loosing inches, but scale isnt moving?? (with PIC)

So ive started my weight loss journey a little over a month ago and i feel as though im not loosing any weight at all but i can see from pics that im loosing inches. is anyone else have a similar situaiton?? and advice to help make the scale move??

<a href="http://s1293.photobucket.com/albums/b595/babytlow32886/?action=view&current=9977674_1563_zpscb3351fc.jpg&quot; target="_blank"><img src="http://i1293.photobucket.com/albums/b595/babytlow32886/9977674_1563_zpscb3351fc.jpg&quot; border="0" alt="Photobucket"></a>


  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    It's totally normal to be losing inches and not pounds. Keep up the great work, and track those inches lost. :) You can do it!
  • babytlow32886
    babytlow32886 Posts: 27 Member

    sorry think i posted the wrong link this should be the correct one :-)
  • bmfoley
    bmfoley Posts: 93 Member
    I am in the same boat for sure! Weight is slow to come off on the scale but I'm wearing clothes 2 sizes smaller than before May when I started. It would be nice to see the number drop but I'll take what I can get!!
    I've been doing Jillian Michael's DVDs and I think thats the key to the inches falling off!

    Keep at it!
  • a lot depends on the type of exercise that you are doing.. your building lean muscle while dropping pounds... your best bet would be to take measurements and keep track of it.. I'd hop on the scale every so often but how your clothes fit and measurements are your best bet...:bigsmile: congrats
  • Congrats on the inches lost! To me, that's more important than what the scales say! The numbers reflected on the scale are that, just numbers, but inches lost shows actual size reduction. Depending on what you're doing for exercise, you might even go up in weight at first, but you'll notice that you're fitting into a smaller pair of jeans and then one day it will start coming down. Instead of counting pounds lost, count inches lost and let that motivate you even more! :D

    I have the opposite problem from you, I can lose 10+ lbs according to the "scale", but my inches will be the same. :/
  • tammyp1
    tammyp1 Posts: 20 Member
    I have been dealing with the same situation and I must tell you it's a bit frustrating. I am sticking to the diet and doing all of the P90x dvds. Tomorrow is my first remeasure day (day 30) and I know the inches are reducing. Everything I have read on all of the MFP site and Beachbody site says that because muscle weighs more than fat, sometimes you may not loose weight in the beginning- you may even gain a little. I'm sticking with it and staying committed. As long as you are looking better, feeling better and your clothes are getting bigger, I wouldn't get too hung up on what the scale is saying. In fact, I put mine away and will only weigh myself once a month. Stay focused and the results will come. Good luck to you.
  • Oh. My. Gosh. the difference is out of this world... You look wonderful! I am in the same boat I have been doing this a little over a month as well and the scale hasn't budged but I have lost 13 inches from 6 points of my body... I have posted similar posts and some people have said to watch my sodium intake ... I think I'm doing well but it does get frustrating with that number! But the inches are amazing! I'd rather lose 10 inches and go down a pant size then lose 10lbs. (water weight) and stay the same pant size! If you want add me we can support each other! Best of luck on your Journey! Keep up that great work!
  • Don't get discouraged with not seeing the lbs dropping with your inches. You're putting on muscle and burrning more calories, you'll see them drop soon enough! Keep up the good work!
  • babytlow32886
    babytlow32886 Posts: 27 Member
    thanks for all of the support and yes i have thought about only weighing myself once a month because its driving me crazy to look at the numbers and they stay the same week after week. my clothes are gettign a little looser but not too much but my stomach has decreased drastically. ive been also going to the gym at least 6 times a week and doing zumba, cardio, and strenth training. just a frustrating situiation... and i dont want to give up because i want to loose wieght soo bad. Ive tried it so many times before and i have never been so commited.. im also east about 1800 calories a day and this was recently upped from about 1000 because i was told i was straving my body... just hope things change...
  • I have been dealing with the same situation and I must tell you it's a bit frustrating. I am sticking to the diet and doing all of the P90x dvds. Tomorrow is my first remeasure day (day 30) and I know the inches are reducing. Everything I have read on all of the MFP site and Beachbody site says that because muscle weighs more than fat, sometimes you may not loose weight in the beginning- you may even gain a little. I'm sticking with it and staying committed. As long as you are looking better, feeling better and your clothes are getting bigger, I wouldn't get too hung up on what the scale is saying. In fact, I put mine away and will only weigh myself once a month. Stay focused and the results will come. Good luck to you.

    muscle does not weigh more then fat, it just looks different...
  • LizCO2DC
    LizCO2DC Posts: 92 Member
    INCREDIBLE! What have you been doing to lose so many inches?!

