


  • klacount77
    klacount77 Posts: 270 Member
    A dirty daycare will be the best thing for her. The spike in allergies and autoimmune diseases over the last 50-60 years is thought to be caused by improved sanitation. Exposing your child to dirt, etc, might help prevent everything from asthma and celiac to arthritis.

    I can fully relate. I HATE my house out of order. Everyone jokes about my OCD issues with cleanliness. So I 100% feel your pain over this issue. I also came from a VERY small town and understand limited opportunities and options.

    That being said ... I tend to agree with this guy to a point ... if your child is never exposed to less sterile/clean environments then you are going to have a REALLY difficult time once the baby starts school. Boosting her immune system now is really a better option.

    Spoken from someone who has done the "sterile til school" routine and the "screw the messiness he's happy" routine with my 5 boys. Believe me, the ones that went to daycare in less that clean environments have fewer colds, fewer illnesses and fewer issues health wise than my ones who were kept in environments I deemed "up to standards"
  • RockinBooty89
    Let me just say... as a daycare teacher, all I do all day long is clean and wash my hands (to the point where my hands crack and bleed from washing so much). You need to be direct about your concerns, even if you think you're being crazy, be open about your crazy, this is your child we're talking about. Pose it to her this way...

    I am concerned about the individual attention my child will get. It seems like its already tough enough for you to keep up with all of the kids you already have seeing as you aren't able to clean up after them and I wanted to directly address my concerns with you. I'm also worried about my child's health. I know germs travel quickly, what is your sanitation routine? (State licensing requires us in Ohio to bleach everything at least once a week).

    Think of it this way also... maybe no one has ever brought this to her attention, and if you don't, you are doing her a disservice as a business owner because she may never have been aware it was a problem. Just be honest and open with her, what harm can it really do?
  • paulandrea
    paulandrea Posts: 120 Member
    I feel you, i'm in the same situation right now :sad: i went to see 10 different day cares, and i don't believe the tings i saw, plus they are so expensive (nyc) so i finally found a Nanny that i trust :happy: she is going to take care of Fiona at my home, but she just can work 3 day a week so i think i have to decide for a day care for the other 2 days:ohwell:

    good look and maybe after you put you baby over there you can talk to the manager or other parents and ask for a cleaning place.