To Drink Water or Not to Drink water???



  • sunshineshica
    thanks everyone! great tips
  • drewbird911
    drewbird911 Posts: 120 Member
    Drink water, and lots of it.
    Especially before and after working out...
  • RougeIllusion
    RougeIllusion Posts: 59 Member
    I would say it depends on the kind of sweet tea you are drinking. Is it a kind like McDonald's which has soooo much sugar in it? If so I would say that's probably not a great option.

    I read a good way to figure out how much water you should drink it to take your weight, divide by two and the divide by 8 and that's the amount of 8oz glasses of water a day you should have.
    So if you weighed 160 divide by 2 is 80 and by 8 is 10, 8oz glasses of water a day.
  • sin485
    sin485 Posts: 125 Member
    i had the same problem! id always prefer to drink tea or coffee instead of water especially if it was a hot day! i found it really hard to start drinking more water but i started having a glass of water with my meals and when i got used to that when i got thirsty tried to have water instead of tea every now and again
  • AmandaD100
    AmandaD100 Posts: 9 Member
    I used to not drink any water, even less than you. No cups per day and no sips out of the drinking fountain-ew! But after talking to my doctor he told to drink half my body weight in water ounces per day while trying to lose weight. It was SO hard but what finally got me to keep it up was my skin! I've never had dry skin or particularly bad skin but after drinking the water everyday it just looks SO much better it is unbelievable. I still can't drink tap water though, tastes so bad to me!

    Soooo, not really diet related but still a nice plus! I have noticed now that I have been drinking 60 ounces of water a day that I crave way less salty foods than I did before and I do think that is directly related. Good luck to you!
  • sannsk
    sannsk Posts: 203 Member
    I struggle with this too, most of the time I don't even think about drinking anything until I realise it's evening and I haven't had a single beverage all day. I'm really not a thirsty person :smile: I don't even crave for coffee, tea, soda or anything else. I went to the gym yesterday and exercised for an hour without feeling the need to drink anything.

    Having said this, I really, really try to force myself to drink water, because it's amazingly good for you. For your skin, for your argans, for getting rid of toxins and filth in your system.
  • emnk5308
    I love water. I used to only ever drink sweet tea... That does have water in it but IMO it isn't enough.. plus you're also getting sugar and caffeine and all that.. I always felt thirsty, and I'd automatically for for the tea, or a soda or juice.. all of this does have water in it. BUT I still would feel thirsty.. My middle school encouraged us to have a bottle of water with us at all times, so I'd drink it during the day.. I then didn't feel thirsty! So now, soda and sweet tea is just a treat. I ALMOST only drink water all day. I do have my coffee every morning or an energy drink, and I like to have gatorade sometimes.. Water is good for you, it is necessary for every function in your body. It is extremely important that you are getting enough water each day.. so if you never feel thirst, or get that hungry feeling (when you know you aren't hungry) then you're getting enough.

    If you want to drink more water but don't like it (I think you're nuts :tongue: ) but you can try adding fruits or lemon juice to it to make it taste yummy :wink:
  • MrsDrk
    MrsDrk Posts: 153 Member
    I purchase the small bottle of Sam's Choice from Walmart they are 10 fluid oz and I seem to drink them quickly. I used to barely drink water until I had gotten these bottles. I usually drink 4-6 bottles while at work, which is a whole lot better than what I used to do. I guess you just have to do what works for you. (OAN: Water has 0 calories as opposed to other drinks and I don't have to worry about adding 100+ calories to MFP for each drink in addition to what I had to eat.)

    This!!! I really struggle to drink my water- I'm a coffee drinker, and tea as well- though never sweetened. I KNOW I should drink water, it helps digestion, it helps my skin, among many other positive things. I just can't seem to DO it. If I buy water bottles (waste of money, I know- but they are relatively cheap)- I will drink it! I can finish a small water bottle, NO problem. So, we buy the water bottles. It's what works for me =)
  • fatsopig
    I never suggested she switch or give up tea. I also never implied that her body was shutting down. My post was merely to point out the benefits of water and offer an alternative that might increase H2O intake. Your negativity is disappointing.
  • adelitas_star
    DRINK. I used to only drink a glass or two a day and I felt awful. After I got up to 8 - 9, I started feeling better. Your body NEEDS water. It doesn't matter if you're not huge on drinking it. Make yourself drink it, any way that you can.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    I've never been a big water drinker. I barely get in 2 cups if that. The only time I really drink water is during and after my workout and it's usually from the water fountain at the gym which means it's probably like a few sips. Im still able to lose weight. I'm a sweet tea drinker. So I'm just curious to see if I'm the only one who feels this way. Your thoughts

    "Water" includes pretty much any fluid that is mostly water. If you must get your intake in the form of sweet tea, count the calories and go for it. But DRINK YOUR WATER in whatever form you can possibly manage it.

    When I switched from soda to straight water, I got a squeeze bottle of lemon juice and one of lime juice (the stuff that comes in the little bottles shaped like lemons and limes). A little spritz of that into a glass of water gave it at least SOME flavor, very few calories, and a little extra vitamin C that never hurt no one.

    Now I'm stylin' on straight water. But the splash of lemon and/or lime helped with the transition a lot.

    You can also use Crystal Light or similar flavoring packs, as long as you count the calories in them (if any!)