    Keep up the awesome work.
  • SocWkrBee
    SocWkrBee Posts: 374
    The scale weighs a lot of different things. It weighs water, bowel waste, blood, bone, etc. Losing inches is more of an indication of fat loss, not how much you weigh. Therefore, keep up the good work!
  • I have been dealing with the same situation and I must tell you it's a bit frustrating. I am sticking to the diet and doing all of the P90x dvds. Tomorrow is my first remeasure day (day 30) and I know the inches are reducing. Everything I have read on all of the MFP site and Beachbody site says that because muscle weighs more than fat, sometimes you may not loose weight in the beginning- you may even gain a little. I'm sticking with it and staying committed. As long as you are looking better, feeling better and your clothes are getting bigger, I wouldn't get too hung up on what the scale is saying. In fact, I put mine away and will only weigh myself once a month. Stay focused and the results will come. Good luck to you.

    This is correct. You are gaining muscle, muscle > fat.
    If you feel you've hit a plateau in your weight loss, you could always try carb cycling. It works wonders to bust through a weight loss plateau
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    I am totally in the same boat! You are definately doing things right, take inches over pounds any day for sure. There is a huge difference in your pictures! Keep up the great work and don't worry, muscle weighs more than fat (although some people on this website continually try to refute this :)
  • hellohappylisa
    hellohappylisa Posts: 141 Member
    lol and that's a problem how? You're getting smaller!! Who cares what the scale says?
  • babytlow32886
    babytlow32886 Posts: 27 Member
    well ive been going to the gym at least 6 days a week and trying to watch what i eat. ive also cut out pork and red meat and eat a lot of lean protien mostly chicken and fish... but scale isnt moving!!! lol but from what im seeing on here the inches are what matters :-)
  • mearlie
    mearlie Posts: 224
    Shoot. Who cares what the scale says? You are definitely on the right track!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    It means you are doing it right.

    Youll lose water weight first then visceral fat.
    So inches will come down.
    Then weight loss.
    Keep at it and if you need support send a request.
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    It means you are doing it right.

    Youll lose water weight first then visceral fat.
    So inches will come down.
    Then weight loss.
    Keep at it and if you need support send a request.


    I can see a difference! Keep it up!
  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    1 pound of muscle weighs the same as 1 pound of fat. The difference is the VOLUME. 1 pound of muscle takes much less volume then 1 pound of fat.

    That's why you're losing inches and not pounds.

    either way ditch the scale. Go by how your clothes fit and progress pictures.
  • babytlow32886
    babytlow32886 Posts: 27 Member
    thanks everyone!! i refuse to give up
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    F**K the scale! Don't try to be a certain weight, try to be LEAN! Muscle weighs more than fat, you are building muscle and losing fat...so sometimes, you even GAIN weight when getting healthier!

    Please see this great thread for some additional insight from a beautiful lady that shows that weight should not define you!

  • Selma10001984
    Selma10001984 Posts: 206 Member
    Im happy for you....the difference is enormous!! Please keep doing what you do because it's working. And trusts me the scale WILL move!! Plateaus usually don't last more than two months!
  • John2347
    John2347 Posts: 336 Member
    to those who are saying muscle weights more than fat are incorrect. a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle, although a pound of muscle occupies less space than a pound of fat since it is more dense than fat. since you are not losing any weight but are losing inches means that you are losing body fat but are gaining lean muscle mass which is a good thing. dont be bogged down by the number on the scale, go by how you feel and how you look. also the more lean muscle mass you have, the higher basal metabolic rate you will have so the more calories your body will be burning at rest, and isnt that what we want? just keep at it and good luck with everything! YOU CAN DO IT!
  • babytlow32886
    babytlow32886 Posts: 27 Member
    Im happy for you....the difference is enormous!! Please keep doing what you do because it's working. And trusts me the scale WILL move!! Plateaus usually don't last more than two months!

    ty i appreiciate it :-)
  • babytlow32886
    babytlow32886 Posts: 27 Member
    INCREDIBLE! What have you been doing to lose so many inches?!

    Keep up the awesome work.

    well ive been going to the gym at least 6 days a week and trying to watch what i eat. ive also cut out pork and red meat and eat a lot of lean protien mostly chicken and fish... but scale isnt moving!!! lol but from what im seeing on here the inches are what matters :-)
  • VictoriaFitness2010
    VictoriaFitness2010 Posts: 175 Member
    You have nothing to worry about! I can certainly see a difference in your waist and tummy area. As many have said, lean muscle weighs more than fat. Allow the inches to be your best indicator. Don't stress to much about the number on the scale.
  • ndarack
    ndarack Posts: 1 Member
    I know its hard but keep up the good work! Inches count!
  • babytlow32886
    babytlow32886 Posts: 27 Member
    ty everyone for the support i feel so much better already!!!
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    to those who are saying muscle weights more than fat are incorrect. a pound of fat weighs the same as a pound of muscle, although a pound of muscle occupies less space than a pound of fat since it is more dense than fat.

    Weight per volume silly. It's pretty self explanitory that a POUND of fat = a POUND of muscle.

    How much volume does 10 lbs of packing peanuts occupy compared to 10 lbs of gold? The point is, she's losing inches, but weighing the same, thus her overall volume is decreasing. She would displace less water if placed in a bath or hot tub.
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