

  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    When I'm stressed or anxious, I need to do something with my hands. The worst thing I do is pick at my skin - a bad habit I've had since I was 13. It's something I struggle with much more than with my weight. Amazingly, I don't have any scars from doing this for half of my life.

    These episodes, up to 2 hours at a time, that I spend in front of the mirror - not even thinking about my skin, just thinking of all the things I'm worried about - these are my binges.

    I binged on food when I was in high school and freshman year of college, but not anymore. I just don't keep any food in my apartment that would TRIGGER a binge: ice cream, candy, pizza. And the shops and cafes in my neighborhood close around 10pm. So if I feel munchy at about 9:30, I distract myself until 10pm. Then, if I'm actually hungry, I eat vegetables, yogurt or oatmeal - the only food I have at home. I also have beer, wine and sake, but it's extremely rare for me to have alcohol alone. One day, when I have a family, I won't be able to keep my fridge so empty. But for now, this works for me.

    I just need to find a way to stop the other behavior... The good news is that I do it a lot less often than I did in high school and college, and never to the point where I feel like I can't show my face... But that wasn't always the case.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    I think I'm finding depression triggers mine. Depression and lack of planning and having healthy snacks around. Receiving bad news or major stress makes me sick to my stomach, but doesn't trigger binges, rather it makes me not eat at all.
  • walnut
    walnut Posts: 216 Member
    For me, it's when I'm supposed to be doing something I don't wanna do. Like right now. Homework, cleaning, yardwork... always, always has been a problem for me.

    Oh, and then having overeaten. It starts out as grazing, but gets out of hand once I've figured I messed up already.
  • honeybee71
    honeybee71 Posts: 47
    I'm pretty sure breathing and being awake is what triggers my binges. Yep that's it!

    Really, I think it's smells. Smell chocolate, resist chocolate, resist chocolate, eat 6 lbs of chocolate.
  • fatsis
    fatsis Posts: 1,117 Member
    Stress Stress and more Stress. And wouldn't you know it, This week is loaded with it. I think my job is taking years off of me.
  • spartysue
    spartysue Posts: 29
    EVERYTHING!! I am emotional eater--stress, happy, sad, whatever. If I deny myself something for too long, I will binge on it-- (pizza, cookies, cake, chips, you name it!) Being around my family (not my kids but my mom & brothers) will set me off....usually starting with alcohol......it's not pretty. So, now my home is free of junk food & unhealthy things. I buy more fruit and keep granola or protein bars on hand for snack-attacks. There is no way I can order a regular pizza a just eat a slice or two. So, I buy the lean cuisine or weight watchers and those help me with my cravings.
  • wanderinglight
    wanderinglight Posts: 1,519 Member
    spartysue...msarro...or anyone else that has "extended family" eating issues...what do you do to keep yourself in control when you are at your mom's, brother's, sister's house?

    I really love hanging out with my family, I just need to find a way to not look at a visit to their houses as a chance to eat unhealthy stuff.
  • Liana25
    Liana25 Posts: 31
    My family ~ I'm not the only family member who needs to shed pounds and they don't cook lightly at family get togethers which are generally stressful anyways. I've decided I'm going to bring my healthy stuff with me next time..:happy: I bet they are going to love seeing me do that too...:laugh:
  • beep
    beep Posts: 1,242 Member
    Stress Stress and more Stress. And wouldn't you know it, This week is loaded with it. I think my job is taking years off of me.

    Meaning you're getting younger and younger????!!!!:drinker: :drinker:
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    I did a late night binge eating session.
    I think my husband triggers mine.
    He always eats a bowl of sweet, sugary cereal in our bed between 9:15p-10:30p.
    It triggers me to want to eat too, and boy do I ever! :frown:
  • yellow_pepper
    yellow_pepper Posts: 708 Member
    A platter of brownies and cookies in the break area at work.

    Food in my fridge. What's my true serving size? Anything I have in the kitchen!
  • virgo47
    stress,boredom,anger and ice cream
  • may_marie
    may_marie Posts: 667 Member
    Stress, travel, my "special lady time" and anytime there is cake. . .so I guess celebrations involving cake?

    I just went on a mini-road trip, and. . .it was not a nutritionally sound experience, let's just leave it at that.

    viv... you always are some kind of superwomen to me, i always looked up to you as perfect !!!! (not that you are not :) i just could never have imagine you eating anything but good healthy things .lol
    hoooo . thats impossible,, viv is a superwomen and would not eat anything bad.... im sure those nutritionally sound food was things like dark chocolate or oven roasted veggie chips :)

    well my triggers are anything that involves eating outside the home, everything in the house is safe, i mean even though i had a break down, worst thing that could happen is that i take down a tub of low fat yogurt ........i'm too lazy to go to the shop even though its across the street from were i live.
    i've come to the point that if we have a day out i bring my lunch instead of eating out.

    if i see food ,,,, i want food.......
    i'm actualy starting to think that i should board myself into my flat and never get out

  • Lizzie1223
    DID SOMEBODY SAY CHOCOLATE? :love: Binges....usually occur when I am home alone :grumble: ...no one is around to see what I am eating....and bored :yawn: ....I am trying to find new hobbies and projects to conquer this one!!
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    PMS cravings. I get all pissy and I stop caring about how I look and just want something, like a chocolate bar, to make me feel better. My fiance prefers it when I cave in and have one, otherwise, WATCH OUT! lol :laugh:

    Amen sista!!!! Only why do I feel like I have PMS 2 out of the 4 weeks of the month??!!:grumble:

    I'm the same exact way! I find it's before ovulation then again pre period. Glad to hear I'm not the only one!! Everyone of us is different but sheesh you take out those tougher days and not much of the month left though. lol

    I find eating every 3 hours really keeps my moods, energy, motivation & stress level in check...especially during PMS times (I use the word PMS for those times it's 2 times a month that are tough....my easy days are during it!!...I think it throws some off when I say PMS as many use the word for during..ok, more than some of you wanted to know)

    Would though love to hear who else deals with this 2 times a month mood deal???! :grumble: So instead of 1 time a month I find I get a binge cringe 2 times but don't cave to it often.

    I've found keeping some dark chocolate (not my fav so it's safe!) :laugh: Breaking off a corner piece of a bar or buying a small . 50 cent bar from the Health food store (not using regular chocolate in it helps me not jump head first into a binge) and even if I buy one of those I still make it last over days.

    It's been a process for me....didn't happen right off....tried out different methods to put off a binge, saying I can have it later helps alot, I may not even remember I wanted it later, or when later comes, I again say...sheesh I can have it anytime, I'll just have it later. Mind games is what i play with myself...seem to be working :happy:
  • tjcarle200
    YOu know what is weird, that not being able to eat what i want, makes me want to binge sometimes, so when i go to a party or somewhere where i know there will be lots of food, i let myself go : (. Now that i've almost reached my goal i dont know what i'm gunna do to ween myself off my diet : ( Any suggestions? I DO NOT WANT TO GAIN BACK WEIGHT, but i do want to be able to eat a peice of cake or some cookies now and again.