Which Anti-Anxiety/Depressant Does NOT Cause Weight Gain?



  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Swisse MOOD tablets. That's what I take & they saved my life about 2 years ago. MY depression is under control & my anxiety is nowhere to be seen. All natural product & so worth it.
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    Lexapro was a disaster for me!! I gained 35+lbs fast and even when I started exercising and watching what I eat, the weight wouldnt budge. Went off of it and the weight came off! I went on Celexa in Jan. after months of uncontrolable panic attacks and I havent had any issues (:
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    Zoloft...have been taking it since 16 and am now 27. Have never experienced weight gain with it. However I am now weaning myself for other reasons non weight related. Hope you find something that helps! :)

    Also I see a lot of people recommending natural products or alternatives, if that helps awesome however some people with severe depression and anxiety need more than that. In the end its all trial and error to see what works best for you. Good luck!

    edited to add I also take klonopin 0.5mg whenever I feel an attack coming on or if I know I am going to be in a situation that will cause one and it has not had any effect on my weight. works like a charm too. it's my little side kick lol
  • saschka7
    saschka7 Posts: 577 Member
    I lost some weight on Well-butrin but gained a lot from Zoloft.

    That said, there is one brand of generic Well-butrin (can't remember the manufacturer, but it was the cheapest kind I could find and it was at Wal-Mart) that gave me nightmare side effects :noway: like out of the Twilight Zone. I researched it and found that generics are NOT all alike and NOT all like the original RX (this goes for any medication, actually) which is a shame since it is often so expensive.
  • dawson55510
    dawson55510 Posts: 197 Member
    If its sleep related id use diazepam before bed

    But i lost weight on prozac/ fluoxetine for depression
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    This thread started with OP asking for advice on what drugs were weight neutral. Instead it spun off into a debate over whether or not drugs are "necessary". I'd like to say that when you are in a depressed or anxious state of mind, you are very vulnerable. And scared. And reading random threads online about how drugs are going to make you gain 100lbs will not help. I agree that drugs can be abused. They all can. But these drugs can also provide legitimate relief for people in all kinda of mental anguish. Those who haven't been there really shouldn't talk. I've suffered postpartum depression and dealt with anxiety and depression. It's horrible. i cant describe it. Sometimes you need the drugs to lift the fog so you can get to a place where you CAN get help. We need to be sensitive to the fact that some people may be reading this who need help.
    I agree!!!
  • SanteMulberry
    SanteMulberry Posts: 3,202 Member
    "I would talk to a natural path and see if that helps. I was on a special tea and enjoyed every minute of it. I am going to go back on it just because it helped me lose weight and it also helped me feel better, I also take Vitamin D. My Vitamin D levels were to low and I didn't know that that was a issue for my mood until I upped them from 19..wish I knew that when I was younger. The tea I use is 1 part St. Johnswart, 1part Lemon Balm, and 1 part Passion Flower and it helps."

    There is some independent research that was published recently that indicates that most pharmaceutical antidepressants are no better than placebos for controlling mood. Just raising serotonin levels (the way SSRI's work) doesn't necessarily lift mood---especially when the mood is the result of circumstances. But there are many physical causes of poor mood---one of the posters mentioned vitamin D deficiency. I would go to see a naturopath. A number of my friends have been greatly helped by naturopaths---and at a fraction of the cost of seeing a psychiatrist and getting drugged up.
  • JLD81
    JLD81 Posts: 133 Member
    My biggest suggestion would be go to an actual psychiatrist not a pcp. One, they deal a lot more with these meds and know their side effects. Two, they won't misdiagnose u as often as a pcp will. I had pcp after pcp but me on countless antidepressants and anxiety meds that never worked. Turns out, it's because I had ADHD which was never properly diagnosed. ADHD meds take away the frustration, depression, and anxiety symptoms for me because I was correctly diagnosed FINALLY.
  • tallgirlshelley
    tallgirlshelley Posts: 108 Member
    I took Zoloft for about a year. 15 pounds melted away in about 6 weeks. I seriously had NO appetite. However, it completely killed my sex drive and ability to "O". So, not for me. I weaned off over a 2 month period. Now sex is fantastic again, but I put the 15 pounds back almost immediately as well. It was an acceptable trade-off for me. Now working my *kitten* off to lose the weight again...