"Beyond Diet"...have you tried it? Looking for opinions



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This program sounds very similar to the Body Makeover. I spent $300 on a diet plan, recipes, and a workout routine. The reality was that by following the program, I ended up eating below my BMR, which automatically meant I was going to lose weight. In the end, the diet was super-restrictive. I lost weight, but I was miserable, and of course, I didn't stick to it.

    I've lost 2 1/2 times as much using MFP as I did on the Body Makeover. Looking back, I really wish I hadn't wasted my money. It kind of sounds like you have already made up your mind about it. If you do it, just be sure that you won't regret it. The information here is free for you whenever you decide to do this for yourself, and stop looking for the quick and easy fix.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Just curious ACG67, is that really you in the picture ????? If so you should be proud of the way your looking. Does the 67 mean year of birth ? If so, you are smashing for your age, Im the same age and can only PRAY that I would ever look that muscular. Just sayin.

    No... that is not the year he was born... but he still looks smashing, doesn't he?!?!? :bigsmile:
  • lizziebeth0890
    lizziebeth0890 Posts: 5 Member
    I joined Beyond Diet a week ago, and in one week of eating more than I ever ate just counting calories here I lost twice as much weight. 5 pounds in a week and I have been eating 5 times a day. Not too bad. Lol.
  • virtin
    virtin Posts: 8
    I have high bad cholesterol, low good cholesterol, hyperthyroidism, fatty liver, and high tryglycerides. I am thinking about joining beyond diet. My only concern is the high bad cholesterol. I think the fatty liver is due to not having my gall bladder and eating too many years of processed food. How are your cholesterol levels ?????
  • jesspi68
    jesspi68 Posts: 292
    A woman I work with was just talking to me about the Beyond Diet and was trying to convince me it was the best thing ever because it's what she is planning to do. She told me that as long as you eat unprocessed foods and avoid these five bad foods you can eat as much as you want because your body will burn the fat off with the right foods. Then she goes on to tell me that my body is going to hang onto fat and I won't ever get to my goals if I don't switch to this "clean eating" style.

    I told her, I don't care what you are eating, if your BMR + your exercise out calorie value is say 2,000 and you eat Organic Chicken, vegetables and this other stuff you are allowed for 2,500 calories you WILL GAIN WEIGHT. If you consume more than you burn off you will gain weight.

    She told me that isn't what they said and she doesn't believe me. *sigh*
  • LivingTheBDLife
    This program sounds very similar to the Body Makeover. I spent $300 on a diet plan, recipes, and a workout routine. The reality was that by following the program, I ended up eating below my BMR, which automatically meant I was going to lose weight. In the end, the diet was super-restrictive. I lost weight, but I was miserable, and of course, I didn't stick to it.

    Beyond Diet isn't super restrictive though.. and it's only $47. It's just a different way of eating than the way many people currently eat. It focuses on eating real whole foods rather than processed foods that contain sugar, wheat, and a whole host of preservatives and additives.
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    This program sounds very similar to the Body Makeover. I spent $300 on a diet plan, recipes, and a workout routine. The reality was that by following the program, I ended up eating below my BMR, which automatically meant I was going to lose weight. In the end, the diet was super-restrictive. I lost weight, but I was miserable, and of course, I didn't stick to it.

    Beyond Diet isn't super restrictive though.. and it's only $47. It's just a different way of eating than the way many people currently eat. It focuses on eating real whole foods rather than processed foods that contain sugar, wheat, and a whole host of preservatives and additives.

    I already do that and didn't spend an extra $47...105 lbs lost total so far (not all reflected on my ticker as I lost 50 lbs before MFP) just google clean eating and ask questions here to get the same info for free.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    This program sounds very similar to the Body Makeover. I spent $300 on a diet plan, recipes, and a workout routine. The reality was that by following the program, I ended up eating below my BMR, which automatically meant I was going to lose weight. In the end, the diet was super-restrictive. I lost weight, but I was miserable, and of course, I didn't stick to it.

    Beyond Diet isn't super restrictive though.. and it's only $47. It's just a different way of eating than the way many people currently eat. It focuses on eating real whole foods rather than processed foods that contain sugar, wheat, and a whole host of preservatives and additives.

    All the things you listed are the same things that I had to give up for the Body Makeover. What you are talking about is clean eating... which, as others have said, you don't need to spend money to learn how to do it. I personally don't overemphasize clean eating in my diet, and I have still lost a ton of weight all on my own without having to spend a dime on someone else's prescribed plan.
  • jaymenicole525
    Hey! I just wanted to say that I did not join the website, but I did buy the $3 ebook. I don't need to join the website, because the book gives you everything you need to know about how to shop, ect. It's not a fad diet at all. It explains what foods you should be eating to make your body the healthiest it can be. That's whats important to me. After I went shopping a week ago I lost 7 pounds. I'm honestly telling you that it's less of a diet and more of scientific studies of what foods you really should be eating to make you healthy. Just look for the ebook first before you join.
  • jaymenicole525
    While I agree with the excersize, I've lost 35 lbs so far and haven't counted one calorie. eating fat free food and whole wheat bread made me fat. I was not eating the foods that my body is designed to eat. Just because you think one thing doesn't make her wrong at all.
  • guy_pierce
    Beyond Diet is a great program to lose weight and more importantly feel great. The program is not about counting calories but eating per your bodies metabolism.

