Fit & Fun Sized Group!



  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    cograts to all of you who are setting goals, maybe not achieving all that you'd like to but the initiative is there, the drive will follow and the willpower will keep you there! I was in the gym this morning busting out my biceps and triceps, 45 minutes of working to failure, a great feeling! I kicked it up a notch with 4 sets of circuits including plyo's and back work..cause you need a strong back to help with the biceps! Finished it off with some power squats and i'm so proud of myself, I use the seated squat press and I can now push 8x45lbs on each side!! a total of 720lbs unassisted! yippee for me, i've been stuck at 7 plates a side for a good solid month. I have to teach a step class tonight so I gotta go eat me some chicken salad! Good luck ladies, keep focused, and remember the workouts that you really don't want to do, cause you're tired or stressed, are the ones that matter the most, lace up those sneakers and hit that gym!!

    Edited because I cannot spell!:blushing:
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Just chiming in... 5'1" (with shoes :blushing: ) and 155lbs right now...

    Have been tracking (consistently) for about 5 months now... doing C25K and trying to get going on Chalene Extreme... eating all exercise calories... staying below 1500mg of sodium... well over 60oz of water a day... and nada, nothing in the weight loss dept (no, not losing inches either). :huh:
  • breezy81
    breezy81 Posts: 186
    Hi my fun sized pals!! I have been MIA for a while now, got sick and used that excuse to eat badly....but I am back still not feeling well, this crap is in my chest and wont go away but I am back on the wagon and have ate well today. I missed you all hope everyone is doing good fro themselves!!!
  • ashlieh4048
    ashlieh4048 Posts: 39 Member
    so today i had a dairy queen oreo blizzard...
    and a shrip basket with onion rings D:

    but other than that i ate pretty healthy... and i did my daily 20 minute workout ...
  • indiankel
    indiankel Posts: 163 Member
    I would love to be part of this group. I'm 5'4 and about 150...have already lost 16lbs. I need the support to stay motivated and a group to hold me accountable. Just like tonight, instead of going to the gym....I'm on here! My plan is tomorrow morning 5:30am to hit the gym. I'm finding that I'm bargaining with myself and that scares me!!! Someone just kick me in the butt!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies! Today is week 3 day 3 of the P90X series and 59 minutes later the shoulders & arms dvd is complete. Instead of doing the ballistic stretching during the breaks I did speed jump rope as a means of getting my heart rate up and getting in a tad bit of cardio. I'm also happy to announce that there was no procrastination today. My alarm clock went off and I got right up and got the workout in. It may have been b/c I knew I had to be in a training all day so the likelihood of me completing the workout once I get off of work is pretty slim. Nonetheless the workout is complete and I am happy.

    IndianKel: Here's the kick in the butt you requested. No more bargaining w/yourself, get that workout done and watch the calories too.

    Hope everyone has a great day.!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    I would love to be part of this group. I'm 5'4 and about 150...have already lost 16lbs. I need the support to stay motivated and a group to hold me accountable. Just like tonight, instead of going to the gym....I'm on here! My plan is tomorrow morning 5:30am to hit the gym. I'm finding that I'm bargaining with myself and that scares me!!! Someone just kick me in the butt!

    The only bargaining you can do is when you lose the next 5 pounds treat yourself to something non-food related, a new pair of jeans or my shoes:love: ....know that you will feel so much better after your workout and that your body will be thanking you!
  • jzbaby626
    That sounds soo good ashlieh! haha

    Brangwen- how many calories are you eating everyday? Some people say you should eat at least you BMR daily. You can find out your BMR in the tools tab at the top of the page...just a thought.

    Hi indiankel--congrats on the 16 lbs..get to the gym!!!

    Good job gettin that workout out of the way Choco! I took your advice and started drinking during my workouts. I thought i might get cramps but i didnt. I already drank 3 cups of water. And i need A LOT of water because when i got on the scale today i had gained 3 lbs of water weight!! WTF!! so i am going to drink tons of water this week ugghh. I finished my workout for today. 40 mins of 6 Round Slim Down. Check in with yall later.
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Brangwen- how many calories are you eating everyday? Some people say you should eat at least you BMR daily. You can find out your BMR in the tools tab at the top of the page...just a thought.

    Yeah I've tried that... typically my BMR is = to eating my exercise calories back... but I've also tried starting at my BMR + eating my exercise cals back, and then I was just excessively full. LOL

    Had bloodwork done today, so we'll see if there's any underlying reasons. :yawn:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    That sounds soo good ashlieh! haha

    Brangwen- how many calories are you eating everyday? Some people say you should eat at least you BMR daily. You can find out your BMR in the tools tab at the top of the page...just a thought.

    Hi indiankel--congrats on the 16 lbs..get to the gym!!!

    Good job gettin that workout out of the way Choco! I took your advice and started drinking during my workouts. I thought i might get cramps but i didnt. I already drank 3 cups of water. And i need A LOT of water because when i got on the scale today i had gained 3 lbs of water weight!! WTF!! so i am going to drink tons of water this week ugghh. I finished my workout for today. 40 mins of 6 Round Slim Down. Check in with yall later.

