Healthy Foods I am scared of....



  • ohnoetry
    ohnoetry Posts: 129
    I've heard you should try foods you hate at least once a year to see if your palette has changed. I hated HATED tomatoes all of my life, until this year! I'm 26 so I figured I'd hate them forever, but nope, started giving them a shot and I really like them now, with the exception of in a few dishes that I'm still getting used to. Still can't have them in burgers because they sog up the bun, for example. Sometimes you just know you won't like a dish/food (will always hate olives, bleh), but as long as you try it, it doesn't matter. My mom will be like "I've never tried it, but I know I won't like it!", like, how? haha.

    It kind of blows my mind that lots of people have never tried avocados or beans, definitely a household staple for me growing up!
  • iysys
    iysys Posts: 524
    I've heard you should try foods you hate at least once a year to see if your palette has changed. I hated HATED tomatoes all of my life, until this year! I'm 26 so I figured I'd hate them forever, but nope, started giving them a shot and I really like them now, with the exception of in a few dishes that I'm still getting used to. Still can't have them in burgers because they sog up the bun, for example. Sometimes you just know you won't like a dish/food (will always hate olives, bleh), but as long as you try it, it doesn't matter. My mom will be like "I've never tried it, but I know I won't like it!", like, how? haha.

    It kind of blows my mind that lots of people have never tried avocados or beans, definitely a household staple for me growing up!

    this is totally true. i try all the food i don't like periodically just to check back in. :-)

    a lot of people who don't like tomatoes just don't like bad tomatoes which unfortunately are most of the tomatoes you encounter. last sunday i cut a piece of good heirloom tomato for my husband without telling him what it was. he thought it was delicious!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I used to be a little scared of oysters on the half shell. They just look so ... weird. Like something a giant sneezed out. And I don't care for fried oysters. But one day, after several glasses of wine, my husband convinced me to try them with hot sauce. They are pretty tasty. Much better than fried.
  • amyk225
    amyk225 Posts: 154
    everything u mentioned i cannot eat
  • acawle00
    acawle00 Posts: 28 Member
    Greek yogurt-try it with a little bit of honey, that's the way the Greeks do it!
    Avocado-I like it on wraps with chicken, you can also make an alfredo type sauce with it and mix it with pasta
    Hummus-my favorite!!!! I buy it but my mom makes it, I like pita or naan dipped in it but sometimes I spread it on bread with turkey for a sandwich

    And I just can't bear to try Brussel sprouts
  • ohnoetry
    ohnoetry Posts: 129
    I've heard you should try foods you hate at least once a year to see if your palette has changed. I hated HATED tomatoes all of my life, until this year! I'm 26 so I figured I'd hate them forever, but nope, started giving them a shot and I really like them now, with the exception of in a few dishes that I'm still getting used to. Still can't have them in burgers because they sog up the bun, for example. Sometimes you just know you won't like a dish/food (will always hate olives, bleh), but as long as you try it, it doesn't matter. My mom will be like "I've never tried it, but I know I won't like it!", like, how? haha.

    It kind of blows my mind that lots of people have never tried avocados or beans, definitely a household staple for me growing up!

    this is totally true. i try all the food i don't like periodically just to check back in. :-)

    a lot of people who don't like tomatoes just don't like bad tomatoes which unfortunately are most of the tomatoes you encounter. last sunday i cut a piece of good heirloom tomato for my husband without telling him what it was. he thought it was delicious!

    I'm scared that winter tomatoes will bring me back to hating them because of that!
  • amykingsley1
    amykingsley1 Posts: 31 Member
    The one and only food I really hate the taste of is coconut. I'll eat most other things, even if I don't care for the taste/texture, coconut is the one thing I cannot eat. And, I have to say, to the person who mentioned the canned fish... I probably couldn't do that either. Or... pickled pigs feet...

    Since becoming a vegetarian, meat seems kind of icky to me but I'm sure I could eat it and could get used to eating it again.

    it astounds me how picky people are. Not trying to insult anyone, it just suprises me... I have a friend that is super picky about veggies, doesn't like beans, to the point that it will make her sick... I don't get it...
  • californiagirl2012
    californiagirl2012 Posts: 2,625 Member
    Maybe it's just me, and I'm the lone weirdo out there when it comes to this, but is anyone else scared to try certain foods? For me, there are LOT of healthy foods that I have NEVER had, and I am scared to try. A few of them, I have finally tried, with both good and bad outcomes.

