SAHM 2/8/10 - 2/8/14



  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Hope ~ Wow! I hope that works for you!! I would love a personal trainer! Congrats on reaching a 2 mile nonstop run!! WOHOO!!

    Melissa ~ Did you take any before pics?? Even with 10 pounds I bet you can see a difference! Keep it up!!

    Trish ~ While that is very interesting...I still don't know if I can stay away from the chocolate!!! :laugh: I will try though, maybe it will help knowing this ;)

    So I'm sorry to report that I do in fact have strep, along with a slight ear infection. I'm on antibiotics, so hopefully the throat will feel better for my long run tomorrow! Yes, I think it's crazy that I still want to work out even when I'm sick....
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hopey- I am sooo proud of you! that's awesome on the 2 miles! I am starting to think that I am not eating enough too. Especially on my running days. I brun around 1000 cals on those days. I just don't know how to get all of the cals in!

    I need to run today, but the rain is not letting up...:sad: If it doesn't let up soon, I am going to pop in my new DVD I got today a Wally World. It's Taebo Ultimate. I have always loved taebo. I used to teach kickboxing aerobics class about 10 yrs ago.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Nicole, I am going running in a few minutes. I will run for you, and will NOT quit half way through like I usually do. That will be my running for you :-D
    I feel hungry though. Debating whether or not to eat before I leave to work out. I think I'll spring for a 1/2 cup of nuts & fruit
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    *crawls under rock to avoid disappointment and shame*

    WHY CAN'T I RUN PAST 16 MINS?! *Bangs head on treadmill, bangs head on treadmill, bangs head on treadmill*

    I feel great until about half way through the program, then WHAM, hit the wall. I quit running and walk the last 10 mins. Argh! I swear I'm going to shoot myself. Going to repeat week 2 next week, and whine to chiropractor tonight.

    *Wants to know why she isn't Superman 2 weeks into the program* lol
    Can ya tell I'm impatient?
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Trish ~ How fast are you running during the running part?? Maybe you're running to fast? I wouldn't worry about speed right now, the important thing is that you make it through the full 20 minutes!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm doing a very easy 4.5 mph when I run. Any slower & I speed walk. Any faster & I get tired even more quickly. It's frustrating. The same thing happens when I run on the road or the track. I just prefer going to the rec center b/c everywhere near my house is hilly, and the RC is flat. I do do hill training once a month (I have a mean little beastie by my house), but you get what I'm saying, right?
  • Trish don't worry, it gets easier. It took me three weeks to move past week 3 and same thing for week 4. And I've been on week 5 for 2 weeks now. It does get easier, just do what you can. I recently learned that listening to my music is detrimental because it does not go exactly my pace, and the breathing at a pace other than what I'm comfy with wears me out in 1/2 the time. Like with your calories, just fool around with different speeds, different or no music, and different times of the day. I also find that eating a banana about 30 min before a run helps. Don't know why, but it helps me. It takes time...go easy on yourself!
  • shera426
    shera426 Posts: 227 Member
    Hey everyone, sorry I haven't logged yesterday or today. I'm feeling the hubby's absence very much today, the kids are non-stop whine, cry, whine get the picture. Very stressful mommy day and I just want them to get in bed already so tomorrow can hopefully get better! I just want to crawl somewhere and hide for a while but I can't. I still have this darn cough, still hurts my chest, still coughing up junk *no fun*. Haven't worked out at all, The doc says my lungs are clear and to take something to clear it up but so far nothing..*sigh*

    On a more positive note I am officially a business woman! We got our tax returns today as well and I've been thinking it over for a few weeks on what I could do for more income but still stay at home. I am a photographer but since we have moved to california I havent' had any luck with my photography. So I have a good friend back in Alaska that has been trying to get me to do Pure Romance with her for almost a year and I finally took the first step and signed up! When I know more about what I do as a consultant I will let you know. I am very excited to sell such an amazing product! I know i'm excited can ya tell! To bad you all are so spread out how much fun would it be to have my first party with everyone on here. That's one thing i'm a little nervous about is standing up in front of everyone but i think i'll get over it :blushing:
  • Hello all! It is almost my bed time(still shooting for 10:30!) so this will be short. We worked all day but WE FINISHED!!! The tile is done in the bathroom. I know this doesn't have a thing to do with eating/working out/weight loss but I just had to share with someone! I dead tired but I am glad it is done. Now on to paint & fun stuff!

    Today was a good day. Not sure how many calories to log for the bathroom work but I stayed right around my calories so I am not to worried about it. Didn't drink enough water or do my walk but well there is always next week.

    Goals for tomorrow.

    Not stress while I watch my kids. Not stress eat while I watch my kids.
    1 soda
    Protein snacks--cheese stick, yogurt, nuts/raisins/m&ms
    Salad at McDs on the way home
    WATER WATER WATER!!! I packed 3 or 4 for the day.

    Trish--listen to everyone! You are being really hard on yourself! You were sick this week & had a HUGE race not to long ago. It takes time to work up to these things. Make some little goals to reach the big one!

    Shera--sorry the kids were being rotten. Sounds like you could use an hour away for some non mommy time. Anyone you could drop them with for a little while? I always felt like a new woman when I could do that & I wasn't acting as a single mom like you are. Congrats & the new business.

    Sorry if I left someone out but I am propping my eyelids open.

    Have a great weekend.

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I guess one of the reasons I'm upset is because I do have goals and deadlines to meet, and they don't seem to be happening. I still want to reach 50 lbs lost by my 1/2 bday (March 23), and I'm just yo-yoing between 222 and 218 right now, and I don't know why. I want to RUN my next 5k, the whole way, March 27, and not be next to last like I was in my first race. I want my body to do what I want it to do! I also wish I had someone to yell and scream at me during workouts, especially half way through C25K 3 days a week. I just can't seem to push through that 16 min mark. It makes me angry. I don't feel that I'm being hard on myself, I feel like I'm not meeting my expectations. There's a difference.

    Anyway, so happy for your tile being done, curlie. Now you can do the FUN stuff!

    Hopey, super cute new avatar of you & little person

    Shera, sorry you had a rough day. I hate those whiney days. Luckily there's comfort in knowing we ALL have those days.
  • Good Morning Everone!
    Busy day ahead but I burned 810 calories on the TM this morning!! I was on for an hour and it felt soooo good. Making it for an hour (at the strenuous pace and incline I could barely do for 20 minutes 2 weeks ago!!!) was a goal of mine and I am happy to have accomplished it! I hope you all accomplish one ofyour goals today too. Have a blessed day everyone!

    Todays goals
    water, water and more water to flush out pizza sodium from last night!
    no birthday cake at party today
    make good choices for eating back exercise cals
  • good afternoon ladies. well here in nc we have about 6" of snow where i live. our little girl loved the snow. she played in it for about an hour. hubs and i went out yest and did our valentines day. we got a 1 hr couples massage. it was awesome. then we went to lunch, totally blew my calories for the day out of the water. i gonna try to make it up today. hope everyone is doing good. i gonna try and stay warm and watch the snow. take care
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hale Freezes Over just posted results and photos. I finally found one of me!

    I'm in the red with my back to the camera, LOL. Took me all morning to find a single picture of me among the 250+ entrants!

    And way to go on that hour, Melissa, you show that TM who's boss!
  • Trish I'm sorr you're so frustrated. I wish I knew what to tell you. Just stay with it, and one thing that helps me (and only helps now that I'm not doing the timed runs but maybe 2-3 days a week) is to cover up the stats on the TM (time, calories, distance) with my sweat towel so I just run until I can't anymore. It really does help me. That and not listening to music.
    Thanks for the sweet comment about my new picture. Yesterday it snowed here for the first time in like 6-7 years! Mini-hubby had never seen snow before and was so excited to run, jump, and tumble in it!
    In your picture- is that Grace?

    Melissa- WTG on your hour on the TM! That's awesome!!

    Getting excited about my trip- I leave on Monday morning for El Salvador! Can't WAIT!!!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Trish ~ Sorry about the run! Is there anyone you know doing the C25k? Maybe a running partner would help? I know how it feels to not accomplish goals, it really sucks! LOL about the pic, that's funny!

    Melissa ~ Nice burn on the TM! Wohoo!!

    Kim ~ YAY!! Glad your bathroom is coming along...we need to start that soon. We'll be moving in the fall...yikes!

    I did it!! I made my goal today, ran 8 miles without stopping!! Took me 93 minutes, but I did it :):) I'm so happy! If I can keep this up, my 7.49 mile race will be a breeze, even with hills! It definitely wasn't my fastest, but it was my longest! It hasn't even been 1 year since I started my running journey (began C25k in March...and I hated it until week there is hope Trish), now I see how much I absolutely love it! I wasn't in pain, I was in a groove just enjoying my 'me' time!

    No off to a birthday party...glad I burned over 1000 cals, that cake is gonna taste sooo good ;)
  • good afternoon ladies. well here in nc we have about 6" of snow where i live. our little girl loved the snow. she played in it for about an hour. hubs and i went out yest and did our valentines day. we got a 1 hr couples massage. it was awesome. then we went to lunch, totally blew my calories for the day out of the water. i gonna try to make it up today. hope everyone is doing good. i gonna try and stay warm and watch the snow. take care

    Do you sense the jealousy about the massage? What an awesome date/valentine's gift! Don't worry about blowing calories, I'm sure it was totally worth it!!
  • Holy Moly Katie! 8 MILES without stopping?! You just showed that 8 miles who's boss!!!!! Awesome! You definitely deserve some cake after all that!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Way to go on your run, Katie! I can only presently aspire to do as well, but hope to soon.

    The baby in the picture from the race is not Grace. I am standing with some friends from church. The baby is the granddaughter of the one with the headband to my left. Grace was safe and warm at home with her daddy at the time :)

    And I don't hate C25K. I've always wanted to run. I just get frustrated that I am too tired to run anymore at about 16 mins in.

    P.S. No one to really run with, but you gals in spirit.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    YAY! I found another one. This must be from the start of the race because I only ran with them to the stop light on the corner, then got left in their dust. They are also friends from church.

    P.S. We are all running, but it looks like I'm walking. The illusion of no hands can do that, LOL. It was 20 degrees out, and I had no gloves, so I pulled my hands inside my hoodie & they were fine. Stayed there the whole race
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    hi all! we're back!! sorry i'm not gonna read thru the whole week but i glanced and saw lots of successes--and steps in the right direction! yay mommas!

    welcome to the new ladies too!

    our trip was pretty enjoyable--did many fun things and my mil cooked most nts but bedtime was a bear every night. and my kids are beyond LOUD all the live long day!

    glad to be back in my home, cuz it's easier for me here, but really enjoyed scottsdale. it's so much prettier there than here in vegas.
    glad i took the trip. not trippin with those 3 again for a LONG time. 1 more week at home for track break--which means cleaning, decluttering, teaching division and fractions, and maybe a fun outing here or there. :)

    chk ya tomorrow!

    **edit** did that sound too complainy?? didn't mean to! i didn't want to be bragging abt all the good stuff (i feel bratty) and felt i should be honest abt the bad parts....seriously warped i know. here's my thinking--so many ppl rt now are having a hard time financially and here i am on a week vacation on outings etc staying at my mil's. like who am i to deserve this princess trtment? make sense? anyway--
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