Anyone else using Adipex and Topamax?



  • AZKristi
    AZKristi Posts: 1,801 Member
    Be wary of doctors who write off label prescriptions...

    The drug has only been demonstrated safe and effective for controlling seizures. The thing to keep in mind is that the FDA looks at benefits vs. risks when approving pharmaceuticals. So, the relative risk of a drug with serious side effects may be low if it is going to prevent a serious, acute medical problem (like stroke, heart attack, seizure, etc). The same side effects could have much higher relative risk if the drug is treating a less severe problem (acne, rash, etc).

    a side effect is a side effect. It wont be any more or less unless the dosage is higher or lower. This statement is absurd.

    I think what this person was trying to say is that the particular risks of a drug are weighed against the condition it treats. For example, some cancer treatments cause horrific side effects, and can even kill people, but if they are used to treat a condition that is likely to kill the patient anyway (e.g. an aggressive form of cancer) then the side effects and other risks may be considered worth it. On the other hand, if a drug to treat common cold symptoms had the same side effects, it wouldn't be approved or used, because the risks would outweigh the benefits.

    All of that said, I think that the OP's physician (or a physician who has examined the OP to give a second opinion) is in a far better position to discuss with her the risks and benefits of this medication.

    I understand what you are saying but she is saying is that I went to some quack that writes off label drugs and not my regular Dr that I have seen for 20 years and thats has dealt with all my medical conditions.

    Just to clarify, I never used the word quack. I simply said to be wary. The word wary is defined as "Feeling or showing caution about possible dangers or problems." So, be cautious. Do whatever you want, but understand that doctors take one semester of pharmacology in med school. Pretty much everything they learn after med school is information coming directly from drug companies who have recently been fined huge amounts of money for improperly advertising their products to doctors. I don't think anything about your doctor in particular, I am just suggesting caution. You can talk to a pharmacist for free... go to a few different pharmacies and see what a few different pharmacists think. These people take continuing education credits that are specific to pharmacology and can often provide more specific guidance than a physician. Note I said "often" which does not imply that it is definitely true in this case as I know nothing about your provider.
  • giglqueen
    giglqueen Posts: 74 Member
    I used Topomax for migraines and not only did I not lose any weight for the 2 months I was on it (didn't know it could do that) but I had to stop taking it because it made me forget words when I was talking and I felt like I was losing my mind. It's hard to explain exactly what it did, but I wouldn't take it again if it guaranteed a 20lb a month weight loss. That was just my experience though.
  • tlsegar
    tlsegar Posts: 185 Member
    I think it's funny on here how you ask I simple question if anyone else is taking stuff and people come out of the woodwork claiming to know more then my Doctor.

    Funny that I haven't seen a single post claiming that anyone knows more than your doctor.
    How sad that all of you sit there and judge people on your high horses.

    I shared my experience because of things that I was NOT told by my doctor, who prescribed me Topamax. I submit to you that others likely did the same. Maybe you're the judgmental one, thinking we are on our "high horses" when a lot of people gave advice out of concern for you.

    No one ever said you had to follow the advice stated on this forum - people were simply sharing their experiences & opinions - the point of a public forum. Take it as what it is - food for thought.

    This. The overwhelming majority of responses have simply been people sharing their personal experience with this drug and much of it has been negative results. That is not judgement or people sitting on a high horse. It's sharing information that you asked for. Topamax is not something to be taken lightly. It affects different people in different ways so ultimately you have to make the best decision for you.
  • I guess I trusted the doctor when he prescribed it. You're right. I should know better. She's 18. I'm going to talk with her tonight to see if she has any side effects. She does get sick when she eats. And I was just looking at her the other day thinking she had lost weight. I'm gonna have her weigh herself.
  • StephieF87
    StephieF87 Posts: 60 Member
    I took Adipex and lost weight and then, it finally got to were it stopped working, and I WAS STARVING!!! Needless to say I gained all my weight back and then some..IMO I would try to do it the natural way diet and exercise..(This is just my story some others may be very different and I did not read any other comments) I hope this helps, and good luck!!! :smile:
  • terraskye
    terraskye Posts: 370 Member
    I took Topomax for migraine and while excited for the weight loss the side effects were so awful for me it just wasn't worth it.
    I still got headaches, had severe moods swings and meltdowns, was very *****y and always over tired
  • bko_11
    bko_11 Posts: 5 Member
    I took Adipex for 4 months and lost 45 pounds. I felt great at the time with the exception of extremely dry mouth. Once I stopped taking it the weight came back. Its has been easier to maintain my current weight loss by changing my diet and exercising.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    So, what happens when you hit your goal? You stop taking it? Then what? The weight the magic pill just took off will stay off? I don't think so. As soon as you stop that pill things will go back to "normal." - unless you have made some serious lifestyle changes.

    Real food doesn't contain ingredients. Real food is an ingredient. Eat real food. Stay active (in others words: stay off the couch...:)). Lift heavy things. Sprint once in a while.
  • Valqis
    Valqis Posts: 1,016 Member
    I have been on Topamax for almost 2 years, taking between 50-200 mg a day during that time. I am currently at 100 mg a day, along with Prozac, and with the two of them, I have not had headaches. I have lost 30+ pounds during the time, but would count that more towards my workouts and taking my food intake into account more than the Topamax. If I drop off it for more than two days, it does cause my headaches to come back severely... so I would rather take the Topamax. The doctor that originally prescribed it for me did say that I need to stay hydrated due to possible liver and kidney damage if I did not. . .
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    I took Adipex for 4 months and lost 45 pounds. I felt great at the time with the exception of extremely dry mouth. Once I stopped taking it the weight came back. Its has been easier to maintain my current weight loss by changing my diet and exercising.