    You will eat wholesome foods, not processed foods that align with your metabolism.

    I've been a member of Beyond Diet for quite some time and the program amazes me because I don't feel like I'm on a diet and I lose weight every week.

    Just Google "Beyond Diet Reviews" to read for yourself.
  • Janet_in_MO
    Janet_in_MO Posts: 5 Member
    Just found this, so thought I'd put in my 2-cents worth... I just joined myfitnesspal as a kind of test to see if what I'm eating on Beyond Diet is really as many calories as they say it is. It's only been a week, but my findings so far are that weightloss is NOT just calories in vs. calories out! I've been on Beyond Diet for 6 1/2 months and have lost 37 pounds on the program eating about 2000 calories a day. I'm going to keep up the double logging for a while just to see if my findings continue to agree.... but I am very happy with the Beyond Diet program where I don't count calories, do moderate exercise and get to eat food that tastes good and fills me up. The only thing I've really "given up" is sugar, hydrogenated fats, and soy. And I don't eat processed or packaged foods - you have to plan and cook real foods. It IS a way of life, not a diet and is not super-fast weightloss. I love it!
  • RobinSiegerman
    I think that if you don't feel that you need Beyond Diet and are losing weight on your own, then you should continue doing what works for you. But everyone needs different guidance and support and I've found Beyond Diet a terrific resource. I don't have to spend time bumbling around the internet to find information I'm looking for and there's a very supportive community that doesn't shoot down your choices, who will cheer your accomplishments. Eating is actually so much more than the simplistic calories in calories out equation, and the program (it's not a diet, but lifestyle change) gives you a place to find information and support.

    The less weight you have to lose, the harder it is to lose any. I needed to lose 10 lbs, and although I've always been very aware of nutrition and followed what I thought were extremely healthy eating principles, and a regular execise routine, I couldn't get the weight off. In 2 weeks following the Beyond Diet plan, I lost 5 lbs, never feel hungry, have lost cravings for sweet things and have learned more about the science of food than I knew before. You won't know if the program will works for you if you don't try it. But one thing is for sure, if you don't make a committment to it and truly understand and follow the plan once you join, it will not work. And that is not the fault of the plan itself.
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    You do not need a website to eat healthier foods. Simply ask questions here for advice on food types that are smarter choices and you can save the money.

    Despite what some people think, it is Calories In vs Calories Out, and why yes, diet can effect Calories Out. The biggest problem people face when determining this is they do not accurately measure or they over estimate how much they burn or under estimate how much they eat. Then they argue to the contrary to protect their pride.

    And remember, weight loss is not always fat loss.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,287 Member
    Waste of money. You can get all the support and resources you need to do the same thing for free!
  • warpedlogic
    If this is redundant, I apologize as 'dieting' is a sore subject for me and I want to get this info out there and I didn't read the entire thread:

    The real definition of diet is:

    di·et noun \ˈdī-ət\
    a : food and drink regularly provided or consumed

    So it's just what we eat, right? So being on a diet is just eating. In order to lose weight, we need to make a lifestyle change of what we eat and also have to add some very important tools to our weight-loss toolbox. Those tools are:

    1. Knowing the feeling of hunger
    2. Knowing the feeling of being full
    3. Knowing the feeling of thist (and being able to tell the difference between 1 and 3)

    So lets start by changing our diet:

    1. Limit processed foods
    2. Limit or cut sugars
    3. Limit fast food to "healthy" food (el pollo loco, chipotle, freebirds, etc.)
    4. Limit eating out at all

    I've said it before and I'll say it again, "dieting" is just a lifestyle change. Fad diets don't work in the long run as you've not learned anything from it.
  • willeeCee
    The thing is it's only $47 that's it, not real pocket busting investment and it's a life membership, doesn't sound bad to me real foods real recipes, not pre packaged food they send to you they give you a shopping list to go grocery shopping with, sounds good to me, and if you already workout like crazy which some do and you still don't lose weight it's obviously your diet, so I say try it it's only $47... And weight lose for SOME PEOPLE is waaaaaay beyond calories in vs calories out.
  • parismilton
    Dieting and losing weight needs a particular procedure depending in your physique and way of living. So if you think you can google out what will suit you, you may be wrong. So i guess this program is a better option than trying random procedures of internet.
  • joderv
    I have been looking into Beyond as I lost 4 stone doing a low carb diet and it worked for me, however I did get off plan and in 2 years I have put on 1 stone. I think from what I experienced in that 1 year is that carbs like pasta, rice and bread honestly do not get on with me. I am going to give the Beyond diet a go as it is pretty much what I know already and I just wish I trusted myself and continued eating clean.
    I have to say that everyone is different and low fat diets make me put on weight and I have no doubt about that. Sugar is the enemy and not fat. We need good fats and yes that includes saturated. I never counted calories when I was eating low carb and I lost weight every week. I felt good and my asthma was much better. I am def going to have to stick to this as I know it is better for my health. I am going to eat what I feel is good for my body and listen to my body.
    I don't think it is a fad. I am not signing up yet, but to be honest £30 for lifetime membership and access to support and recipes does not seem so bad to me. I did buy the book on my kindle and will see how I get on without the support and will keep researching into recipes etc.
  • yodiana
    yodiana Posts: 8 Member
    Angelangi - thanks for the youtube link. very helpful!