deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
I am going crazy.. He is almost 15 and everywhere he walks leaves a mess behind him... I have ALWAYS gotten on his case and gave him chores and payed allowance and made him clean up so it is not something new but it is driving me nuts and I am under enough stress... What can I do to make him at least clean up after himself.....


  • zechks
    zechks Posts: 224
    I am going crazy.. He is almost 15 and everywhere he walks leaves a mess behind him... I have ALWAYS gotten on his case and gave him chores and payed allowance and made him clean up so it is not something new but it is driving me nuts and I am under enough stress... What can I do to make him at least clean up after himself.....

    Give him a smack on the head when he doesn't clean up his mess.
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    I am going crazy.. He is almost 15 and everywhere he walks leaves a mess behind him... I have ALWAYS gotten on his case and gave him chores and payed allowance and made him clean up so it is not something new but it is driving me nuts and I am under enough stress... What can I do to make him at least clean up after himself.....

    Give him a smack on the head when he doesn't clean up his mess.

    ya right . even if I was the type to do that he is bigger than me and knows it to.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Take the game system controllers into your room each night. He cannot earn them back until he has completed chores and homework for the day and you have inspected it.
  • zechks
    zechks Posts: 224
    I am going crazy.. He is almost 15 and everywhere he walks leaves a mess behind him... I have ALWAYS gotten on his case and gave him chores and payed allowance and made him clean up so it is not something new but it is driving me nuts and I am under enough stress... What can I do to make him at least clean up after himself.....

    Give him a smack on the head when he doesn't clean up his mess.

    ya right . even if I was the type to do that he is bigger than me and knows it to.

    Yeah but if you don't show him who's the boss then he won't probably do what you ask him to do. Don't let your child own you. You're the parent, he should obey your rules. It's like "you live under my roof, so you live by my rules or get out."
  • OH. MY. GOODNESS. believe me, it's no better with girls... except include makeup smears, glitter, nail polish spills, & massive amounts of laundry to the mess... & trust me, mine has been disciplined- some things never get through their heads! temporarily, maybe but they sloooowly revert back to some things.
    HANG IN THERE. that's all we can do!
  • My mom was constantly on me for that when I was a teenager. Her nagging made me want to do it less. She'd always go "do you wanna come and clean this up?" "Uh, hell no I don't wanna." Now I realize how out of line I was.

    I don't have any tips other than the ones posted, but I can say that he's being pretty normal.
  • kcoftx
    kcoftx Posts: 765 Member
    Another thing to do is to go in with him, even against his wishes, and do a room overhaul. The reason I say this is sometimes the room gets so cluttered that it becomes overwhelming for kids (and teenagers) to keep up with it. Then after everything has a place, talk about expectations. Then it is up to YOU to inspect it daily. I suggest a daily inspection rather than weekly because I find that if I just do it periodically, it gets worse and worse and we have to go back to the room overhaul. It is much more simple to fix a mess daily because it will be a smaller mess. The only exception is I pretty much don't hassle them on the weekend but come Monday afternoon, that room better be picked back up. We get off track sometimes and have to go back to square one but for the most part a daily inspection and having it go towards earned privileges cuts down on the amount of arguing.
  • MFPBrandy
    MFPBrandy Posts: 564 Member
    Take the game system controllers into your room each night. He cannot earn them back until he has completed chores and homework for the day and you have inspected it.
    I like that idea. Also, When I was a little kid, my mom would give me a few chances to clean my room, then she'd do it for me. That happened ONCE -- because her way involved everything going into garbage bags and me never seeing it again. It worked...but I wasn't a teenage boy, so who knows?
  • josavage
    josavage Posts: 472 Member
    My son responds to losing the internet. He didn't care when we took away the phone or the xbox but the internet - that motivates him. You just need to find what motivates your son.
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    change the WiFi password daily. New password given out once the day's tasks are complete.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    When you realize he could be cutting himself, bulimic, having sex without condoms, attempting suicide and drinking and sneaking out of the house at night..... you will find the mess he leaves everywhere....no big deal !

    Trust me I know... it could be a lot worse :)
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    change the WiFi password daily. New password given out once the day's tasks are complete.

    like this idea
  • deniseearheart
    deniseearheart Posts: 919 Member
    When you realize he could be cutting himself, bulimic, having sex without condoms, attempting suicide and drinking and sneaking out of the house at night..... you will find the mess he leaves everywhere....no big deal !

    Trust me I know... it could be a lot worse :)

    Oh I am sure it could... but still I am a clean freak and messes stress me out beyond belief...
  • ChanyL
    ChanyL Posts: 41
    Take all the things he leaves behind and put them on his bed, he'll have to clear everything out of it to go sleep ;-)
  • ilikejam33
    ilikejam33 Posts: 252 Member
    Most people will no respond to nagging. At 15 he is old enough to be treated like a young adult. Sit him down and without nagging let hi know what portion of the household chores he is responsible for. Give him a weekly list and give him a timeline for it to be completed.

    For example, by Sunday of each week all floors must be swept and mopped/ vaccummed

    no work= no pay.

    He will figure out if he doesnt pick up his own junk and everyone else off the floor then he cant clean it and earn his $. Also once he has to pick up someone else stuff he is more likely to internalize goe it feels for you to be cleaning after him.
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    I have the same problem ...I'm thinking about taking away the xbox, computer and tv until he start contributing to more than just the mess.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • Tricialew32
    Tricialew32 Posts: 96 Member
    I have 3 that are 17 18, & 19. All three raised with the same rules and the same consequences and the middle one is neat and clean, the youngest strives for that but never quite gets there (he says he forgets) and the oldest just doesn't care. I can't see his bedroom floor. There are personality issues there but I have used the "you aren't going to eat or go anywhere until you clean your room and bathroom." - just so I can't get them to clean some things. Some boys won't start cleaning up after themselves until they own their own homes and until then, you won't want to visit their apartments.
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Yeah but if you don't show him who's the boss then he won't probably do what you ask him to do. Don't let your child own you. You're the parent, he should obey your rules. It's like "you live under my roof, so you live by my rules or get out."

    That's the perfect recipe to alienate a teenager from his/her parents. Authoritarian parenting serves no purpose other than increase resentment in the kid and make him/her want to act out more.