    When you stopped taking it did you maintain the same eating habits and exercise or go back to eating old habits? I hear that is the biggest problem... I am trying to keep that in mind that I am eating healthy now and later ....
  • Topomax is something I took in combination with a low glycemic (sp) diet a few years back. I thought about going back on it. One side effect that I had is that anything with fizz can taste flat. My Doc said they were going to use it in a study with alcoholics because many like the taste of beer because of the feel on the tongue.

    I had the pins-n-needles on the fingers but that went away after some time. Same with the loose stool. I was losing up and over 2lbs a week to a max of 80lbs. I went off of it and gained about half back. I've taken 25 or so back off with exercise but need a bit of a jump start. It might be what I need.
  • murphy612
    murphy612 Posts: 734 Member
    I take Dopamax....opps I mean Topamax for Migraines; it had no effect on my weight loss/appetite what so ever. I imagine it's the mix of the two that works? Topamax side effects can be scary if you're not conscience of them. The tingling hands went away for me about two months after taking it (as well as the nasty taste of carbonation in drinks) and then the fun effects kicked in. Memory loss, trouble forming sentences, forgetting how to spell or even say words. Sometimes I sound like Yoda when I talk. Needless to say I can't live like that so even though it worked miracles on my migraines I'm working on getting off of

    Best of luck to you, I know several people on the mixture you are taking and they have had great success at losing. I've refused to take those meds, but if it works for you and the benefits outweigh the consequences for you, then go for it.
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    BAD side effects!! I work at a family practice office....I wouldnt do it.....
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    I dropped 14 pound during pregnancy on that RX.

    Is it weird that I find so many things wrong with this sentence?
    " Hey I lost weight I risked so many birth defect on my fetus, but I look AWESOME!!"
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    So, what happens when you hit your goal? You stop taking it? Then what? The weight the magic pill just took off will stay off? I don't think so. As soon as you stop that pill things will go back to "normal." - unless you have made some serious lifestyle changes.

    Real food doesn't contain ingredients. Real food is an ingredient. Eat real food. Stay active (in others words: stay off the couch...:)). Lift heavy things. Sprint once in a while.

    While taking it I am changing my eating habits and working out and will continue those when I stop taking it. The pill just helps you gain control of your eating ... By the way your attitude sucks! I never said I was laying on the couch eating ding dongs taking a magic pill.
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    A little data for you --

    Qsymia, the "new" weight loss drug, is labeled for BMI's of 30+, or BMI of 27+ if you have high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, or high cholesterol.

    Qsymia is available in four strengths, the lowest having 3.7mg of phentermine and 23mg of topiramate. The highest dose has 15mg and 92mg, respectively.

    Topamax, for epilepsy and migraine (also topiramate) comes in dosages of 25-200mg.

    Adipex (a.k.a. phentermine), from what I can find, comes in dosages of 15-37.5mg.

    Thus Qsymia has smaller doses of phentermine and topiramate than you can get separately, which leads to a lower rate of side effects.

    The key with ANY FDA approved drug is that it is viewed by FDA as safer than the alternative -- in this case, Qsymia is safer/better for you than having a BMI in the "obese" range. They are not labeled for the "overweight"range.

    That said, your physician can prescribe the drug however they wish. The drug company can only promote per the label.
  • breasonable
    breasonable Posts: 115 Member
    Yes my Dr warned me about the fizz but I gave up diet coke so it has not been a problem! I hope to have the same great results. But I have not had any side effects. Fingers crossed! thanks for your feedback!
    Topomax is something I took in combination with a low glycemic (sp) diet a few years back. I thought about going back on it. One side effect that I had is that anything with fizz can taste flat. My Doc said they were going to use it in a study with alcoholics because many like the taste of beer because of the feel on the tongue.

    I had the pins-n-needles on the fingers but that went away after some time. Same with the loose stool. I was losing up and over 2lbs a week to a max of 80lbs. I went off of it and gained about half back. I've taken 25 or so back off with exercise but need a bit of a jump start. It might be what I need.
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I dropped 14 pound during pregnancy on that RX.

    Is it weird that I find so many things wrong with this sentence?
    " Hey I lost weight I risked so many birth defect on my fetus, but I look AWESOME!!"
    She didn't take it for weight loss, she took it for seizures. Did you even read the whole comment?
  • AnninStPaul
    AnninStPaul Posts: 1,372 Member
    Be wary of doctors who write off label prescriptions...

    The drug has only been demonstrated safe and effective for controlling seizures. The thing to keep in mind is that the FDA looks at benefits vs. risks when approving pharmaceuticals. So, the relative risk of a drug with serious side effects may be low if it is going to prevent a serious, acute medical problem (like stroke, heart attack, seizure, etc). The same side effects could have much higher relative risk if the drug is treating a less severe problem (acne, rash, etc).

    a side effect is a side effect. It wont be any more or less unless the dosage is higher or lower. This statement is absurd.

    WRONG. Side effects are the primary dose-limiters for drugs. The higher the dose, the more likely you are to have side effects. Made my money in pharmaceuticals for over a decade, which taught me a lot.
  • So, what happens when you hit your goal? You stop taking it? Then what? The weight the magic pill just took off will stay off? I don't think so. As soon as you stop that pill things will go back to "normal." - unless you have made some serious lifestyle changes.

    I hope that I can go off of it completely and stay off of it. I am on a pretty large dose. I'm "off the reservation" dosage-wise was not sexually active because it would be devastating if something happened while I was on it. My side-effects are significant and I ramped-up to my dosage over two weeks so I knew I could handle it but the phentermine-topomax old-skool combo was something I didn't want to try and didn't need to after I saw how effective topomax was by itself.

    My exercise is going higher and higher and my diet is becoming a real lifestyle this time. Hopefully it is enough exercise this time to make up for the loss of topomax if I choose to pick it up again.