    Jzbaby: I'm glad drinking during the workouts is not causing any problems. Keep up the great work!
  • Caroline523
    Hi everyone!
    I just found this group and it's so perfect! I am about 5'2" - 5'3" and it's rough. I feel like any weight gain is so noticeable on us short girls! Then again, weight loss is probably also pretty noticeable! (I wouldn't know yet- haha)

    Anyways, I have a question for all of you! I weighed myself today and I was about 132 lbs. My goal is to get down to about 110. However I keep reading that for us "fun-sized" girls, the weight comes off slower, and takes a lot more work. Have you found that to be true? I've only been at it for about 10 days and no progress, but I haven't really expected results yet. Do you think I will be able to work those 20 lbs off?

    My daily routine is to eat about 1,200-1,400 calories, sometimes less, and then work off about 1,000 at the gym. I typically run 2-3 miles, walk at an incline for about 30 minutes, and then elliptical for an hour. Do you guys think I should be doing anything else to help me get this weight off? I'm going to be patient obviously, but seeing results would be extremely motivating!

    GREAT JOB TO ALL OF YOU!! keep up the great work :)
  • SarahJackson
    Hello! I am about 5'4 I would say and I weigh about 137 and would like to be between 120-125 and I am awful with motivation and keeping up with working out and eating healthy...i always end up giving up when i dont see the results that I want to see. I am hoping that this time will be different and this group will be great motivation!!
  • noseovertail
    Hi all, I'm happy to have found this group! I'm 5'2" and when I began MFP I was 130 lbs. I'm down to 126.5 (which I suspect was mostly water weight, I'm not sure). I had spinal surgery in November '09 and I am still recovering, so my exercises are pretty lame. I can only walk on the treadmill, ride the stationary bike or lift 3 lb weights. It's a pretty sorry excuse for an exercise regimen but at least it's something :-) I think I want to be around 110 lbs, but I'm more concerned with toning up & not being so flabby/cellulitey.

    It's nice to see other petite people on here who understand the troubles of losing & gaining weight while being smaller. I'm kind of sick of people telling me that I don't need to lose weight because I'm small already!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I'm 5'3'' and have lost 70 pounds since January 2009. I lost most of the weight using Isagenix. I'm still using the products and I love them.......great nutrition, lots of water, and regular exercise seemed to have worked for me.......When I still had 20 pounds to lose, people started telling me not to lose any more weight...I ignored them and continued toward my goal...I consider myself the best judge of what is the best weight.

    :flowerforyou: Exercise is as important to me now as it was when I was losing's good for your heart and your bones and probably a lot of other things.

    My exercise is primarily dance, walking, and riding my exercise bike.....I have some great yoga DVDs and I keep promising myself that I'll use them regularly but the willingness evades me.:laugh:
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    i'm 5 foot exactly and weigh 147. i used to be a cute skinny minny. not so much anymore - i hate looking at pictures of me now. definately agree that 10 pounds on a shorter person is different than 10 pounds on a 5 foot 6 inch person. nice to meet you!
  • jandie
    jandie Posts: 88 Member
    :smile: Good Morning Fit & Fun Girls!

    Today the workout will have to wait until the deep house cleaning is done. I think I scrub a little harding knowing that my chores are burning calories too!

    I have my menu planned and the kids are looking forward to homemade - hot out of the oven - banana bread when they get home. I don't always eat what I fix - but I still really enjoy cooking! And I'm finding some great tricks to making the things they love healthier!

    My Dad had a cardiac cath done yesterday. It was ordered after a follow up visit to the Dr. - post hospital stay from a couple weeks ago. His existing stints were clear but they did find an 85% blockage on the right side of his heart. I'm so thankful the Dr. found it! Dad is feeling really good! He hopes to be feeling peppy again soon, he said he misses his morning walks. :happy: Even at 83 years old he's still in great shape - and what better motivation could I ask for?

    :flowerforyou: Here's to hoping you all find that extra nudge of motivation you need to keep going!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies! Today is week 3 day 4 of P90X and I was suppose to complete the Yoga dvd but since I'm not a fan of Yoga I usually complete Cardio X. However, I woke up so energized I decided to put in the Plyometrics dvd and rock it out. In addition to, "Bringing It" like Tony Horton said I had a very hardy breakfast and I feel absolutely great.
  • jzbaby626
    Biggest Loser Bootcamp is over & done with for the day. Yesterday I drank 12 cups of water! Thats a record for me. Now im starving. Im gonna have some oatmeal w/ strawberries in it. Check in with yall later.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Biggest Loser Bootcamp is over & done with for the day. Yesterday I drank 12 cups of water! Thats a record for me. Now im starving. Im gonna have some oatmeal w/ strawberries in it. Check in with yall later.

    Jzbaby: Congratulations on getting down 12 cups of water, you are making a lot of head way in this area. You should be proud, keep up the good work. You've also been doing a great job w/getting your workouts done consistently.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,971 Member
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 45 minute walk in the sunshine, two hour line dance class, three 25 minute rides on the stationery bike, and 30 minute walk at the dog park
    now I'm watching the Olympics and feeling lazy by comparison to the kind of workouts the Olympic athletes do:laugh: :laugh: