A NEW ME - 2010 Weight Loss Challenge!



  • christykowen
    Start 168
    Still 165
    No change from last week. Still I have seen several of you break into the 150s this week! Wonderful.... I am setting my mini goal 159 for our weigh in 1st of March. My stratedgy is like unto last week. No fooling around put in the work abandon your excuses! Going on a fun date next week 2 days moteling away from children that should be motivation enough! Have a wonderful week .Christy
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    well done guys, stay strong and we will reach our goals!

    does anyone want to think of a new challenge this week, or we will stick to the personal challenges, i find them really motivating too :drinker:

    and thanks for the support, i really need it and appreciate it :heart:
  • GoingToLoseIt
    Anyone have any tips on how to survive the weekends? I do really well all week, and I get totally pumped because I am doing so well. And then, Friday night comes.... and I go crazy. I eat, and eat, and eat - and don't log anything because I know I went WAY over my calories. Does anyone else struggle like this? Any ideas for me?
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    Good for you Emma! You must feel great for sticking to it, and thanks for all of your encouragement and inspiration!

    I am going to Cuba at the end of March, and I know I won't be at my ultimate goal by then, which is fine. I did buy myself a new bathing suit last week and have hung it in my close as inspiration. Woo hoo sand and surf!
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    anyone going out on Valentines day? we are staying in and having some wine and yummy food, but here is an article from www.weightwatchers.co.uk to keep you inspired for a meal out this weekend or any weekend!

    With a good attitude and by taking advantage of these great tips, you can continue to enjoy restaurant eating even while you're losing weight.

    Special occasions, road trips, nights when you get home late — sometimes restaurants are simply the only option. Eating out may seem like a dicey proposition when you're trying to lose weight, but a night out doesn't have to mean a night off your plan. It is possible to eat out, with good health in mind.

    We asked real, health-conscious people just like you to share their personal eating out tips — from how to make wise choices when ordering to managing restaurant portions. The response was overwhelming. Here's what they said:

    Be Prepared

    Bring pre-packaged low fat dressing with you, so you're not at the mercy of the restaurant's selection.

    If you're not familiar with the restaurant, try to call ahead or look up their menu online before going out.

    Keep a bag of small apples or some other healthy snack in your car at all times, and eat one before you go into a restaurant with friends. This will not only satisfy your hunger, but will remind you to eat wisely.

    Bring a small container of low fat spread for bread or baked potatoes.

    Before you leave home, make an educated choice about which dishes fit best within your 'budget' for the day. Then, at the restaurant, if the daily special sounds just too good to miss, do some last-minute computations to be sure you really want to change your choice.
    Start Off On The Right Foot

    Order a bowl of soup before your meal — not a creamy soup, but a stock-based vegetable or French onion. It's very satisfying and can keep you from overeating.

    Start with a side salad (minus bacon, cheese and croutons). Ask for low fat or fat free dressing on the side; and be sure to dip your fork into the dressing, then into the salad.

    Try to drink water with your meal. If you decide to order a juice, fizzy drink or alcohol, always order water with it, too. If you want a second beverage, ask for a refill of the water.
    Choose Wisely

    Don't even open the menu! Simply know what you want to eat before you get there.

    Avoid anything fried.

    Ask for dressings, sauces, butter and sour cream on the side, instead of on the dish itself.

    Choose lighter fare like marinara sauce rather than Alfredo. Keep it simple.

    Whatever you order, make sure that it has loads of vegetables. "Even if it's pizza, make it a slice loaded up with veggies," says one Community User. "Or a grilled vegetable sandwich instead of a mile-high sandwich shop creation, or a vegetable omelette instead of a cheese one, or fruit salad instead of pastry."

    Don't be afraid to ask for substitutions. Most restaurants will accommodate your requests. "My favourite salad at a fast food place comes with fried chicken," says another Community User. "But I always request it with grilled chicken. I think it tastes better and it cuts out fat and calories."
    Manage Your Portions

    When eating at a buffet, survey the food items before you put anything on your plate. The key is to remind yourself that you're eating to be satisfied, not to get your money's worth.

    If the portions are large, why not ask if you can get a smaller portion of the item you order. If not, have the waiter bring a takeaway box with the meal. Before you start to eat, put half the meal in the box.

    Split your entrée with the person you're with. If you have the impulse to finish everything on your plate, it's better to not have all that food in front of you.
    Have a Good Attitude

    Do your best and practise the art of BAM: Breathe, Accept, Move On.

    The celebration is about being out with your family and friends, not about food being served. Enjoy yourself and remember that the meal does not need to be your enemy.

    Definitely go out! As one Community User puts it: "When I go out I feel like I'm a normal person, and like I'm not losing out on anything."

