Are you around 50? How much exercise can you do?



  • mystikfairy61
    mystikfairy61 Posts: 80 Member
    I am 51. I started exercising the first wk of Aug. I weighed 225 and was extremely out of shape. I started out just moving LOL doing a little dance to my favorite music for about 10 mins. I then progressed to where I could do 30 mins, 4-5 times a week. I started Zumba toward the end of August, with only 10 mins to start on it. Now I usually do 30-45 mins 4-5 days a week. I have lost 15 pounds so far with 85 more to go. I also have severe osteoarthritis in my left knee and right hip, but even though I get sore muscles, I don't let it stop me. I just keep the hopping to a minimum and try to keep it as low impact as possible. This works for me. Just take your time and try different things. You will find one or several that you enjoy and that will help you reach your goal. Being able to enjoy the exercise you are doing, to me, is the key to continuing your program. Good luck.
  • I'm 54. I do a Curves 30 minute (cardio and strength training combined) workout 3 days per week. I walk two miles everyday at a fast pace. I do Zumba one day a week. I weight train at home 3 days per week. I participate in 5k walk/runs several times per year.
  • I achieved a goal to be a faster runner and stronger person at 50 than any other time and I update and achieve the same goal every year. I place 3rd overall (not only just winning my age group) in a 5K race recently. I don't find being over 50 is very limiting physically, although it probably takes more work for the same result, and you have to be more careful about warming up and stretching.
    That's amazing, very inspiring and encouraging. If you have a minute, I'd love to know what your training looks like
  • annadavidson1984
    annadavidson1984 Posts: 22 Member
    I'll be 51 in April and I try to work out every day. I usually make it 5/7 or 6/7 (I work a full time job and part time job). I do Jillian Michaels' videos. Now there are some things I just can't do, but I try to do something similar to whatever she is doing. I'd say vary whatever you are doing and see if that helps. I know when I first started her videos couldn't do hardly any of it. I still have days , depending on how my fibro is acting, that I have a hard time. Just stick with it!
  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Hi: I'm 53 with terrible knees and it's true I can't exercise like I used to. Meaning I can't jog, do aerobics that require any jumping around - heck sometimes I can't even walk except at a crawl. But I can be active. I change up my exercises to give my joints a break - some days I I swim, some days I do water aerobics, and I've even become one of those old folks that mall walks (it's easier on my knee than walking on pavement). I try to stay active every day although I don't beat myself up if I have one leisurely weekend day.

    I can't do Insanity or run a half marathon but I can clip on a pedometer and make sure I get my steps in every day. I'm recovering from knee surgery this week so I can't walk much or get into the pool for another week but hopefully I'll be back in stride (slow as it is) next week.

    Listen to your body. I didn't at first. I stupidly tried to jog a few months back - bad move - knee surgery the result. I'm an ijit.
  • Ok, I can't possibly reply to every post, even though I'd love to! So many inspiring people on here - thank you all for replying. I very much appreciate it.
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    I am 60! I started with 30 day shred. You can do modified versions of most of the exercises,you will be surprised how strong you get each day. Just listen to your body, if your shoulders or knees hurt stop. You do need rest days. Drink lots of water to help the muscles. I've been doing Zumba,just love it! Billy Banks DVD is next!
  • Don't compare yourself to others and listen to your body. We are all individuals after all :) Happy exercising!!

    Their is always someone who is stronger, faster, and fitter. So listen to your body.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    I'm 52 and work out 5 or 6 days a week.
    Normally I alternate cardio and strength training to mix things up and work my whole body.
    Injuries prevent me from running as far as I'd like or lifting as much as I'd like but focus on what you can do rather than what you can't.

    Both your training and your nutrition for training need to be correct but age isn't the barrier. OK I'm never going to be a pro athlete but I will be slim and strong.

    And it's fun showing up the youngsters sometimes :)

    My diaries are open and happy to "friend" with positive people.
  • laureltn
    laureltn Posts: 87 Member
    Good advice to listen to your body and everybody is different. If you have congenital or age-related issues, you need to tailor your plan for you -- getting hurt will sideline you and that's not what you want. Also, if you haven't gotten a good physical and doctor's okay to exercise, you should do it. I actually had to get a "permission slip" from my doctor when I signed up for a boot camp four years ago since I was over 50 (yeah, made me feel old).