    1.) Cottage Cheese - I finally tried this - and now I eat it on an almost daily basis.
    2.) Greek Yogurt - This was not a good experience - I think I am scarred for life.
    3.) Hummus - what is this stuff? What do you eat it with? Do you make it, or buy it?
    4.) Avacados - Not sure why, but I just CAN'T do this. And again - don't know what to eat it with, how to prepare it, anything.
    5.) Sweet Potatos - They look weird.
    6.) Quinoa - I don't even know what this is, or what time of day this food is supposed to be eaten? Is it breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

    What foods are you scared of?

    Eat what you like, mostly healthy, within a calorie budget

    I love all the things you listed. Eat what you like. Try things and just eat what you like. Life is too short to eat anything you don't like.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Hummus and avocados are God's gifts to your mouth! You should definitely try them. You can make hummus easily but it's readily available. Avocado are amazing in sandwiches or salads and they make a MEAN dip in a guacamole!
  • iggyboo93
    iggyboo93 Posts: 524 Member
    1.) Cottage Cheese - Love the full fat cottage cheese. Fat free not so much - it's bitter. Tastes better with some peaches.
    2.) Greek Yogurt - I crave greek yogurt. Dannon's 80 cal Light and Fit Strawberry is heavenly. I will also take a cup of fat free greek yogurt and pour 1 TBS of Barlean's Key Lime Swirl Oil over the top - it's such a treat and a good source of omega 3s.
    3.) Hummus - homemade hummus is incredible and lower calorie than store bought.
    4.) Avocados - Yum. The recommended serving size is 1/4 avocado. That's stinks. Who eats just 1/4 of an avocado??
    5.) Sweet Potatos - I can take them or leave them.
    6.) Quinoa - Love it. A favorite black bean burger recipe contains quinoa.

    Other "scary" healthy foods:

    1.) Oatmeal - used to hate it but now it's a favorite weekend breakfast.
    2.) Flax seeds - can't get used to the stuff.
    3.) Tofu - always loved it. Grew up on the stuff.
    4.) Green tea - I choke this stuff down - it's so bitter.
  • kjerstenkipp
    kjerstenkipp Posts: 139 Member
    1.) Cottage Cheese -Didn't like it before I was pregnant, loved it when I was pregnant, back to not being a fan
    2.) Greek Yogurt -Don't like it as a substitute for regular yogurt, but using it in the place of sour cream, it's a pretty good option
    3.) Hummus -Delish! Made with chickpeas (aka garbanzo beans), seasonings (generally middle eastern), and some olive oil
    4.) Avacados - <3...guacamole, sliced on a turkey breast and bacon sandwich
    5.) Sweet Potatos - so good...just bake it...
    6.) Quinoa -you can use it instead of rice...i haven't had it but I am not scared of it.

    Scared of soft boiled eggs....ick
  • Snoopaloop63
    Snoopaloop63 Posts: 18 Member
    Cottage Cheese! Scares me to death, I can't and won't eat it...what IS it?!
    Sushi! Blechhh
    Mushrooms...that is straight up FUNGUS!
    Yogurt--I want to eat this, I want to like it...I....Can't

    I do love Hummus, I make my own, it's easy..chickpeas, lemon juice, garlic, olive oil, tahini...all good for you too!
    I love avacados...squeeze a lime and add some salt and pepper...fantastic!
  • tracymat
    tracymat Posts: 296 Member
    1.) Cottage Cheese - Plain...ehhhhhh I love it mixed with pineapple and a little splenda.
    2.) Greek Yogurt - again, plan... sick! I LOOOOVE it with a little flaxseed oil and splenda. DELISH!!!!
    3.) Hummus - goes on everything... cut veggies, sandwiches, pita chips
    4.) Avacados - I eat these suckers right out of the shell... cut in half, sprinkle with salt... yuuummmm
    5.) Sweet Potatos - I can't eat them sweet. Wash, cut in half, spray with a little olive oil and herbs de provance (sp??)
    6.) Quinoa - Can't do this... looks like fish eyeballs or something!!!
  • Yukongil
    Yukongil Posts: 166 Member
    only cauilflour for me, that is the devil's brain!
  • gsmithnp
    gsmithnp Posts: 139 Member
    1. Cottage cheese: not happening here. Tastes and smells like spoiled milk to me. I can't drink plain white milk--even when it's fresh it tastes spoiled to me.
    2. Greek yogurt: Haven't tried this one. I have a tough enough time with regular yogurt (see #1).
    3. Hummus: will have to try sometime, even though to me it looks weird.
    4. Avacados: yummy! I love guacamole (mash up the avacado, mix in some salsa, lemon or lime juice, and jalapeno salt). I also like it on salads, sandwiches, or whatever. This summer I made bacon, tomato and avacado sandwiches on whole wheat toast. The tomato was straight out of my garden. Drizzled a little lite ranch dressing on it and WOW!
    5. Sweet potatoes: I like them any way they can be cooked. My favorite is baked with a little butter, cinnamon and sugar.
    6. Quinoa: haven't tried this either yet.

