body odor



  • Robin_Bin
    Robin_Bin Posts: 1,046 Member
    go find a doctor, usually severe body odour is an hormonal problem, if it smells fishy there is a disease that makes you smell of fish (all over not just genitalia) called trimethylaminuria, this can be helped with eliminating certain things from diet, but you need to see a specialist for that. Also, be careful what you wash with, sometimes, when you over wash and over perfume, you kick the bacteria out of wack and that can make you smell worse than if you dont wash, try using unscented antiperspirants and ph balanced products. If it is bothering you a lot, go see a dr and make it clear that you have an issue and its effecting your self asteem.

    It does sound like a metabolic disorder. For instance, some people cannot process certain things and so they build up in the body and are excreted in sweat, urine and reproductive fluids. Some like trimethylaminuria are genetic, which might also explain why only some people in your family smell it. Other metabolic problems that can cause smells include Dimethylsulfidemia. From your answers, this does not seem to be a cleanliness issue, and as this previous poster and others pointed out overwashing, douching and other unnecessary treatments could make things worse by putting other things out-of-wack. So you need to find a doctor that knows or is willing to learn about metabolic disorder... an endocrinologist is probably a good place to start.

    Good luck!
  • nursenessa1
    nursenessa1 Posts: 182 Member
    Don't go to a "doctor". They don't cover these things. You need a specialist. So save your money for them. Some people can't break down certain things in their diet. (Choline etc) Some black people have a very special condition where the sweat glands excrete a urine funk like smell. I can't remember the term for it but it is linked to specific heriditary condition. (I think) I read about it in a nursing journal years ago. I'm gonna research and get back to you instead of just pulling thoughts out of my head or googling it. Gimme a day or two.

  • sunshinegirl5719
    Don't go to a "doctor". They don't cover these things. You need a specialist. So save your money for them. Some people can't break down certain things in their diet. (Choline etc) Some black people have a very special condition where the sweat glands excrete a urine funk like smell. I can't remember the term for it but it is linked to specific heriditary condition. (I think) I read about it in a nursing journal years ago. I'm gonna research and get back to you instead of just pulling thoughts out of my head or googling it. Gimme a day or two.


    I'm the only one in the famiily with this problem but thanks Ill look forward to your answer
  • Nikki31104
    Nikki31104 Posts: 816 Member

    BTW-- ignore the cruel comments, they have tiny ****s and live in their parents basements

    Well said. Some people are so childish. They don't care who they hurt.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Find someone new.

    As for the vag smell, yes, it's normal for it to smell. But it shouldn't smell bad or offensive. Do you use any washes?

    Yes, I agree, see a new physician. There is an answer for this problem, I just know it.

    And yes, your vagina should smell, but it shouldn't smell bad or fishy. If it does, it might be an infection of some kind.
  • Pricanma13
    Pricanma13 Posts: 33 Member
    Not sure what s going on, but maybe you should see a specialist. I remember watching a doctor’s review on TV about a problem just like this to where they diagnosed her with something. They were not able to cure it with medication, but they stated that some of the foods that she ate did not agree with her intestine and would have her excreta body odor. In that episode they stated that she still has to be cautious of the smell but that watching what she eats makes everything 100% better for her.
  • bottleOdom
    Heard something similar from that UK Show Embarassing Bodies. I'm sorry but I can't remember exactly what the condition was called, but you'll probably be able to google it. The body is actually supposed to eliminate the hormone that creates the smell, and in this girl's case it wasn't. It got especially bad for her when it was monthly time.
    They gave her a new eating plan to follow - certain foods would help with it, and also some pills.
    If it is the same thing, it was very easy for her to be treated so I would recommend plucking up some courage and going to the doc :-)

    I saw the same show. See if you can google it!
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member
    I lose a LOT of respect for people who put something like smell above another person's feelings. How selfish and rude is it that one's nose is so sensitive that they feel it is okay to trample and hurt a person. I don't like that at all, but I have seen it so many times. It is cruel and unfeeling.

    I know how mortifying this issue is. I have to be "all over" my own hygiene to avoid it too. I think there was a lot of great advice in this thread. I would add that I no longer use antipersperant, but I have totally taken to using the salt crystal thing. It is natural and as long as you apply it when you get out of the shower on a fresh clean body, it works exceedingly well. You will still sweat, but it won't allow the bacteria that causes smells. Don't be afraid to use it in any fat folds you might have. Sometimes I have to apply it under my breasts. But it helps a ton.

    I also have found just using a wash cloth in the shower isn't always enough. Sometimes you have to really scrub hard with an exfoliating cloth or something similar. It removes dead skin better and helps a lot. As a woman, if you get you a small squirt bottle and squirt off your girly parts with warm water each time you go to the can be a huge help.

