eating less than 1000



  • witchy_wife
    witchy_wife Posts: 792 Member
    Undereating occasionally isn't a big deal, but as a male consistently undereating, particularly less than 1000 cals, will likely lead to muscle loss.

    I don't want that.. the girls like the muscles right?


    Right..... and if you are a guy of a decent height then you won't build much muscle eating under 1000 cals a day.

    Grab a handful of almonds or add a little olive oil to comething. Bananas are quite high in calories, a banana with some peanut butter is a fairly high calorie snack but full of lots of good things (try to get an organic natural peanut butter if poss)

    6'2" yeah I have the bananas but even that didn't appeal to me 4 hours ago.. starting to get hungry but have not slept yet.. I might eat one banana and go to bed but not alot of Cals this late.

    I personally don't think one day would cause a probelm. It's not like you are eating under 1000 cals every day. Your body doesn't have a re-set button when you go to sleep. You might wake up really hungry and need a few extra cals tomorrow so over the two days it could even out. Even if you don't eat more tomorrow, I don't think the one day would have too much of a negative effect.
  • dallasfloyd
    Undereating occasionally isn't a big deal, but as a male consistently undereating, particularly less than 1000 cals, will likely lead to muscle loss.

    I don't want that.. the girls like the muscles right?


    Haha. YES! Yes we do :-)
    I'd have a tbsp of PB on a stick of celery/cracker. Or a handful of Almonds.

    I can drink Almond milk now but i still don't like almonds.. Cashews I love i know they aren't the best nut but .. i like em...
  • Mamoonie
    What do you do when you intake less than 1,000 and your not hungry at all?

    Wouldnt know...this has NEVER happened to me - every day is a struggle to keep my cals below 2000!!!

    ^^^^^^^^^^ This!!!
    Except for the occasional "being sick", which happened maybe 3 or 4 times in 2 years.
  • NewAngel35
    NewAngel35 Posts: 182 Member
    It is a learning curve I believe every person is unique in their own way.Personally I wont eat back exercise cals. I am playing around with numbers I go between 900-1400.If you want to eat more but feel full go for the higher cal foods. etc.You will soon c if you need those extra cals x
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I deal with it. So long as my weekly average is good, it's not going to kill me. I have days where I just don't care to eat, which is usually just a small phase, and not something I do regularly. Now, if I'm sick, I don't eat. I usually drink my calories in the form of broths, slim fast, ensure, and whatever else I can manage to take in while not feeling well. Those are low cal days as well. But if it's a once in a while thing, no, I don't sweat over it.
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I have that same issue with netting the 1200. I have been trying to eat more often and higher calorie foods early on in the day. My base is set at 1200, by the time my day is over and I have exercised, I generally end up closer at 2400 that I need to eat for my 1200 net. It is 4:20am here and I have already eaten a banana and a hard boiled egg. I would say try to choose higher calorie foods and snack more often to boost your calories early on in the day, that way you aren't so short at the end. It is a trial and error thing. I am slowly learning...
  • SusanLovesToEat
    SusanLovesToEat Posts: 218 Member
    What do you do when you intake less than 1,000 and your not hungry at all?

    you eat more...
  • thevikingninja
    Don't force it- some days when I work I barely eat (I cook all day so it has a strange effect on making me not want food some days) One day of low cals wont hurt at all.
    I don't believe in 'starvation mode' per se at all, but even the people who do say it takes 3 days of low cals for it to kick in. So either way a day here and there won't have any real effect.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    What do you do when you intake less than 1,000 and your not hungry at all?

    If it is rare situation, don't worry about it...or use it as an opportunity to treat yourself to something you wouldn't usually eat.

    I actually try to keep some MetRx protein bars on hand for days when I need a LOT of calories--they are about 300-350 calories and come in yummy flavors. Last night I had a minimum of 100 calories to eat to get to my base calories (1450 for the day), so I had a fiber one brownie with a tablespoon of PB on it.
  • LaurenAOK
    LaurenAOK Posts: 2,475 Member
    If it's just one day, probably nothing. I might eat a spoonful or two of peanut butter, it's not filling at all and will add a couple hundred. Besides that I wouldn't worry too much, unless it's a daily thing... then you might need to focus on bringing up your intake overall.
  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    peanut butter. or drink something calorific. cook with olive oil, avocado, nuts... full fat versions of foods, etc etc
  • TSivak
    TSivak Posts: 17 Member
    I'm the same also. Haven't been feeling well. But even before that nothing looks or sounds good. Time change due soon. Maybe that's it?
    What do you do when you intake less than 1,000 and your not hungry at all?

    Wouldnt know...this has NEVER happened to me - every day is a struggle to keep my cals below 2000!!!

    Tell me about it! "Oh no I need to eat more calories" is not something I'm ever in a position to say!
    I am under my calories on most days,but i am full and don't worry about it.I just reckon that tomorrow might be a bad day and at least my weekly average wont be affected.I've only been doing this plan for 3 weeks,so i'm still obsessing over low calories etc.I think if you had a week of eating 500 cals a day i would say you need to plan better.
  • determinedbutlazy
    determinedbutlazy Posts: 1,941 Member
    I eat more anyway.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    What do you do when you intake less than 1,000 and your not hungry at all?

    you eat more...

    Most men can lose fat eating 1800-2k a day.
    Anything too low if you dont have the fat for energy will lead to lean mass lost.
  • xiamjackie
    xiamjackie Posts: 611 Member
    My net calories are always around 1000, sometimes even less. I just don't eat that much to be honest. And I eat when I'm hungry, so no, I'm not starving. I eat a lot of salads and veggies when I am hungry along with lean protein, egg whites, and occasionally fruits and those things don't have high caloric values. I'm really short (5'0) and I feel like I need less fuel than everybody else does to keep going. I eat when I'm hungry, but I don't when I'm not. I don't shovel food into my mouth just to make my calorie intake for the day. I personally wouldn't worry about it.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    My net calories are always around 1000, sometimes even less. I just don't eat that much to be honest. And I eat when I'm hungry, so no, I'm not starving. I eat a lot of salads and veggies when I am hungry along with lean protein, egg whites, and occasionally fruits and those things don't have high caloric values. I'm really short (5'0) and I feel like I need less fuel than everybody else does to keep going. I eat when I'm hungry, but I don't when I'm not. I don't shovel food into my mouth just to make my calorie intake for the day. I personally wouldn't worry about it.

    So hormonally youve suppressed ghrelin?
    Looking at your start date and loss I probably wouldnt take your advice.
    Not to be mean or anything but if you want to lose the rest of your weight you may want to diet correctly.

    You just described what happens to people who under eat chronically.
    They plummet hormonally and things go haywire.
    Right now at your intake, Leptin goes through the floor and ghrelin should be through the roof.
    Leptin signals the body its okay to lose fat because theres sufficient food.
    Ghrelin signals the body that you need to eat.
    You are probably getting neither.
    You should look into it.
    PM me if you need help understanding this stuff.
    I'll have my iPhone on me.
  • jules1202
    Personally I try to listen to my body in this case. Its not just about feeling hungry, its about feeling sluggish or jittery too. If I feel that way then I know even though my stomach and my head aren't telling me I am hungry I should still eat (I am hypoglycemic so my signals may be different than others). I have this problem alot when I am trying to lose because I am a total carb addict so the only way to lose for me is to take out all the junk carbs (Sugar, white flour, etc). Ironcically once I take those things out of my diet my cravings stop and I have to be careful to eat ENOUGH calories. I am just not hungry when I take sugar out of the equation. Talk about working both ends of the extremes. :P

    On a side note, I was having this exact problem last night, not hungry and below a thousand and ate a pack of whole wheat PB crackers to help (I had worked out earlier so I know I def. needed some cals). My DH actually wanted to come over and hassle me about eating the crackers since we are trying to be really good right now (we go on a cruise in 10 days and I plan to have desert and a few fruity drinks on the trip :smile: ). I about slapped him upside his head, told him I was low on cals, and to back off. I :heart: him dearly but he has no healthy eating sense.
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    I haven't come across not being able to eat less than 1200cal. Unless you're referring to NET. I sometimes NET below where I should be but I always try to get as close as possible. *IF* I were under and not hungry, I'd probably try and eat something quick to fill in the gap anyway like some peanut butter. Who can say no to the peanut butter? (besides those with allergies to it) Must keep fueling the body for less break downs.
  • Turtlehurdle
    1.- Spoon
    2.- open peanut butter jar
    3.- put spoon inside jar
    4.- scoop enough peanut butter to cover entire spoon
    5.- Insert spoon with pb in mouth
    6.- swallow
    7.- BAM! You met your 1,200 calories.

    8. youre welcome