I need breakfast ideas



  • flamencobarbie
    flamencobarbie Posts: 53 Member
    Bump for me!! : ) I am going to try the banana pancakes, and pumkin pancake recipes.. Lets see if they work.
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    I personally love eating oatmeal or omlettes with a little bit of cheese.

    Lately I have been making breakfast the night before with theyummylife.com. Here she has overnight oatmeal and oatmeal smoothie recipes that are not only good, but made in advance and quite filling. She also has her healthy version of a McMuffin, which you make the night before and freeze or refridgerate. I had them for lunch today and it was very delicious (Although I personally changed it up so it was regular english muffins instead of whole wheat, etc... Making it to what I already have).
  • KrazyAsianNic
    KrazyAsianNic Posts: 1,227 Member
    Avocados are amazingly satisfying for breakfast! Here is what I have:

    1 whole avocado (use a half to cut the calories) cut in half, scoop into dish, dash of salt mash with a potato masher until nice and smooth
    1 slice of 12 grain bread (I like mine toasted dark) - spread on mashed avocado - SO good!!!

    I also eat a banana and a cup of tea with honey - about 590 calories (440 if you only use half of an avocado) but I like eating a substantial breakfast. I eat about 5:30 AM and it keeps me rocking easily until 10AM when I eat my mid morning meal.


    toast with avocado spread on top and then an easy over egg on top of that. Yum!
  • dor230586
    dor230586 Posts: 22 Member
    2 whole wheat toasts and some light cream cheese => 280 calories
  • iwuruder
    I have been eating a Timber Ridge Farm scrambled egg pattie (thawed in microwave) with Borden FF American single on Aunt Millie's WW slimwiches(toasted) and a Oikos Strawberry Fruit on the Bottom Greek yogurt. All this is 300 calories. This keeps me full until lunch at noon. I leave my house at 6:15 a.m. so I need a quick breakfast in the morning. This all taks about 3 minutes to put together.
  • KelleyRob
    KelleyRob Posts: 97 Member
    What is the nutritional info on the oatmeal pancakes. They sound wonderful.
  • piratesaregrand
    piratesaregrand Posts: 356 Member
    What is the nutritional info on the oatmeal pancakes. They sound wonderful.

    If they are the ones I posted this is for four

    Calories Carbs Fat Protein Sugar
    Oatmeal pancakes, 4 serving 225 24 2 30 3

    I use fake sugar coz I'm diabetic though, and lite cottage cheese.
  • shanster23
    shanster23 Posts: 144 Member
    Wholemeal toast with 1tbs peanut butter, and some fruit (banana, kiwi, 1 cup of strawberries/grapes/etc).
    Super quick and tasty :)
  • HealthIsMyHobby
    HealthIsMyHobby Posts: 85 Member
    1/2 cup choc. soy milk w/1 cup coffee over ice in a blender (40 cal)
    1/2 whole wheat bagel (140 cal) with 1 tbs peanut butter (100 cal)
    Total 280 cal
  • jvdx
    jvdx Posts: 57
    protein cake:
    a scoop of protein
    an egg
    little splash of milk
    stir and then microwave for about 90 seconds.
    Sweet tasting, protein rich and very filling!
    oh and like 200 calories

    eggs & tuna scrambled together with some mayo(low fat if needed). also great
    about 400 calories(3 eggs)
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    My smoothy:
    271 kcal of pure yumminess
    25g flaxseed (ground it first!) (about 2 tbsp)
    150g frozen berries (5.3 oz)
    300ml soy milk (1.3 cups) Add bit more milk or water if you want to drink it.
    Details and macros:
    Kcal: 271
    Carbs: 22g
    Fat: 13g (good fats from the seeds)
    Protein: 16g
    Fiber: 20g
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    french toast with wholemeal bread, organic soy milk (i only use soy cos i'm intolerant), 1 whole egg, organic peanut butter and banana. :) sometimes i will add baked beans as well.
  • Try to think outside of the box a little, don't think of breakfast as a meal when you have to only eat eggs, toast, oats or fruit and yoghurts. Each meal should cover all three macronutrients (protein, carbs, fats-good), I mix up my breakfast the same way I mix up my lunch and dinner which also means that the foods that I would eat for lunch and dinner I can also have for breakfast.
    I have been doing this for the past 12 months and I am the leanest I have been in 7 years. Make sure you incorporate some form of meat for breakfast (red meat, white meat, seafood) even wild meats.... That doesn't mean you need a 350g steak, it only needs to be at least 100g with a mixture of veggies. You want to make your breakfast bigger than your dinner with a good size lunch in the middle, eating to much at night is the downfall of most people trying to loose weight and body fat percentage.
    Hope this gives you more ideas.......
  • pjs52
    pjs52 Posts: 4 Member
    I love cereal! Why not multi grain cheerios, skim milk and a banana? 235 calories, and if you add a toasted sandwich thin, that's 100 more calories. I'm 60 yr old , lost 14 pds in a little less than 2 months.
  • mareeee1234
    mareeee1234 Posts: 674 Member
    I few of my fav..... easy + healthy! .....

    - Baked Beans - they are low cal & low fat

    - Toast with Avocado and Tomato (with a crack of pepper)

    - Toast with Tomato and Ricotta (with a crack of pepper...you could even add some basil leaves if you have them!!)

    - Toast with Tomato and crumbed Fete Cheese (with a crack of pepper)

    - Ricotta in a bowl mixed with honey and cinnamon, then serve with banana and raisin toast - SO yum! But not sure how healthy raisin toast is , so you could just have it with banana

    - Make yourself some Birchir muesli (the one you soak over night) - there are great recipes on the internet, and you can basically make it up

    - Toast with peanut butter and sliced banana (not everyday though, cause of the pb)

    Hope this helps and gives you some different ideas :)
  • mileah67
    #` Fruit smoothy - 1/2c 1% Milk, 1 cup fruit, 1 scoop protein powder - you can control the calories based on the amount of powder you add and type of milk.

    I like this because it is quick and satisfying. My blood sugar falters so I have an apple about 2 hours after. (I follow the 5 meals a day plan)

    #2 Kashi Go Lean! -
  • maryrshstattoo
    maryrshstattoo Posts: 206 Member
    I do bagel thins with fat free cream cheese and Yogurt total is 190 calories, sometimes I add some fiber one squares cereal to my yogurt and have some fresh fruit. Breakfast is my big meal of the day!
  • stljam
    stljam Posts: 512 Member

    also you can do egg white omlettes in the microwave in the steam ziploc bags adding ham, veggies, cheese and whatever you want. I made one this morning that was almost the size of a 3/4 of a large plate for around 300 calories.
  • Minu135
    Minu135 Posts: 48
    My fav for the last few days is a toasted wheat bagel thin with 1tblspn of almond butter and some craisins or dried cherries on top. Yum! with a cup of tea!
  • EndlessSacrifice
    Make a peanut butter and banana smoothie. It has lots of protein and healthy fat, and it'll keep you full for a while.

    1 banana, sliced
    2 tbsp. of peanut butter
    1 cup of the milk of your choice
    1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
    1/2 tbsp. of honey
    3 ice cubes

    Blend all of these ingredients together in a blender or Magic Bullet.