SAHM 2/8/10 - 2/8/14



  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I am outside of Atlanta, just NE in a town called Dacula and it is cold here!!!

    Is there a site/something I can follow for the c25k? I really want to do a triatholon, they have one here in ga called my first triatholon on June 5, so this would help me on the 5k part of the sprint triatholon. do they have anything like it for triatholons?

    i have been working out at the gym and trying to run 20 minutes straight and ahve done so a few times, but i need to get the time i can do it straight longer, so the c25k sounds good.
    i may try to google it
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Michelle, there are TONS of running sites with the C25K program. Runner's World, are just two of them. If you have an iPod, there are free PodCasts you can download that will prep you for a 5k, 8k, 10k, all the way up to a full marathon. It's great!

    Went to Zumba. Poor, clumsy feet could not keep up. So I jumped around a lot & hoped it was enough. Torched almost 600 cals. Also started week 2 of C25K and did a mile. Only got half way through because I had to leave for Zumba 20 miles away. However, I feel stronger. I think I can definitely handle week 2. Just gotta stay healthy. Throat is sore again (UGH!)
    Going to down some nyquil and catch some Zzzz's

    Night everyone!
  • Couldn't get my lazy butt out of bed this morning for the gym. Yesterday I couldn't go b/c DH leaves early so I did a video, I estimated about 200 calories burned but idk. No time for a video today and dinner w/ friends job to bring desserts...I'll need lots of self control today to stay under cal w/ no workout. It's also our homeschool Valentine party...decorating giant sugar cookies...yikes!
    It will be a challenge but I am up for it! I hope to report back later that self control prevailed! I'll keep my belly full of water and a stick of gum in my mouth all day :grumble: (this is a grumpy me chewing gum rather than having cookies) Have a great day everyone.
  • dolphin7
    dolphin7 Posts: 192 Member
    GM Everyone! I think I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, not coughing as much and my chest doesn't hurt so bad, I think I will be back to normal by Monday if I can take it easy until then. Next week temps are going to be in the 50's, I can't believe it for February weather that is so not normal for here, so I think I will start the couch to 5k next week, after my oldest daughter gets home from school, she can watch the little one's while I go out running. I'm excited. Can't wait, I want to do some local 5k this spring, what about shoes everyone, I just have a pair of Nike's I picked up on clearance last year, they fit great, just not sure how they will do running.
    I have been in a plateau for months, gaining and losing the same 2 lbs., part of what happened I know is when September came I started doing lots of squats and lunges to get ready for snowboarding season, & I started gaining weight, but the first time on the mountain 3 wks ago, I was so nervous about snowboarding, I did great, I could feel all those leg muscles kick in, it was great. But, I am still a bit frustrated I haven't lost any weight since probably July or August, just stayed the same, so I'm hoping after reading all your posts, I'm going to try and change my cals a bit and start running, hopefully I can make it over this hump, I seriously cannot wait to be my goal weight, there is so much more in life I want to do, physically, I'm at 166 now and my healthy BMI says between 115-135, I think I want the middle about 125, which I haven't been since HS, wow, I know I can do it!
  • good morning. how is everyone? i am good. sorry i don't get to post everyday. i have a 2 yr old daughter and a babysit a 2 yr old boy and o my goodness they keep me going. you would think as much as i do go go go i would be skinny but for some reason it don't work that way lol!!! i am still keeping track of what i eat and exercise on here. although since i started babysitting i don't have as much time to eat all day as i did before. i must go for now kids are tearing my living room apart. i will try to check back later. have a great day all.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    GM everyone!

    Trish- The job shadow went great! She liked it alot. We are alternative in alot of our beliefs, and we believe that it's a whole package, nutrition, exercise, preventative living. I just enjoy too much food!:tongue: Cool about burning so many cals doing Zumba! now you are up in my neck of the woods!

    Melissa- Good luck today! I know you will have the willpower to not listen to the desserts calling you!

    Dolphin- YAY! you are going to be able to start the c25k! you have a running store nearby? That would be your best bet. They can watch how your foot falls and they will recommend the best shoes for you. I personally swear by Asics. But other people have different opinions. It is all in what works for you.

    Today is a run day for me. I need to get cracking on my water though!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't get to check in yesterday...went car shopping up in the city, but got to eat pretty healthy at Jason's Deli...yum, I'm in love with that place! When we got back I went on a 3.5 mile run and did 3:40 of hill training (up and down a dike). The 12k I am running has lots of hills, and at mile 5 there is a steep one for 3/4 of a mile!! I don't know if I'm gonna make it LOL

    I'm starting to do a Yoga Burn DVD after the kids go to bed, I'm really enjoying it!

    I'm hoping to get to Zumba tonight, but I don't know if hubby will be home in time to watch the kids. I usually burn 600 cals at a class too Trish!

    Dolphin ~ Yeah, I second going to a running store! When I went, Brooks fit me the best, so that's what I buy now. In fact I still have the ones I got for my C25k last year, just put new inserts in and they are like brand new :) I bet once you start the program, you'll start losing weight again just cause your body isn't used to it. My fav podcast for it is at :) (If you like pop/hip-hop/R&B)

    Well, I need to go get the oil changed and tire fixed on my car before I have to pick up the youngest from Mother's Day Out...better get crack-a-lackin'!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Katie- I know you will make the hill! Just keep telling yourself, up and over, up and over!

    How is everyone's day going?

    I have a loaf of bread rising, and I am about ready to head out on a run.YAY!!! I don't know if I mentioned that my new shoes came on tues, which felt hopefully I won't have the knee issue anymore!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    So it is looking like hubs & I will be putting our tax return toward a new car (not new new, just new to us). My car is almost 20, and is on her way out. Can't hold coolant, dies without warning, no working heat or air conditioning. We've had her patched up, but the mechanic told us "I'd love to take two grand off your hands, but at this point, it's just better to get a new car!"
    At least he was honest!
    So as soon as Grace gets up from her nap, we will be going to pick daddy up from work and look at a few cars. There's a PT Cruiser we're going to look at. In honesty, I would love a Mazda5. I drove one over a weekend a few months ago and was IN LOVE! All the space I could want and ultimate mom car features. I wouldn't mind another Buick either. Heavens knows mine has served me well these last 10 years, but she's just giving out. We're in a lot of debt, so can't afford much. I hope the Lord makes something possible for us.

    Anyway, must get off lazy butt and do Wii Biggest Loser workout. Was back up to 219 this morning, was hoping scale would go 1 lb in the other direction. Maybe working out late is a bad idea for me.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    That's really cool Trish about the car! I am excited for you! It's alwyas fun to get new stuff. It doesn't matter if it's just new to IS new to you and that's sooooo cool! I do better if I get my workout in earlier in the day.

    I ran....I finally got into a groove right when I was about to finish...go figure!:tongue:

    Nothing exciting for dinner here tonight, but I can say that We loved Avatart so much that I think we are going to take the kids tomorrow night to see it! Tomorrow's payday! YAY!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I love payday. Tomorrow is payday for us as well.
    I am thinking of cooking dinner before I leave & then put it in the fridge. That way we're not tempted to eat out if it's late when we get home. Dinner will already be done & we'll just need to heat it up.

    Just finished Wii BL workout. Much prefer C25K. The "moderate" BL workouts are getting easy, but the hard ones are still too hard. Go figure.
  • michfitzhome
    michfitzhome Posts: 187 Member
    I will do some research and find something i can start on monday, and i know the town i live in has a 5k for memorial day, so i shoiuld be able to make that.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Michelle, the first week of couch to 5k, you do a 5 min warm up of brisk walking, then jog for 60 seconds, then walk for 90 seconds. Rinse & repeat for 20 mins, followed by a 5 min cool down of walking at your own pace. Hope that helps!

    Well, we impulsed purchased a new car. We got the PT Cruiser we were looking at. It handled very similarly to our old car, got about the same mileage, and at $8k for a 2008 model, we felt it had an unbeatable price. Only 48,500 miles on it, too.
    We are going to take it to our mechanic this weekend to make sure it passes everything. We purchased from Enterprise (the one near us takes really good care of its cars), and they give you 7 days to decide if you're happy with it or not. We are tentatively calling "Him" Dave.
    Here's to Dave passing inspection with flying colors this weekend!

    Want a laugh? I made dinner so we weren't tempted to eat out... but it was getting really late when we finally pulled off the lot, aaaand... we stopped at Taco Bell. Needless to say, I am a butthead & over on my calories. Trying to polish off the last of my water, and hoping to be 218 in the morning. No time to really flush out all that sodium.
  • Trish congrats on the car! Hope "he" passes with flying colors.

    Have been busy around here & today is no better so this will be quick. I was over calories yesterday but still managed loose a lb FINALLY. I also have lost an inch around the waist!!! I am so glad to finally be making progress.