    Other things:
    Sushi: No way. As far as I'm concerned, "sushi" is a Japanese word for "bait." The nurse in me just can't tolerate the idea of eating any meat that hasn't been cooked thoroughly. Most anything else I will try once, but not sushi.
    Tofu: No thanks, I'll just eat meat.
    Pickled anything other than pickles: Nope. Not even a huge pickle fan, but will eat them.
    Cauliflower: I've tried it many times (raw and cooked) and don't care for it either way.
    Mushrooms: Not only do I dislike the taste (or to me, the lack of taste), they are a FUNGUS that is grown in/on decaying matter and manure (s***). I once lived near a mushroom farm and the smell carried for miles. GAG!
  • mombert
    mombert Posts: 11 Member
    Quinoa is a great way to add protien and fiber to your diet as well as a lot of other nutrients, it is an ancient grain grown mostly in south America, boiled it can be used as a tasty side dish like rice or potatoes. Itcan also be used as a cereal for breakfast and in baking. I make a really nice honey Quinoa bread thats great for sandwiches and toast. google it for tons of ideas.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member


    Any cooked vegetable pretty much
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    Maybe it's just me, and I'm the lone weirdo out there when it comes to this, but is anyone else scared to try certain foods? For me, there are LOT of healthy foods that I have NEVER had, and I am scared to try. A few of them, I have finally tried, with both good and bad outcomes.

    1.) Cottage Cheese - I finally tried this - and now I eat it on an almost daily basis.
    2.) Greek Yogurt - This was not a good experience - I think I am scarred for life.
    3.) Hummus - what is this stuff? What do you eat it with? Do you make it, or buy it?
    4.) Avacados - Not sure why, but I just CAN'T do this. And again - don't know what to eat it with, how to prepare it, anything.
    5.) Sweet Potatos - They look weird.
    6.) Quinoa - I don't even know what this is, or what time of day this food is supposed to be eaten? Is it breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

    What foods are you scared of?

    You are missing out on some of the best foods! Avocado is really good sliced on eggs or mashed into an egg salad or even sliced on a sandwich or salad. So good! Hummus is delicious with carrots or crackers. Sweet potatoes are so much better then potatoes just put them in the microwave then slice and eat or you can even make sweet potato fries. Quinoa is a lot like a rice or couscous can be made really easily I like it for dinner.
  • shelbyfrootcake
    shelbyfrootcake Posts: 965 Member
    Naga Ghost chillies. Fear is just common sense when it comes to those things.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Maybe it's just me, and I'm the lone weirdo out there when it comes to this, but is anyone else scared to try certain foods? For me, there are LOT of healthy foods that I have NEVER had, and I am scared to try. A few of them, I have finally tried, with both good and bad outcomes.

    1.) Cottage Cheese - I finally tried this - and now I eat it on an almost daily basis.
    2.) Greek Yogurt - This was not a good experience - I think I am scarred for life.
    3.) Hummus - what is this stuff? What do you eat it with? Do you make it, or buy it?
    4.) Avacados - Not sure why, but I just CAN'T do this. And again - don't know what to eat it with, how to prepare it, anything.
    5.) Sweet Potatos - They look weird.
    6.) Quinoa - I don't even know what this is, or what time of day this food is supposed to be eaten? Is it breakfast? Lunch? Dinner?

    What foods are you scared of?

    Haha this made me laugh! I like all the things on your list.

    Hummus - I have it with chopped up raw carrots. Yummy.
    I either mash sweet potato in place of normal potatoes, or i roast them, or put them in a stew or soup. Again, yummy.
    Quinoa I'd use as a rice substitute or with salad.
    I never buy avocados, but sometimes if i'm out i'll have a chicken and avocado salad or something.
    Cottage cheese is yummy and i used to always have it with salad or on a jacket potato.
    Greek yoghurt is lovely with fruit.

    I can't think of any healthy food i'm scared of, although there are some nuts that look horrible and I can't eat.