Have you ever found money?



  • LetsGoBlues
    I found $50 in a walmart parking lot once. My mom tried to guilt me into turning it in by saying "what if some old person needed to pick up their perscription and thats all the money they had???" We walked through the pharmacy before I went straight for the cosmetics :tongue:
  • adriadawn19
    adriadawn19 Posts: 174 Member
    the most i "found" was $20. I say found like that because i bought a wallet at a yard sale and it had $20 in it. By the time I realized it i was already home and not able to make it back to the yard sale as it was out of town. That was as a 10 year old kid lol
  • oneworkoutatatime
    We stopped at an empty rest area in the middle of the night and DH was headed to the bathroom while I sat in the car, he came right back and threw something in my lap and said count it. It was a huge roll of 20's. $1000.

    We decided there was one very pissed off drug dealer somewhere.

    We also found 60,00 pounds in an ally in Wales once.

    :noway: :noway: :noway: wow!
  • baggageallowance
    I haven't found money but once or twice a year if we are in a restaurant for dinner we will buy the dinner for a family nearby if they have a really nice way with their kids or if the kids have been really well behaved. We just ask the waitress to add it to out bill and instead of their bill they get the following note....

    ''This is a gift from some fellow parents who just want to say that we think you are doing a great job with your children.

    Strangers did this for us once and we have never forgotten it.

    Pass it on''

    Perhaps one day Karma will catch up and I will find a winning lotto ticket on the bus!!
  • Just_Wil
    Just_Wil Posts: 108 Member
    I found 60.00 at a Spartan Race in the parking area. Picked it up, put it in my pocket with 20.00 of my own money. Ended up losing all 80.00 going down the giant water slide.
  • JohnMessmer
    I found $20 on the floor in the middle of a check out lane at Wal-Mart, several people walked right over it I picked it up and put it where it would be safe (my wallet).

    Even better than that, yesterday I walked to a park near my house to do a lap and I found a $1 bill on the ground. I know $1 is not more valuable than the $20, but it seemed like I was being doubly rewarded for choosing to get a bit of exercise and that made it seem more valuable to me.

    Do Nothing and Regret it Later or Do Something and Enjoy it Later, Your Future Is In Your Hands.
  • Birdie
    Birdie Posts: 256 Member
    I found the nastiest $5 bill once. It was on the side of the road in winter, all gross and black with the salt from the roads. I took it home, washed it off and hung it up to dry. Then I gave it to my kid to buy a toy. :)
  • melb2003
    melb2003 Posts: 198
    When I was little, like 6 or 7, I found $100 at the ice skating rink, turned it in to the safety guy looking over everything to have him try and find the owner, when I walked away I turned around and seen the guy laugh with his friend and pocket the money. I've found $20 a few times in parking lots at the mall or restaurants.

    When I worked at the bank, I found $200 right outside the door, my co-worker and I held on to it for the day, at the very end of the day, this little old woman came into the bank in a panic, didn't speak to us, she was just looking around frantically. Finally we asked her if she was okay, she said you can't help me, I lost some money this morning, it's probably gone. We smiled at her and said, this is probably your lucky day, how much did you lose, she said $200, we turned it over to her. I've never seen someone so grateful before. Made my day!
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    While out walking today I found a Lotto ticket for tonight's draw. Wish me luck!! :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I used to work at a casino, and I found things all the time. Sometimes I would find money, sometimes cigarettes or lighters. One time I found a bag of weed on the floor of the bathroom. :smokin:
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    goood luck:):)
  • TheRoadDog
    TheRoadDog Posts: 11,793 Member
    Pulled my Driver's Licence out the other day and found 2 $100 dollar bills behind it. Must have been stashed there for over a year.. Emergency money. Left it there.
  • uniquemoves
    uniquemoves Posts: 102 Member
    When I was little, like 6 or 7, I found $100 at the ice skating rink, turned it in to the safety guy looking over everything to have him try and find the owner, when I walked away I turned around and seen the guy laugh with his friend and pocket the money. I've found $20 a few times in parking lots at the mall or restaurants.

    When I worked at the bank, I found $200 right outside the door, my co-worker and I held on to it for the day, at the very end of the day, this little old woman came into the bank in a panic, didn't speak to us, she was just looking around frantically. Finally we asked her if she was okay, she said you can't help me, I lost some money this morning, it's probably gone. We smiled at her and said, this is probably your lucky day, how much did you lose, she said $200, we turned it over to her. I've never seen someone so grateful before. Made my day!

    aww! that was nice of you all to hold on to it..
    the most i've found is $20bill in the parking lot..
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Someone crashed into the telephone pole along side our house, and fled the scene, cutting through our yard. And dropped $40 along the way. I considered it payment for waking me up at 2:30 in the morning.

    I recently found $20 on the street while running. I always keep my eyes peeled while running in that neighborhood. :laugh: Ok, in any neighborhood.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    The most I've found was over $300 years ago when I was working as a maid at a motel. The money was laying on the bed and the blankets had been thrown over it. It was right before Christmas and I really could have used the money but every time I thought about keeping it I would get this thought, "God won't let me keep it". So I finally did the right thing and turned it in to the office.
  • erinfog
    erinfog Posts: 95 Member
    i am oblivious to everything around me so i've never found any money. even if it was right in front of my face i probably wouldn't notice it. my husband finds money all the time though; he has crazy eyes. one time he saw a $50 laying in the snow when we were on the ski lift and he snowboarded down and found it.
  • 007bondage
    007bondage Posts: 631 Member
    I found $20 just last week in a supermarket carpark (most I've ever found). I spent it on a nice bottle of wine ! :drinker:
  • emmy3111
    emmy3111 Posts: 482 Member
    I haven't found money but once or twice a year if we are in a restaurant for dinner we will buy the dinner for a family nearby if they have a really nice way with their kids or if the kids have been really well behaved. We just ask the waitress to add it to out bill and instead of their bill they get the following note....

    ''This is a gift from some fellow parents who just want to say that we think you are doing a great job with your children.

    Strangers did this for us once and we have never forgotten it.

    Pass it on''

    Perhaps one day Karma will catch up and I will find a winning lotto ticket on the bus!!

    I totally love this!!! what a great thing for you to do...
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    In case the IRS is reading this...no, I have never found any money. Not even a,single penny. Ever. In my whole life.
  • heyshell79
    heyshell79 Posts: 65 Member
    I found a One Hundred dollar bill just crumpled up on the sidewalk once...it was a good day!