Weigh-ins - How Often?



  • DanaB1019
    I update my weight log only once a week, the same day every week . However, I do weigh myself every few days to make sure I am keeping on track. For measurements, I enter my logs about every 3 weeks as it takes those longer to change :)
  • Cyclink
    Cyclink Posts: 517 Member
    I'm a data geek. I want to look at trends and patterns, but ignore outliers, so that I can see what it happening but not worry about one heavy dinner that is still with me in the morning.

    I weigh in every day (including body fat). At the end of the week, I throw out the high and low numbers (for both weight and body fat) and then take the average of the remaining numbers. (I have formulas in Excel that do all that for me)
  • sarahc001
    sarahc001 Posts: 477 Member
    Used to be 3-4 times a day, now its once every few days. There are a few reasons for this: in the beginning, I would find fluctuations of up to 2 lbs within the same day! Frequent weigh-ins taught me to be less concerned about those fluctuations and focus on the trend over time. If I hadn't done this in the beginning I would have been more prone to the "Oh $h!t, I was so good this week- and I gained weight!" mentality. I would then only log a drop in weight if I "trended" downward.

    At this point I can pretty much guess my weight within a pound, and yes, I can feel the difference within a day, where if I have had too much salt and my fingers are swollen, etc. and after drinking a ton of water and flushing the salt out, or after a run where I haven't had enough water and I need to drink more...Every few days I weigh in to "check" myself, just to stay on my game.
  • givenshl
    I did the weigh in thing to myself everyday than every week, I think that is why I got stuck where I am. Now am only weighing myself the 1st day of the month.
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I do it everyday for two reasons. As you said one weigh in is not reliable, so if you do it once a week who is to say that one time is reliable. The scientific approached is to do it daily. I also do it everyday as it motivates me and I need that motivation daily. I perfectly understand why some people stay away from daily weigh ins and that's fine but for me the emotional part of it is irrelevant in favor of the scientific.

  • StarLeopard
    StarLeopard Posts: 80 Member
    Twice a day when I'm progressing and annually when I'm not. I kind of split the difference between my morning weight and night weight and I need to see it three consecutive mornings before I record it. Also I add 5-6 lbs. for what the doctor thinks I weigh because I don't carry a purse and there's never a little basket in which to empty your pockets.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm not hung up on the scale, but I weigh daily, because it helps me understand the fluctuations. It would be my luck if I weighed in once a week or once a month, that it would be the one day that my weight skyrockets thanks to sodium, hormones or exercise. :laugh:
  • nellyett
    nellyett Posts: 436 Member
    I weigh in every morning and only record my weight in MFP when it's lower than the last time I entered it, even if it's several weeks later.

    I don't stress about the fluctuations and try to just trust the process. However, because I only log 'losses' I can clearly see the downward trend and the timeline without having to eliminate all the fluctuations.
  • kuzurichan
    I do it everyday for two reasons. As you said one weigh in is not reliable, so if you do it once a week who is to say that one time is reliable. The scientific approached is to do it daily. I also do it everyday as it motivates me and I need that motivation daily. I perfectly understand why some people stay away from daily weigh ins and that's fine but for me the emotional part of it is irrelevant in favor of the scientific.

    Sure, scientific. But if there's a significant loss, you'll see it with the once a week approach as well. :)
  • dwh77tx
    dwh77tx Posts: 513 Member
    Everyday. Keeps me in check.

  • Mamabrandyk
    I weigh myself every morning. It helps me stay focused - if it's down from the day before it makes me happy, and if it hasn't changed or gone up, it reminds me to make sure I have a good day and make the right choices! It works for me, but do what you are happy with - and I don't take measurements as of right now but I'm going to start! Good Luck!

    I am the same way....it just keeps me motivated.
  • kcragg
    kcragg Posts: 239 Member
    Once every couple of weeks if I remember! Don't trust scales, anyway.
  • TheViperMan
    TheViperMan Posts: 235 Member
    Daily, for all the reasons stated above. I record only when I've lost from my previous, lowest number, and even then only when I've kept that weight for a few days. I've recorded several times, so I must be doin' something right. :)
  • uxbridgeheli
    Yep, I weigh myself everyday too.
    My weight is very steady though and doesn't fluctuate so I know if it's showing a lb gain then I need to be good for a day or 2 to get it off again.
    H x
  • ejwme
    ejwme Posts: 318
    I weigh in every morning and only record my weight in MFP when it's lower than the last time I entered it, even if it's several weeks later.

    I don't stress about the fluctuations and try to just trust the process. However, because I only log 'losses' I can clearly see the downward trend and the timeline without having to eliminate all the fluctuations.

    That's exactly what I do! It's only been a few weeks, but we'll see. I am also a statistics geek an really like the previously posted idea of weighing and recording daily, tossing the highs and lows, and reporting the average. I don't like going much more than a week or two without seeing progress, even if it's 0.1# (which I know in reality is just "noise" in the "signal").

    Good question, good discussion!