    But like many said, make sure there are no underlying medical issues as well. A second or even third opinion is a good thing. Even diabetes can cause issues. (I well know). For example, it makes one prone to yeast infections and those smell. You can get them in many parts of your body such as under the arms. Tea tree oil applied topically is a huge, huge help against that.

    Please also know that there ARE people out there who are selfless enough to overlook such petty issues and see into the true heart of the person you are.

    I pray you are able to solve or at least improve the issue so you may not have to fret so much about it.

    Great post and i love what you put about the other people who posted that childish crap. and like i told her she may need to see an endocrinologist because she may be over producing or underproducing hormones.
  • mandy0688
    mandy0688 Posts: 335 Member

    BTW-- ignore the cruel comments, they have tiny ****s and live in their parents basements

    Well said. Some people are so childish. They don't care who they hurt.

    LOL love this comment high five to the person who said this
  • Off10h8ed
    Off10h8ed Posts: 282 Member
    I am so sorry you are having odor issues. I think others have this covered with their thoughts and advice. I do hope you find an answer soon. Others ignorance shouldn't be your problem. Ignore them and focus on YOU. Much love and light always~

    BTW... I am always self conscious about odor. Not because I have ever had a problem with it but I am always worried about it especially when I work out. I over used antiperspirant at work so badly that I ended up developing an allergy to the aluminum in the stuff. My underarms would actually burn and peal...I now can only use the Tomms deodorant that is aluminum free. Just be careful!
  • Maddi_InBetweenDays
    I second the idea about a doctor, maybe even a dermatologist. Also, you may consider altering your diet. If you eat a lot of meat, try more veggies, if you are vegetarian or vegan maybe try adding animal proteins.
  • funsiiz
    funsiiz Posts: 246 Member
    I would see another doctor.....dont stop searching until you get answers....maybe you have an allergy to some foods....good luck:smile:
  • domgirl85
    domgirl85 Posts: 295 Member
    IF you want you can message me because I'll forget to come back here. I'll try to though in case you respond :)

    What products do you use for skincare and hygiene? Sometimes the products you use can affect your scents. I actually had to have this discussion with a friend in college and I was able to give her a list of products that may work better. Basically, some chemicals will react with your body's chemicals and things get out of balance. Also, what do you eat? Certain foods can affect your body scents as well.

    I think you should talk to your doctor as well but sometimes you don't need medical grade products.

    Do you sweat a lot? U said your underwear are cotton but what about your clothing? Do you eat yogurt at all? I'm trying to remember things I discussed with her to help you.
  • nicakk01
    nicakk01 Posts: 71 Member
    As for down there, take probiotics. Acidophillus is a good one, I use Floragen twice a day and it's a life safer. Give it a try! Your body odor is probably caused by an imbalance in your ph that could be cured with probiotics as well... Just wondering, do you happen to get cystic acne as well?

    This is a great idea, you may want to consider seeing a nutritionist or a naturalist doctor. Sounds like an imbalance hormonal or nutritionally, If you have an allergy to certain foods, it may appear in the skin smell as do some vitamins and herbs. If you are taking any supplements, they may be reacting to your chemistry or perhaps you need something to help with the chemistry make up of your body.
  • Qns1980
    Qns1980 Posts: 23 Member
    I would see a doctor possibly an internist, there may be something going on internally causing this. In the mean time maybe try a detox with fruit and veggies and plenty of water, maybe it will flush out your system. Hth
  • pudadough
    pudadough Posts: 1,271 Member
    The private area issue sounds like it may be Bacterial Vaginosis to me. An incompetent doctor will either misdiagnose it or not consider that diagnosis at all. BV is tough to get rid of, but actually pretty common, and the cause can be any number of things. Douching is definitely one of the causes, so don't do that if you haven't already and stop if you are.

    The overall issue may be a hormonal one.

    I would suggest first that you get a second or third opinion from different doctors, if you can. I have heard so many wacky misdiagnoses over the years...
  • tlcampos
    tlcampos Posts: 31 Member
    thank you for sharing you are not alone and there are many people who share the feelings you do. i also sweat doing very little and have seen a doctor and get the same answers evertime"some people just sweat more than others" i take extra actions , and percautions to avoid certian situations...didnt really want to post because its embarassing for me ,but had to let you know your not alone...
  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    Hows your diet? I know alot of what you put in can come out as a smell.

    for example the guy from my work who pretty much only eats pies and drinks diet coke reeks after midday.
  • ndirish4life
    Sounds to me like you went to a doctor who just sort of gave up. "I can't figure it out, but here's something to try..." Seriously. Ridiculous. I would find a new primary care doctor for starters. Then see if they can refer you to a specialist.