CC's Biggest Loser Challenge Week 6



  • cc_campbell81
    aimee, welcome

    Soooo sore from my workout yesterday (you can read about it at my blog if you like I was really tired but I pushed myself to do some exercise, mostly walking.
  • cc_campbell81
    fbref- have you decided on this week's challenges?
  • saraketner
    I lost 2 lbs this week. i was 225 lbs today. Hang in there Saraketner, I'm sure it is just water. Don't give up. If you are anything like me that is when I throw in the towel. Don't do it. Keep coming here for support. I go to weight watchers multiple meetings in a week but I love coming here and logging in. CC you are doing great . . . keep it up.
    Thanks! I'm trying to keep a positive attitude.. maybe shoveling 14 inches of snow tonight will be just the kick in the butt I need to get back on track!
  • taz721
    taz721 Posts: 10 Member
    Couldn't weight myself this morning, so I have to settle for an afternoon reading

    CW: 145.0 lbs
    Water - 2/7
    Cardio - 2/7
    Under cals - 0
  • neenaof4
    neenaof4 Posts: 41 Member
    184 this week -- about a pound a week
  • constancemwj
    this has not been the best week for me,,, and the scale showed it aaaaaaaaaaaaaaggggggggghhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!

    last week 149.8
    CW 150.2 up a little,,, and i weighed three times,,, just to make sure..

    and I didn't do my best on the challanges eather..... to much going on this last week end....

    Water 4/7
    cardio 5/7
    caloried 6/7

    I don't know if this next week will be much better,,,,,, taking a trip this coming week end and wont be back until Wed... so I'll probably weighin then...... and I promis I'll try to be good.. but its Valentines day.... hope you all have a good one.....and beheave better then I did for super ball Sunday......
  • bzcjak
    bzcjak Posts: 12
    Well not a great week for me.... I still need to kick up the exercize....

    I stayed the same, no loss, no gain...... 241.8

    Good Luck to everyone with week #7!!!!!!
  • DreeDub
    DreeDub Posts: 289 Member
    Where is everybody? I feel like we're down to just a small number compared to when we started! I have to confess...
    Yesterday after work I was SO unmotivated! I had to stop at the store before heading home and I was really hungry. SO...I bought some unhealthy snacks. I ended up not working out last night and eating a piece of a Reese's pie that I made and a WW sundae dessert while watching BL. I felt SO guilty but not guilty enough to do anything about it! UNTIL...this morning...I have a Snow Day today (oh, the perks of being a teacher) I have completed 30 day Shred Level 1 and Level 2 so far and hope to do Level 3 tonight (b/c Volleyball is cancelled).

    Alright everyone..I just had to confess to someone who would understand and also encourage me to get back on track :)

    OH...and I ate pizza and "pop chips" for dinner! YIKES!
  • luv2learn2day
    luv2learn2day Posts: 9 Member
    Not a good week, 166 lbs, again.
    Ready to have a good week!
  • melody6387
    HORRIBLE WEEK FOR ME ... Down 1lb(174) and Not HAPPY... Going for 3 by next Tuesday..
    challlenge: Water 6/7
    Exercise 3/7
    calories 7/7
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    This week has been horrible for me...been very stressed, not counting my cals really, and no exercise...saying that...I am proud i am actually down
    Current weight 282.6,
    Last week 283.6

    1.0 lbs loss this week...I will definitely take that
  • waguchan
    waguchan Posts: 450 Member
    Wow. So many people are reporting weight gains this week. I somehow managed to lose exactly one pound. Maybe because I forgot to watch the Super Bowl, and there are no snow days in Seattle this week!

    Best of luck next week everyone!! We can do this!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    Last Thursday: 183.5 pounds
    Today: 182 pounds

    I am down a pound this week. Yay

  • thicansxy
    Sorry I am so late with my weigh in I have been moving and dont have internet or cable yet. So I missed Biggest Loser got an update from friend. Thank god for friends LOL.

    CW 291.5
    Water 2/7
    Cardio 3/7
    Under Calories 7/7
  • cc_campbell81
    I see lots of us had hard weeks. Just dont give up. I will post the biggest loser once i have everyone's weight.
  • fbref9
    fbref9 Posts: 74 Member
    Good morning everybody. I am working on tabulating the challenge points and hope to have them posted around noon today. Also we will stick with the same challenges through week 7 which are:

    1. Water Intake
    2. At or below calorie allowance
    3. 20 minutes of daily cardio
  • pamh5555
    pamh5555 Posts: 191 Member
    Well, Finally back on track after gaining when husband was sick. I do not think that I will make my mini goal this month but I am okay with that. I am just happy that I am losing it.

    I am loving the EA active exercises. I do these every Monday - Friday on low. After this month, I will move up to Medium for two months and then to high after that. The reason i will be doing medium two months in a row is that I will be on vacation for over 10 days and i am not looking to hurt myself.

    Starting Weight - 215 lbs
    Current Weight - 201 lbs
    Lost Weight - 14 lbs.

    I am trying to lose 11 lbs by March 1. We will see how close I can come to that. I am happy with the way things are progressing.

    I have been doing very well with the challenges this week.
    I know that I did cardio for 5 of the 7 days
    I know that I was very close on my water all week.
    I know that i was very close on all my calories this week.
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    I would love to join in on this group! I have not weighed in yet today. I will be doing so in about 20 minutes so I will post my starting weight then. Just to make sure I am understanding, we weigh in on Tuesday with last weeks weight and this weeks weight. There is also a weekly challenge, this weeks is to drink 8 cups of water each day (7 days), do 20 minutes of cardio each day (7 days) and stay at or below allowed calories for each day (7 days). I hope I've got that right :o) I am very excited to get started!
  • cc_campbell81
    I would love to join in on this group! I have not weighed in yet today. I will be doing so in about 20 minutes so I will post my starting weight then. Just to make sure I am understanding, we weigh in on Tuesday with last weeks weight and this weeks weight. There is also a weekly challenge, this weeks is to drink 8 cups of water each day (7 days), do 20 minutes of cardio each day (7 days) and stay at or below allowed calories for each day (7 days). I hope I've got that right :o) I am very excited to get started!

    You got it! Welcome to our group. I keep track on the weights so if you forget last weeks it's okay to only post your current weight each week. Good luck.
  • elysant
    elysant Posts: 139
    Wonderful! I am so excited!!! :o) I know I said that already but!!!!!

    So, I weighed myself and came in at 233 for my start weight. :o)