


  • I have lost 40 pounds doing Zumba! I need something I enjoy and that I crave and that I can't wait to do. Zumba is my drug! I have psoriatic arthritis and I still do it, classes are a blast! I have been to a few instructors over the last year but I have one favorite instructor who has a fitness background vs. the dance background. She pushes us further and higher then we think we can go. There are times that I'll just be running in place and she's yelling to pick up your feet and oh look I'm doing high knees now, did you know you could do that? LOL It's just too fun for words really and that makes me want to go!

    I second the poster who said they have choreo memorized that they can do at home. I have a playlist on my iPod entitled "Favorite Zumba Songs" it's exactly an hour long and I do that 5 days a week and then take 2 classes a week.
  • I love it too. The first week I looked like a newborn giraffe because I am lack dance coordination but once you get the routines down (they tend to do a lot of the same) then it gets a lot easier. It's fun and you sweat a lot! LOL
  • Oh and funny story. The first "zumba" class I ever took was Zumba Gold which I didn't know was for old people. So I get in there and I'm wondering why I am the only one not 80 years old. Haha! It was still fun though. I hope I am cool like that when I'm 80. ;)
  • dahkneeka
    dahkneeka Posts: 163 Member
    yay! thanks all for the advice, and the support!!
  • mommy3fit
    mommy3fit Posts: 48 Member
    Love Zumba!! I do it at home with the dvds and the Wii game. So fun and I sweat like crazy! You will burn tons of calories also.
  • MVY_
    MVY_ Posts: 253 Member
    I have never tried Zumba but that's because I have two left feet and I am bad at dancing. :P
  • FlamencoGal
    FlamencoGal Posts: 126 Member
    I LOVE ZUMBA!!!!!! I was going once a week to supplement my other exercise and it is soooooooo fun!!!!! When my schedule changed, I lost my class, but I am looking for a new one close to my house. My first instructor was so good, though, I'm a little apprehensive about starting with a new person.

    Don't worry at all about the classes!! Everyone is in the same boat, and believe me, no one will be looking at you, because they are too busy concentrating on the moves!!
  • andream1976
    andream1976 Posts: 77 Member
    I just started Zumba 2 weeks ago....tonight will be my 3rd week/3rd class. It is a little intimidating at first, but really, all the moves repeat themselves eventually so after you do it a few times you'll get it down. I've found that I enjoy it a lot and that hour goes by super fast! I'm sure I look ridiculous at times, flayling all around, but I don't really care. I'm not looking at anyone other than the instructor (and maybe the person beside me just to make sure I don't run her over! LOL) Since my class is only held once a week, I went to youtube and booked marked a few zumba videos to do in between. It helps me to practice some of the moves and still get in a good work out. Good luck to you! You will do great!
  • I love Zumba i use the dvd work out at home every day I have lost 63 pounds with zumba. Before zumba I had tried everything diets different exercises no matter how hard I tried nothing worked then I got Zumba it has changed my life. Zumba works!!
  • I just went to my first Zumba class last week and I absolutely loved it. I've been to it twice now. The instructor made it really fun, and although I was worried about looking stupid, it didn't matter at all! No one is looking at you. I've done it twice and I've been really sore. The best part about Zumba is that it is so fun that you don't even feel like you're working out and you end up drenched in sweat!
  • coffeebrown5
    coffeebrown5 Posts: 73 Member
    I attend at my local gym. Its a high intensity work out. I like the moves we do it makes me feel sexy. All the guys always stop by the window and peep in....lol ...I only been once because my schedule don't allow it.
  • Since joining MFP, my wife and I have joined Zumba classes. We enjoyed it so much we became Zumba Fitness instructors! It was a great way to stay motivated and hold ourselved accountable to exercising regularly. I lot of people say it depends on the instructor, but I say although it makes it more enjoyable if your instructor is a great motivator, it is just as important that you hold yourself accountable and stay focused on your weightloss goals.
  • Beethoven1827
    Beethoven1827 Posts: 102 Member
    I'm not very coordinated, and definitely not a dancer, and I really enjoy Zumba :smile: Lots of fun, and we all laugh together when we make mistakes all the way through a routine! No-one cares about anyone else's mistakes - we're all concentrating on getting our own bits right!

    I keep thinking about buying one of the wii games or a DVD, but haven't yet - and there's only one class a week I can get to.
  • meghan6867
    meghan6867 Posts: 388 Member
    I look like an idiot an usually almost stumble over once or twice every session. :smile:

    BUT! It is fun and I've lost a pretty decent amount of weight... I can attribute a lot of that weight to shakin' what my mama gave me at Zumba class.
  • I love my Zumba class at the Y; I attend a class twice a week. It is easy to catch on, so being uncoordinated is not frowned upon. The instructor is VERY, VERY energetic but tells people to work at their own pace. It is a fun way to burn off some calories in an hour! :smile: