Coffee addicts..........



  • bahlquist
    Hello name is Brian and I am a coffeeholic
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    20oz, Decaf, 2 vanilla creamers or 2 hazelnut creamers :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • pinkminy
    the first thing I do in the morning Is have a coffee ,
    And I dont start work till Ive had another, and I would rather have a coffee than eat,
    I have my coffees strong and Black, and Ice coffee is with a double shot of coffee
    and skim milk (No cream) just a scoop of ice cream
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
  • pwittek10
    pwittek10 Posts: 723 Member
    I am a 2 pot a day drinker
  • jlnk
    jlnk Posts: 188 Member
    Has anyone found any bitterness in their coffee with the french press? I want to get one but a couple people have mentioned a bitter taste stemming from that mode of brewing......


    What kind of coffee are you using? The Frech Press, IMHO, requires a premium, freshly ground coffee bean.
  • iWILLbeFit062012
    iWILLbeFit062012 Posts: 97 Member
    Mmm... It's always a good morning when there's coffee. Happy day everybody!!! :happy:
  • Crosbinium
    Crosbinium Posts: 415 Member
    Me, ME, ME!

    I am a serious coffee junkie who prefers only the good stuff! Currently have a love affair going with La colombe's Haitian Blue. Happily, my husbands love's lattes and was on board with saving up an getting a Jura.
  • Aquarian
    Aquarian Posts: 1,094 Member
    I love coffee. With sugar and cream. I could drink it 4 times a day, but I have seriously cut back. :(
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Happily addicted and thankful that my brother and his friends started a roasting business. Prefer mine organic, fair trade, shade grown, and black, but have a Keurig at work and drink whatever dark roast is there.

    buy one of those "my K cup" adapter thingies and take your own coffee to use at situation!
  • clsylstra
    clsylstra Posts: 1 Member
    2 weeks ago, I gave up my cream & cut back to 1 tsp. of sugar per cup. Still miss those items but I see my weight dropping now.
    And I don't crave it as much, so I think it was the sugar & cream I craved over the coffee.
  • gingersnapx00
    Totally! Having three kids and a college student had lead me into the wonderful world of coffee addiction. I love to taste different flavors and look forward to it every day. I'm ill without it ;)
  • SwimTheButterfly
    SwimTheButterfly Posts: 265 Member
    Cafe con least two cups a day.
  • littleworm23
    littleworm23 Posts: 341 Member
    I'm totally addicted. I drink way to much but don't have the money for fancy coffees (or the taste for them). I drink black coffee made in my home everyday. Usually about 1 pot a day... yes, I said pot. But I'm down from 2 pots a day. lol
  • dittmarml
    dittmarml Posts: 351 Member
    Heck, yeah. Where are ya' - I'll walk a mile for a cup!
  • shanae727
    shanae727 Posts: 546 Member
    sipping on some right now! LavAzza with a pump of white mocha. YUM-o
  • HollywoodDJ
    LOVE LOVE LOVE my coffee...I consider myself to be somewhat of a coffee connoisseur....Yesterday was
    NATIONAL COFFEE DAY...I celebrated in a big way....went to the local coffee shop and bought TWO double shots of espresso/ cappuccinos in addition to the coffee I had earlier!~ It was a good night! LOL!

    I do have to be careful with caffeine due to ringing in my ears so it was decaf at night for me!

    I have become a real fan of French Press coffee. The flavor is rich and bold and pure yumminess!
  • jaded_rose
    jaded_rose Posts: 298 Member
    COFFEE!!! :) i have more of that in my then blood some days
  • autovatic
    autovatic Posts: 99 Member
    When I was young, one of my parents gave me a sip of their coffee after I begged, thinking I would spit it out and that would be the end of that. Instead, it was the beginning of a beautiful lifelong obsessive relationship. <3 I take it black, and Costa Rican if I can get it, but otherwise we buy Birds & Beans - a nice environmentally and socially sound outfit.
  • shanae727
    shanae727 Posts: 546 Member

    I'm from Seattle, so of course I love coffee. This stuff is the ****.

    what that is?

    translation: What is this nutritious delicious looking supplement that you have shared with us today?