    I'm 55 and just ran my first half marathon last weekend at my goal of under 2 hours (by a whisker). Only residual is a slight twinge in the knee (possibly ITB from being too excited and forgetting to stretch). But I do have to listen to my body and throw in biking and other activities for cross-training. Good luck and don't forget to have fun too!
  • algebravoodoo
    algebravoodoo Posts: 776 Member
    Like the others, I am fast approaching 50 and am in better shape now than when I was 30.
    I run 4-5 days a week, totaling 25 or so miles, and try to lift twice. Weather permitting, 20-30 miles of biking is not unusual.

    Like you, I hit a point where I just feel like to go for a run would be volunteering for a face-plant on the pavement.
    Listen to your body. It will not lie to you.
  • LindaSmith108
    LindaSmith108 Posts: 19 Member
    Bump :smile:
  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    I am 53 and try to workout 4 to 5 days a week. Check the intensity of what you are doing. Work up to it slowly and don;t try to do too much.

    Maybe see your doctor to see if there is something sapping your energy.
  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    Yesterday I watched a 70ish, overweight, short man outpace me by 1.5mph on the treadmill for 20 mins straight. I am 26, a couple pounds over, and tall.
  • Jfearn64
    Jfearn64 Posts: 353 Member
    I would look more to your nutrition. Sounds to me like you are running out of fuel. I work out intensely 6 days a week (P90X). I find if I play golf that day and also do P90X, I really struggle unless I have had a complex carbohydrate earlier in the day. Take a look at what you are eating. There is no reason you should not be able to work out everyday. I am 48 and still bringing it!
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    I started at 60 and couldnt walk around the block my daily runs now are 4 miles and longer runs around 6 to 8 5 days a week with a fitness class at the SENIOR center 3 days a week I am doing something every day but i do have some days that are pretty light..
    Pretty light for me now at 64 was not doable at age 60 . Alot of people question why I run at 64 " your almost 65 why are you still running'? age isnt a factor be patient and go at your pace listen to your body and just keep getting better
    I will be fitter at 70 than 60 cool
  • I'll be 50 in a month and I'm finishing up and intense cardio program called Turbo Fire. However, I did that cardio 3x's a week and strength 2x's week. I'm starting Insanity in two weeks. However, when I started Turbo back in May, I only could do 3 days a week and kept it low impact. So I think you really need to work up to whatever workout you choose. But I find that if schedule your workouts and stick to it, you will find your conditioning starting to improve. When you start a workout program, realistically ask yourself "what kind of shape am I in NOW?" I find many people choose workout programs they are not ready for, and sadly, that's how you set yourself up for discouragement.
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    Fifty two here and I started out about 2 days per week and now am at five with two days off on weekend. My main recommendation is listen to your body. Never bad to have a "nice sore/tired" feeling after working out; however, your body shouldn't hurt. Goal, whether eating or working out is always towards a more healthy you
  • My husband is 57 and I'm 53 and we both started exercising in May. My husband was an ultimate couch potato, longest walk during the day was to the restroom (He works at home). At first he could not even walk around the block without feeling like he was dying. Now about 5 months later he is mostly doing bike rides. Just about everyday and 20-25 miles a day. (He has lost over 100 pounds since May). My biggest worry is that he will 'burn out' and go back to his old sedentary life and give up on being healthy. I am sticking to my treadmill, water aerobics and the occasional bike ride with hubby or jog with daughter. For me this is a lifestyle change and I don't want to start something I won't be able to maintain for the future.

    I suggest you listen to your body and take breaks as needed. If you overdo it too much you might end up with an injury that holds you back even more than a rest day. Good Luck!!
  • I achieved a goal to be a faster runner and stronger person at 50 than any other time and I update and achieve the same goal every year. I place 3rd overall (not only just winning my age group) in a 5K race recently. I don't find being over 50 is very limiting physically, although it probably takes more work for the same result, and you have to be more careful about warming up and stretching.
    That's amazing, very inspiring and encouraging. If you have a minute, I'd love to know what your training looks like

    Sure. I have built up to it gradually. Currently I am starting to lift weights more frequently so my schedule is Mon. - upper body weights plus 3 mile slow and easy run; Tue - 6 mile run with speedwork included; Wed - lower body weights plus 3 mile slow and easy run; Thur - 6 mile run with speedwork included; Fri - 1 hour swim or day off; Sat. 15 - 18 mile long run at moderate pace plus upper body lifting; Sun. 5-6 mile slow and easy run. Sometimes I include biking and swimming, but the weight lifting is my focus right now. My workouts change depending on what I am getting ready to do. My next big race is the Boston Marathon in April but I won't start the specific training until late November.