  • christykowen
    The Dreaded and acclaimed, much looked forward to WEEKEND. Yep it has been the weekend we have "let our hair down during". So we now are expected to "be good every sticking day". Never mind that all chaous is breaking out. Never mind that chips and cooking, family dinners and dates all love to occur during the weekend. SO my stratedgies are always have a back up plan, I mean every where. What am I going to eat while at Grandmas.House. I bring stuff sometimes. For example I bring a lovely chicken walnut salad that is so good and that everyone raves. Then I load it up merrily leaving no room for a roll or mashed potato. I do eat a smidge of the stuff I love but that is in with the mound of greens and carefully dipped salad dressing. I bring a mean relish tray and load it with a zesty salsa and a low calorie vinegrette. I chomp while the other graze on carbohydrates. I am convinced it is as much making the motion as what the motion is. I make myself busy and convince myself and others this is great. As for the restaurants. That has been more challenging. I actually go online and look at their menu. I look over my choices because what seems to be a good choice is not neccessarily built that way. I have opened myself up to the choices that fall withinn a certain range of calories. I also ask for double the veggies and no {free carb} like potato or rice. I request ahead no bread or chips for me. I drink lots of lemon water. It is my chance to search for the grilled fish or seafood I love but rarely afford at home. As stated earlier sauces and dips on the side. Fast food is miserable. I really struggle there and it is hard to fake being excited about eating the apple walnut yougurt thing whilst your partner downs a big mac and fries. So in some cases I just say no, and remember my goals. I will tell you this I eat different than I used to and it is worth it. The trade off of eating healthy with looking and feeling good is worth it!
  • GoingToLoseIt
    Thanks for the tips!
  • GoingToLoseIt
    So, no weight lost for me this week - and I know exactly why. it's because I had HALF OF A DEEP DISH PIZZA last night - because I have no self control :grumble: I was doing so well all day - and then I just sat down and stuffed my face.

    BUT! - I won't let that stop me today. I packed great snacks and a healthy lunch today, and I have kickboxing tonight, and Zumba tomorrow. I will get right back on this weight loss train!

    Goals this week:
    1. Stay within my calorie goals EVERY DAY, even if it kills me.
    2. Go to Zumba on Thursday and Monday, and kickboxing the rest of the week (except Sunday)
    3. Not weight related - catch up with my school work and make up the exam I missed this week!

    How'd everybody else do this week?
  • Hopey1994
    Hey GoingTo! Don't worry about the pizza. We all fall off the wagon from time to time. Just hop back up and keep on trucking! It sounds like you'r making up for it today though. I'm having a rough few weeks. I've hovered at 182 for a few weeks now, and this morning it moved down to 181 but I'm not counting on it for tomorrow. TOM is inevitable this week, and I'm hoping that once it starts I'll magically drop into the 170s from losing water weight. As for now, I'm just trying to face the fact that I won't be at my goal when DH comes home in a couple weeks... :sad: Yet I'm :love: that he's coming home for a few days!!! :smooched:
  • GoingToLoseIt
    Thanks Hopey1994! I needed some kind words :smile:

    And I am just going to apologize if my post threw people for a loop - I completely forgot what day of the week it was! I was so bummed about the pizza eating madness, that I was just all over the place this morning! So sorry!
  • Majot
    Majot Posts: 16 Member
    Start weight 12/31/09 - 194.8
    1/7/10 - 190.8
    1/14/10 - 188.0
    1/21/10 - 187.4
    1/28/10 - 185.2
    2/4/10 - 186.2
    2/11/10 - 183.6

    Goal weight - 128
  • Brandiann
    Brandiann Posts: 905 Member
    Good morning everyone, :drinker:

    Starting weight 12/31/09: 184.4lbs

    1/7/10: 181.6lbs :bigsmile:
    1/14/10: 183.4 (+1.8lbs, TOM eating was kinda bad) :grumble:
    1/21/10: 181.2 :bigsmile:
    2/4/10: 178 :bigsmile:
    2/11/10: 176.8 :happy:

    Total lost: -7.6lbs (from starting weight)
  • Hopey1994
    12/31- 190 lbs
    1/7- 187 lbs
    1/21- 183 lbs
    1/28- 182 lbs
    2/4- 182 lbs
    2/11- 182 lbs

    Still no loss. Whatever. I'm leaving it all up to God at this point; I can no more control my weight than I can control my 2 year old and am learning to accept it. I'm farther on my journey than I was; I am now running over a mile nonstop, and can comfortably fit in my size 14s. I just hope that inches are falling off, even if the pounds aren't. Y'all are all doing so well! Keep it up!
    Goals this week:
    Run 2 miles nonstop
    Eat 3 servings of veggies every day
    Drink, drink, DRINK!!
  • GainingTheRealMe
    I'm a little late on this one. but i want to be in on this! I weighed today. do i just post here or how is this done? very excited this year and wish everyone the best.

    oh i started on sunday @ 395.8

    so starting today's weight
    2/11/2009 390.2
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    04 Feb - 159.0
    11 Feb - 158.2 :happy:
    18 Feb -
    25 Feb -
    4 Mar -

    GOAL 2 - 155 by 4th March! :heart:

    well done to everyone who lost, and keep up the great work if you stayed the same, drink lots of water today to flush out all those toxins and salt! :flowerforyou:
  • fitforme
    Down one more pound this week so I am at 201. Next week God willing I will see 199!!!
  • Davilee
    This week's stats:

    SW 1/04/10 143.6
    GW Short term 135
    GW Long term 125
    1/7/10 142.6
    1/14/10 141.6
    1/28//10 140
    2/4/10 139.4
    2/11/10 140.2

    I went a bit backwards this week. Darn those Girl Scout Cookies. One of my weaknesses, can't resist!!!

    Total lost 3.4
  • perktms
    perktms Posts: 47 Member
    Hi Going to lose it,
    Weekends can for sure be tough. I do the same thing sometimes. One of the things I started doing was logging my calories anyway. Sometimes, it's not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.
    Good luck. I find if I keep busy, I'm less inclined to munch away mindlessly.
  • tonijka1
    I'm losing some weight on sugar busters diet started @ 150# Now at 139 since just after christmas about 7or 8 wks ago started at 35% fat now @ 30% diet not hard but the fat loss is have to stay on the exercise Good luck to everyone any ideas on fat burning would be appreciated:smokin:
  • oEmmao
    oEmmao Posts: 466 Member
    so i have overate the past 3 days, i have eaten about 1,800 calories every day instead of 1300, i feel so low and upset :sad: