Why Did You Get Fat?



  • felblossom
    felblossom Posts: 132 Member
    1) New relationship with lots of nights spent in front of the TV with a bag or two of chips, or pizza, and sodas.
    2) The chips and sodas became sort of an addiction and started to edge its way into my everyday life. I could finish off two bags of chips in one night without thinking, just because I got a craving and didn't know when to stop.
    3) College life - partying and an overall unhealthy lifestyle.
    4) Quite a disinterest in cooking. Did the same cheap and simple pasta dishes all of the time without realizing that I could eat 2,000 cals in one sitting... General ignorance about what was "healthy" food.
    5) Eating lots of junk food
  • StillChangingAmie
    I got great at cooking for myself after my parents split up. Didn't become knowledgeable about nutrition until way later!
  • Going4Lean
    Going4Lean Posts: 1,077 Member
    depressed, emosional eating i guess. I was 11 confused about who i was and how different i felt.
  • IslandDreamer64
    IslandDreamer64 Posts: 258 Member
    It took me over 20 years to gain 100 pounds. I think it was just eating a little too much, of the wrong things, and moving way less than I should have. Gaining 3-4 pounds a year was hardly noticeable, until one day BAM, you're fat!
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    In high school I was a dancer and also anorexic... when I stopped dancing I went from being ecstatic to extremely depressed and suicidal, from anorexic to working at maccas = free food, my metabolism was already screwed. I ate like I had never seen food before, I GORGED myself. I just filled in my diary for tomorrow as how I used to eat just to give myself an idea... almost 10,000 calories! Plus I was.. almost an alcoholic and smoked and drank every day. I also completely stopped any other form of physical activity when I stopped dancing. I was on antidepressants/acne tablets which completely screwed with my metabolism further.
  • Qos_
    Qos_ Posts: 27 Member
    A number of big issues combining into one result:-

    * Leaving an active job
    * Meeting a partner with a family of overeaters
    * Getting cosy in my relationship and failing to maintain my own interests
    * Depression and low self esteem, leading to severe comfort-eating
    * Weight gain leading to lower self esteem and larger gains

    Pleased to have woken to a far more active, happy and slimmer life. This is the third stage of my weight loss, I've already shed 60 pounds :)
  • clairyfairy247
    clairyfairy247 Posts: 425 Member
    I finally had the money to buy enough food, and the time to sit down and eat it all.

  • HellsBells61
    3 pregnancies
    Eating through boredom & stress
    Too much convenience/processed food in the house
    A sweet tooth
    Not enough exercise
  • ohmariposa
    ohmariposa Posts: 372 Member
    2 babies...no exercise....poor eating habits :(
  • pedoney
    Sitting on the sofa, recovering from ankle surgery. I was completely inert. All I did was watch TV.
  • tyrantduck
    tyrantduck Posts: 387 Member
    got lazy and got through all my depression and emotional issues with food. lots of food.
  • gerbies
    gerbies Posts: 444 Member
    I use food...for everything. For celebration, for stress-relieving, for sadness, when I'm angry. I also have times when I want "to be like everyone else" and then eat what I knw isn't healthy anyway. I've been able to work through a lot of the stuff that leads to my using food the wrong way, but I still have my occassional "sabbaticals" where I eat whatever I want. I do not "binge" like I used to (tons of food in one sitting), but I will have "binge" weeks, where I eat bad choices (though not stuffing myself) over the course of a week.

    I've always exercised...often intensely; however, I've been over 200 lbs since I was 23. I'm 37 now. Clearly, food is the issue. I'm still working on it and will do the rest of my life...
  • cmpollard01
    1. sure, i can blame Depo-Provera and hypothyroidism...
    2. i can admit that i'm lazy. the only exercise i was getting was lifting my arm to my mouth to fill it. i let a couple injuries be an additional excuse, lost some before donating a kidney to my sister 2 years ago, and then got back up to my worst again.

    sadly, i ignored the fact that i saw it. instead, i waited until the doctor pissed me off by asking if i had considered lapband surgery...

    now, i'm changing my habits, exercising regularly, and working towards a healthy body fat %!
  • feepug
    feepug Posts: 31
    Emotional eater here, happy, sad, bored, stressed, any emotion you can name makes me want to eat, and then the guilt of overeating (5,000 cals is not unusual once i get started!) makes me want to overeat again, if im not careful this goes on for days!
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    I just got older and hungier. I know I can get back to being thin again and I will I just have to work a lot harder to get it than I did back then.
  • kel665
    kel665 Posts: 401 Member
    Emotional eating after break up of a 16yr marriage, gained 20kg. A few years later got into another serious relationship and 6 years later when that ended, put on a few more kg's (more emotional eating). Then I injured both feet and couldn't walk without extreme pain, so gained 13kg in 6 months. I then got on an awful cycle of 'can't exercise without pain but not exercising is making me gain more weight which is putting more pressure on the injuries'. I have had cortisone injections in both feet and they are better at the moment than they have been in a long time so I am getting off my butt and walking while I can and while I'm at it I am eating healthy too, I need this weight off. I am on a waiting list for an operation on one ankle and the other one is starting to hurt in the same spot, I am hoping that losing the weight will fix these problems and I may not need the operation after all.
  • kelley_lynn
    kelley_lynn Posts: 133 Member
    looks @ it... uumm lets see... was always big... it seems, through when i was 12, though over weight, i wasnt huge... hormones kicked in and 4 stone in 2 years. Why am i fat, NOW.... same reason, then as now....i think.. its the only thing that loved me for me.... didnt put me down.... loved me cause i ate everything... so on and so on... 40 plus years of it loving me. Its now a blanket to keep everything away... you name it.... now im lazy... on top of it. My friends would go, your making excuses, AGAIN... maybe i am.... it doesnt hurt like not being loved by family.... it doesnt strip u off your confidence, though later it becomes a part of it. But yes

    Now i am just lazy and want me time.. and thats doing nothing.... for the moment.
  • andreahanlon
    andreahanlon Posts: 263 Member
    I was 230+ pounds by the time I was 13. Too much conflict in home life growing up (mostly alcoholism) and I swallowed my emotions.... and then it took me a long time to learn how NOT to do that!
  • emzilee
    emzilee Posts: 96 Member
    I love food, I love eating, I love sugary drinks and sugary alcohol, I love going out to eat and I love feeling full.

    I'm also a boredom eater - I snack snack snack when I'm sitting in the house. When I'm away at uni, if I buy a box of biscuits I won't just eat one, I'll eat the entire box, just because it's there. And rather than keep having to go to the kitchen, I'll just drink the entire 2L bottle of coke that I have in my room (I live in a student flat / last year I lived in the attic room of a house).

    And exercise... I swam and danced when I was younger but my main hobbies since about the age of 11 have been RC car racing and playing musical instruments - not a lot of calorie-burning there!

    And finally... I hated being sweaty and sticky and hot and damp. But thankfully I think I've finally been cured of that after living in the eternal humid greenhouse that is Tokyo for a year. A year of being constantly dripping with sweat makes it feel normal!
  • JoanneStone
    JoanneStone Posts: 135 Member
    Simply years of over eating and little exercise. No more no less...