    This weekend is hard. Tomorrow is a BIG competition day for my kids & we travel to get there. We are packing good food for lunch but will have to stop with the group for supper. Choices are McDs, Taco Bell or KFC. BLAH--don't really like any of those and there aren't many "good" choices. Anybody have advice on that one? I may just do a yogurt cup at mcds & eat cereal when I get home. That would possibly work. Problem is by that time of the day I will want to just have a huge pepsi & burger & fries. sigh--we will see how the will power goes.

    It is snowing here & it looks really amazing. Hubby & I are watching the birds at our feeders waiting for kids to get moving. We are tiling the last of the shower today cause he has the day off. YEAH!!!! I can't tell you how happy I am about that.

    Everyone have a great day.

  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Trish ~ Congrats on the new car! We got a Mazda 3 on Wed (2010 that someone had already returned because they wanted a bigger car we got a good deal too) It's the first time in 4 years my husband has had a dependable car, so I'm very happy for him :)

    Went to Zumba last night and burned 550 in 53 minutes :):) Off to the doc this morning, pretty sure I have strep...thank God it doesn't hurt as much as it normally does! My 3 year old has his V-Day party today, gotta be good...but hey witha sore throat, maybe I'll be less inclined to eat? Even though chocolate def doesn't hurt it...
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Sorry you're sick, Katie. News flash on chocolate though: While it feels good going down, it's actually detrimental to the healing process. I learned this is high school choir. Chocolate (and other milk products) kill both the bad AND good bacteria in your body. This is why I cease consumption of everything milk related when I get sick. It certainly helps me get better a few days faster.

    Taco Bell did me in last night. Weighed in this morning 2 lbs heavier than I wanted to be. Guess I better chug a lug that water today and get to gym early. Hopefully tomorrow will look better.
  • I managed to stay under calories yesterday!!! I didn't touch the giant sugar cookies or brownies. I had two of the blackberry bars I made that were only 145 calories (and tasted like so much more yum!!). I kept my meals super low cal/ low carb so I could indulge. It was worth it.
    Best news of all, back to the gym this morning and I had lost 2 more pounds for a total of 10 pounds! I am excited but also a little discouraged b/c I still have so far to go... I try not to get upset that I let myself gain this much but when 10 pounds barely makes a dent, the reality of my bad choices sets in hard.
    Anyway, I'm praying for another good day and that I will stay away from the left over brownies!
    Hope you all have a great day.

    Goals for today
    lots and lots of water
    only eat back 500 of 700 exercise cal
    don't be discouraged!!!!

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Melissa, 10 lbs is great! Try not to get discouraged. I think of my own weight loss like the old joke: "How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time."
    Just take it day by day, and think "In this many months, I'll weigh this much!" That helps me keep going. I think of all the things I want to do (run marathons, have more kids), and have (skinny clothes for the first time ever, mainly), and that's all I need most days!
    Great job making smart food choices, too. You're getting closer and closer to your goal weight every time you do that!
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Gm ladies!

    YAY Trish on Dave. He will pass with flying colors! I am sending good thoughts his way!:flowerforyou:

    Katie- I hope you feel better!

    Melissa- That's great that you are losing! Don't look at the big picture right now, just take it day by day.

    I stepped on the scale and I am up 3 lbs fromlast week....ugh
  • Hi ladies!
    How's everyone doing? Snow anticipation day here in the deep south, so school was canceled and had to run errands with dd in tow.

    Trish- yay for Dave! I've heard great things about the PT. I hope he passes inspections and you enjoy your new ride!

    Melissa- great job on the loss! 10 lbs is a huge deal, you should be so proud!

    Katie- I hope you feel better soon. Strep is no joke!

    Nicole- you should be proud...I ran 2 miles today with NO a 12 min pace...I'm trying to run as hard as I can off of this plateau. How's your running going? Don't worry about the gain; it happens, and one way or another it'll start moving the other way again.

    Ok ladies, I took drastic measures last night. I'm so dang tired of not losing weight that I signed up for personal training sessions. Last night he went over my stats and said I'm eating WAY too few calories (I'm at 1300 and an extra 2-300 on exercise days). He said that at a minimum, 1800. He said to lose weight, we only need a 500 cal deficit a day and regular exercise. So I'm now trying to eat 5 meals a day of 300-400 cals each (I'm stuffed btw!), and he said that within a couple weeks at most I should see a 6-8lb drop in fat poundage. My sister is an exercise doctor and verified the info for me, and I'm so excited to start training when I get back from El Salvador!! Doesn't that blow your minds though? He said that if I could, he wants me eating 2000!!! :noway: I told him that I'll start at 1800 and see how I feel. He said for me to give it 30-45 days on this regimen and see what happens.
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