What do you use for non-food rewards?



  • Crayvn
    Crayvn Posts: 390 Member
    Giving myself 100 dollars a pound to spend on "improve me" items that normally would not ever spend my money on (like lasik / MHT, plastic surgery, hair removal etc). But only if I reach my healthy goal of 60 pounds not a penny spent till then. Kinda fun thinking of stuff that I want to do when that goal finally happens. Up to $1000 now (10 pounds).

    dammn...will you be my sugar daddy? :p

    Ha! Looks like we have the same goal pounds to lose. If we both make it to our goals I will send you are care package, I have a perfect idea. This helps me also, now if I make it to my goal, I get what I want AND someone else gets something nice also. Pay it forward at its best.

    awwww...ty :)
  • Dianecg
    Dianecg Posts: 44 Member
    I started out doing rewards for exercise goals - gym every day this month? New workout shirt! Gym every day for two months? New shoes! Gym every day for three months? Exercise bands! And so on. Every treat has been something I've wanted for my workouts, but portioning it out that way helped keep me motivated and made me pick things I was really sure I needed - I didn't want to wind up with another bunch of exercise junk gathering dust in a closet (YOGA DVDS I AM LOOKING AT YOU). Now my reward is seeing a personal trainer, which is also kind of the thing I'm getting the reward for, but it all seems to work.

    Oh, and today I'm going out to buy pants for work and bras that fit. Clothes that fit are always the best reward.

    I like this approach! Thank you!
  • Dianecg
    Dianecg Posts: 44 Member
    I'm just starting. I read about a really cool idea, that I think is just what I need: A charm bracelet - with a new charm for every 5 lbs lost, and something special for those major milestones. That way when (not *if* in my case) I gain back a few pounds, I can remove a charm too. I will have a visible reminder on my wrist of how far I have come. It will also be in my line of sight as I am eating, making it a very helpful and *immediate* reminder.

    great visual aid!
  • ndearing0501
    ndearing0501 Posts: 145 Member
    I'm not trying to lose weight, but become more healthy/fit. Anytime I reach a goal or do something good for a certain amount of time, I reward myself with workout gear or clothing! It's also super motivating!
  • Danilynn1975
    Danilynn1975 Posts: 294 Member
    at goal weight, there is this steampunk leather lace-up buckled corset with brocade inlays that is coming home with me. and a particular Coach purse that nearly matches it.

    Also a lingerie shopping trip to reward my hubby for his patience and support.
  • Crystaleyed
    Crystaleyed Posts: 229 Member
    I haven't lost enough to warrant me a treat as such, so I haven't given it much thought.
    But I am thinking for every 5lbs ,or kg in my case, lost I would get something small :) I don't know what yet but a bath bomb from Lush or something small and sweet like that :). For every 10kg I intend to get myself a new piece of fencing equipment, since I have been wanting my own equipment for a while but it is quite expensive and I don't want to buy a new fencing jacket to have to be resized again :L.
    For reaching my UGW I intend to go on holiday abroad, which I haven't done in 8 years, somewhere nice and lovely.
    I intend to have a treat for being binge free for an entire month as well, but I'm not sure what that will be yet. Will keep looking on here for suggestions if no one minds :)
  • Dolsica
    Losing the weight is the biggest reward in my opinion.. And then i'll just buy clothes. (:
  • aynhagenbarth
    aynhagenbarth Posts: 75 Member
    I'm easily rewarded by going thrift store shopping!!! I LOVE finding hidden treasures, so I don't allow myself to go at all until I reach my goals. I can't afford to reward myself with massages and such but I would love to!! Right now I am on my last 10 pounds. I am thinking I will get a nice new bra when I am finally there because mine are all getting much too big!
  • Joanitude
    Joanitude Posts: 171 Member
    I cannot afford to reward myself after every 5 lbs.
    Rewards don't have to be expensive. They just have to be something that works for you. Many of the things that others have mentioned, while nice, would not be a *reward* for me. I need something physical - as nice as a massage might be, it would not work for me. It also needs to be "not practical" to meet my idea of a reward. Clothes are too practical to be a good reward for me. Shoes would work...if I was a shoe person, but I'm not. That is the trick - finding what works for you. I applaud those who say just reaching the milestone is reward enough. I am just wired different.

    BTW - The charms I got average a bit over $5 each. I assume I have saved at least that from my food budget to lose the 5lbs.
  • ashleydmassey
    ashleydmassey Posts: 106 Member
    I don't do rewards. I'm down 43lbs and have had to buy new clothes several times, so that's where my money goes. Feeling a thousand times better about myself is enough of a reward. I thought about buying a fabulous new wardrobe when I get to goal, but I really have no idea when that will be. I feel like I'll be firming up for a while after getting to goal weight (and therefore needing smaller sizes again.)

    I'm the same way. To me, the weight loss itself is the reward for the hard work and commitment. :-)
  • Joanitude
    Joanitude Posts: 171 Member
    I'm just starting. I read about a really cool idea, that I think is just what I need: A charm bracelet - with a new charm for every 5 lbs lost, and something special for those major milestones. That way when (not *if* in my case) I gain back a few pounds, I can remove a charm too. I will have a visible reminder on my wrist of how far I have come. It will also be in my line of sight as I am eating, making it a very helpful and *immediate* reminder.
    I had a number of people ask me about this - so I made my charm bracelet part of my ticker below. The center bead is the starting point - it says "Celebrate Life"

    Since I added it to my ticker, I find it is even more motivating. Now my on-line friends can see progress (or lack thereof) as well as my in-person friends.

    I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to be ONE STUPID LITTLE POUND away from a new charm!
  • ScarlettVamp
    ScarlettVamp Posts: 828 Member
    Like several others who have responded, I have "rewarded" myself with new smaller clothes along the way out of necessity. But I will also reward myself with other things that are non food related like a pedicure or manicure, a movie, or a meditation class.

    I set my goals at more than weight loss these days. Right now, I've challenged myself to stick to healthy eating/daily exercise for 30 days without fail. I'm on day 14 and am planning to reward myself for reaching the 1/2 way mark by going to a meditation class on Monday night since I haven't been to one in about 6 months.

    It's all about what works for you.:smile:
  • swonn
    swonn Posts: 323 Member
    My rewards are compliments from co-workers and my physician. There are a fantastic ego booster. That being said, I do have to buy a new pair of jeans today. :wink: