


  • borichfan
    borichfan Posts: 208 Member
    I am going to get back on track after this week, when our local fair leaves.
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    l love banana pancakes for breakfast - so quick and easy and only 275 calories.

    Mash one banana and add 2 beaten eggs. spoon into non stick fry pan and cook till golden on both sides. You get around 6 small pancakes and they are so filling!!
  • jacjump
    The banana pancakes sound soo good. I'm going to try them next time I'll have bananas.:) Everything seems to go the right way, like it should. hope it will continue. :)
  • jacjump
    jacjump Posts: 12
    Hope everybody is doing great. I support you, you can do it. We all can. Keep a positive mind and everything else will go right:)
  • PNJB796
    PNJB796 Posts: 72 Member
    Porridge is Good! As are kippers!
  • jacjump
    jacjump Posts: 12
    Well, how is everyone doing, it's weekend now and it's the most difficult time to diet. How are you hanging on?
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    It's been raining since early morning. The kind of dark, dreary day that says stay in bed and watch old movies kind of day. So I got up and started cleaning. One room ready for the vacuum after 45 minutes of effort in there. I'm making my way from room to room. I'll log some of the cleaning time since it is over what i normally do for the week. I've been thinking of a nice pot of lentil soup to finish out my day.
  • jacjump
    jacjump Posts: 12
    Hi everyone! I fell off the wagon again. The last time I wrote here everything was fine and now when I look back I have been eating everything and I mean everything, chips, cakes, candy, chocolate you name it! It has been a really really bad week. But now I'm going back again. I wasn't exercising and eating poorly. Today I have already had a work out and I have written down my meals what I'm going to have today and I hided my money away :D That way, when I go out, I don't have money with me and I can't buy anything. Hope that's going to work. Now I can see what I'm doing wrong and what I'm doing right. I can go back and see what I have eaten and I can rethink and do better, MFP is really good for keeping track of my doings. The weather is great outside, so I don't have to be indoors all day, that helps me keep moving. Let's hope for the best. Good luck to you all and tell how are you doing, is it hard right now or easy or how do you feel etc. :)