where have you lost inches that has surprised you?

I am noticing many dresses, jackets, shirts are too big in the shoulders. I never would have anticipated losing girth there. Not complaining, just was surprised to see the extra fabric in the shoulders of so many garments...


  • birdieaz
    birdieaz Posts: 448 Member
    My hands...they were small and pudgy. Now they are just small. One of my patients commented..Omg you have the cutest little hands. They are like child hands. Umm thanks I guess LOL
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    My feet! I've lost the eqilivent of two shoe sizes! Also wish I could measure my face!
  • soehlerking
    soehlerking Posts: 589 Member
    boobs. i know i should have seen it coming, but somehow i thought i was the Woman With the Indomitable Boobs...I was not. Sad little B-cups now.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    My waist. Not complaining, lol. Just didn't expect to be able to get down to 25.5" waist after 3 kids and over a decade of obesity.
  • lazatin
    lazatin Posts: 452 Member
    boobs. i know i should have seen it coming, but somehow i thought i was the Woman With the Indomitable Boobs...I was not. Sad little B-cups now.

    Mine have always been b cups, no change there, thank goodness!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    boobs. i know i should have seen it coming, but somehow i thought i was the Woman With the Indomitable Boobs...I was not. Sad little B-cups now.

    I'm envious. Mine would be lost in B-cups. I think they packed up and left town about 20 pounds ago. ::sigh::
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    My back. It's weird comparing older pictures I have "back fat" and now my back is skinny/muscular which is never an area I thought about before
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    BOOBS. But only because I haven't lost weight, just gotten in better shape.
  • Funny you posted this now. Tonight I just noticed indentations under my ribs...WTH is that??? I have never ever had those!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    My chest area, seriously. I do not know how really, I mean I have gone from a 40 around to a 32 around. (that's my bra band)
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member
    boobs. i know i should have seen it coming, but somehow i thought i was the Woman With the Indomitable Boobs...I was not. Sad little B-cups now.

    I'm envious. Mine would be lost in B-cups. I think they packed up and left town about 20 pounds ago. ::sigh::

    Yup. Me too. I used to have small boobs. After losing weight I have no boobs. lol. Boooo me!
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member

    Yup. Me too. I used to have small boobs. After losing weight I have no boobs. lol. Boooo me!

    On the good side, it's a lot easier to fake boobs than to fake skinny, LOL
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member
    My elbows. I think I've lost all 50 pounds there. They are so pointy that now I can't lean on my thighs with them without getting tiny bruises lol
  • Danam48
    Danam48 Posts: 129 Member
    I am losing inches in all the places except where I really want to (belly). My wrists are smaller and my watch is too big. My feet and ankles are smaller. My fingers are smaller, but I have a diamond ring on that I haven't worn in years so that is a bonus. My face is smaller and that I expected. My butt is smaller but I have never had much of a butt, so that is annoying too. I guess I shouldn't really complain... In this case, size matters and smaller is better..heh.. :laugh:
  • KyliAnnHobson
    KyliAnnHobson Posts: 551 Member
    I can't believe how much thinner my fingers have gotten. My ring size has gone from a size 7 to a size 5.5. And, my boobs. They're in sad, sad shape. lol
  • veggiehottie
    veggiehottie Posts: 590 Member

    Yup. Me too. I used to have small boobs. After losing weight I have no boobs. lol. Boooo me!

    On the good side, it's a lot easier to fake boobs than to fake skinny, LOL

  • korsicash
    korsicash Posts: 770 Member
    boobs. i know i should have seen it coming, but somehow i thought i was the Woman With the Indomitable Boobs...I was not. Sad little B-cups now.

    My sad little a 1/2 cups wave hello....
  • dr2k12
    dr2k12 Posts: 291 Member
    Seriously, my feet... I dropped a shoe size which struck me as pretty funny...
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    My hands...they were small and pudgy. Now they are just small. One of my patients commented..Omg you have the cutest little hands. They are like child hands. Umm thanks I guess LOL

    This, I'm a lab scientist, so I wear gloves a lot and I was surprised when I went down a size. Shoe size also was weird.