taste like! That being said, I live in a very rural area and don't have access to things like Daiya or vegan cream cheese. I haven't tried the cashew cheese yet either, only nooch based cheese.

    My wife makes vegan lasagna with rice or soy cheese and people prefer it to the "regular" lasagna. I've had a few really nice cheeses. Do you live near enough to make a drive every weekend (or now and then) to a Whole Foods? Internet companies deliver, also ;)

    @Janyben Well, I'm very much hoping you reach your goals, however much dairy and meat you consume along the way. I think that a lot of people find it so easy to say soemthing like "Oreos are vegan" in a means to discount the healthiness of the lifestyle. For me, it's just about the nutritonal value of veganism, it's more my world-view these days. Support would be awesome to have, but if you don't have it (at this time) from home and your closer circle of friends, I'ms ure many of us would be very happy to help encourage you. I'm amazed at how nice it is posting I did ok on my food, or exercise or something and people say something back. I see someone had a nice run, or lost weight today, I post for them some few, but heartfelt words of encouragement.

    Together we can help each other. Our goals don't have to always line up perfectly, or the means we use to attain them. Since you are going light early (breakfast juicing, etc) I IMPLORE you to eat something with it, or a big hearty lunch. Before I took out eggs, I was having a breakfast of 3-4 organic eggs, spinach, 1/2 lemon squeezed in, and topped with a big tblespoon of salsa. After that I'd have some juiced vegetables or sometimes something a little funner, but for me it was just important to have something in my stomach so I had a reasonable lunch which in turn made a reasonable dinner. If you see my posts, you might see that I'm having a HARD time eating ENOUGH (according to this site) but let me have a puny breakfast that has me hungry and my lunch hour will be a drive to Taco Bell for 7-layers add Nacho cheese and 2-3 other things. Then an evening of self-loathing. Knowing this is where I mess up, I'm trying to walk early in the day, gettign my exercise in, walk during the day (in circles around my desk while doign tech support) and getting a nice breakfast after my walk/run, a nice lunch in and then often, I eat just a few bites, if anything for dinner. I used to binge every night at the end of my shift that alone made a big difference and helped me lose 22 pounds from Jan 1 until I joined here.
  • V3ggieL0vinGinger
    Been vegan for about 8 months now and loving it! Add me! :)
  • Cristofori44
  • inkandsheep
    inkandsheep Posts: 101 Member
    I'm a new vegan too. I've been vegetarian for years and started cutting out eggs and dairy from my diet this summer. I'm pretty much fully vegan in terms of my diet now (except for occasional silly mistakes like buying bread that had milk in it, oops) although I still wear leather shoes and wool, so I don't really like to use the term vegan since that really means not using any animal products.

    I definitely feel I'm eating healthier meals now that I'm eating plant based, and I feel great about it!
  • v70t5m
    v70t5m Posts: 186 Member
    I'm pretty much fully vegan in terms of my diet now (except for occasional silly mistakes like buying bread that had milk in it, oops) although I still wear leather shoes and wool, so I don't really like to use the term vegan since that really means not using any animal products.

    I definitely feel I'm eating healthier meals now that I'm eating plant based, and I feel great about it!

    This is why I am following a vegan diet, but do not claim the "Vegan" title. I like just "plant based" too. :glasses:
  • glennhaggard
    glennhaggard Posts: 21 Member
    I post "powered by plants" as a semi-frequent FB status update :) Vegan clothing shouldn't be so expensive, and hard to find, ah well, someone will fill that niche one day
  • Papayamaya5
    Papayamaya5 Posts: 45 Member
    I'm vegan - feel free to add me! I like trying "ethnic foods" and LOVE vegan desserts so my diary is full of filling and heathy foods!
  • blkmlk
    I was hoping to find this post! I'm a vegan! It will have been 2 years at the end of this November since I have become vegan. I guess my goal is to maintain weight and gain muscle. I'm finding it hard to get rid of the pounds though... :-/
  • lumayaa
    any vegans, feel free to add me :D xo
  • makemewannadie
    makemewannadie Posts: 401 Member
    Another vegan who welcomes any friend requests from fellow vegans (:
    I went vegan over three and a half years ago. and never looked back!
  • carebearhere
    carebearhere Posts: 37 Member
    I'm an oldish vegan, well, four and a half years, my diary is open, and pretty healthy IMO, except for the tinned fruit, if you're wanting ideas, happy to accept and motivate new friends :)
  • Zebamarie
    Though I'm a newbie vegan, even having this lifestyle for the short amount of time that I have, has made feel happier, healthier, and more energized!
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I am vegan and have been for over a year now. I lost my weight as a meat eater though, but I do now feel healthier and still have goals to reach.
  • marijanb
    marijanb Posts: 2 Member
    vegan for 5months, vegeterian 8months. have a problem with cottage cheese, i eat it sometimes.
  • glennhaggard
    glennhaggard Posts: 21 Member
    Welcome, all! Sorry I've been quiet on here, I was in Monterey for a few days of fun and remembering special places of my youth. It was really inspiring walking along the coast on a trail I used to wake up and run 7 miles on every morning. Today, I took my walking into running and feel pretty great about it.

    I'm trying ot really kick up the vegan foods, exploring more options and getting a wider assortment of food choices to prevent stagnation. I also now use Dewa B12 (with B6 and Folic) sublingual vitamins, and I think it has helped a lot with my energy, and B12 is pretty tough to get for vegans, compared to other nutrients.

    I exercise before breakfast, or consuming anything at all, really, so I'm really seeking some good breakfast options for post-workout success. I think I need a healthy dose of protien and fiber to keep me feeling full until lunch (first potential binge of the day) and through until I log out of work (second, and more dangerous potential binge). I just about never binge after eating a satisfying breakfast, and it's just too hot for coach's oats at the moment. I usually mix it with trail mix, bananas and a little almond milk.
  • deb62pink
    deb62pink Posts: 84 Member
    I'm a new Vegan, only been doing it for 2 1/2 weeks, but I have noticed a remarkable difference in how i feel and I've also lost 3Kgs in that short time just by cutting our dairy, meat and eggs. It's amazing how not sluggish my digestive system is. For years I have been struggling with a "slow" intestine, but after a couple of days it appears all good....I live in Rural Victoria in Australia, so it's very hard to get my hands on a lot of Vegan stuff, but I'm making do at the moment and am quite happy. I do worry abit about the vitamins and protien side of things, so I'm keeping a keen interest on here to see what people with more experience in this, have to say. The best move I ever made!! For my concience and my health :-)