Healthy Foods I am scared of....



  • melodyg
    melodyg Posts: 1,423 Member
    Haven't read all of the replies yet!

    1.) Cottage Cheese - Yum! Wish it wasn't so high in sodium though!
    2.) Greek Yogurt - I still don't *love* it.... but I finally discovered that Fage brand is (to me) far and away better than other brands of greek yogurt. Bonus is it is all natural pronounceable ingredients! I do like subbing Greek yogurt for sour cream, or cooking with it, or using in smoothies.
    3.) Hummus - You've probably already gotten this answer, but hummus is chickpeas, olive oil, tahini (sesame seed) paste, and a few other things. It is really good with pita chips or just with raw veggies!
    4.) Avacados - I was scared of avocados for YEARS. Then I tried them and love them! I eat with Mexican food (fajitas or taco salad), on burgers, or with BLTs. Throw a couple cloves of garlic and a splash of lemon juice in with your avocado for guacamole!
    5.) Sweet Potatos - Yum!!!
    6.) Quinoa - I'm so confused on quinoa too! It is one food I am still scared of!

    I think I am fairly open to eating new foods, but I'm still not sure of quinoa! I wish I could try some without having to buy a whole container of it! I just started eating sushi and am still not sure on it either... I need to go with someone who is more of a sushi veteran.
  • Katanthus
    Katanthus Posts: 346 Member
    Hummus - I LOVE it!
    Cottage Cheese - I use it in all sorts of things
    Greek Yogurt... or even better. frozen Greek yogurt
    Cauliflower pizza crust
    Spinach and wheat grass smoothie- something you would not have heard me like 6 months ago.

    Celery - The smell makes me retch
    Avocados - Yuck. Not sure why, but I am not impressed
    Sushi - never will it pass my lips (allergic to most fish)
    Pickles - Overrated
    Peanut Butter - greasy and disgusting texture
    Bananas - love the smell, hate the texture
    Olives - though like olive oil
  • 1.) Cottage Cheese - I love it with some black pepper and dill pickles...or any type of sweet stuff. I put it in protein smoothies to make it more like a milkshake
    2.) Greek Yogurt - I enjoy it
    3.) Hummus - LOVE hummus, enjoy making it homemade without tahini or oil though. Great as a veggie dip and on sandwiches
    4.) Avacados - Used to hate, and think it tasted like muddy grass...but Ive experienced truly RIPE avacados..if its not soft and a bit squishy it will taste gross! When ripe its savory buttery goodness
    5.) Sweet Potatos - delish! Love to bake until extremely soft and top with chunky peanut butter, cinnamon and raisins.
    6.) Quinoa - One of my favorite foods. Great for you. Use it anywhere you would rice

    Im really not scared of any healthy foods...healthy foods excite me lol
  • T1mH
    T1mH Posts: 568 Member
    Cottage cheese comes in many variety's and while I'm a big fan of it I don't like won't eat certain brands. I can't stand the local Spartan brand but I love my local Meijer brand more than any other kind. I also have grown accustomed to the fat free version and can't eat the higher fat content ones.
  • Loves418
    Loves418 Posts: 330 Member
    I will not eat liver, mushrooms or fish (except for tuna as in tuna salad and lox) Mushrooms scare me because of a story my mom read me as a little girl haunts me to this day. Go figure. Liver just gross I remember the awful smell when my dad used to cook it..I am turning green just thinking about it :sick: and I just can't eat way no how..except again tuna salad and lox..
  • lfrye6
    lfrye6 Posts: 4 Member
    cottage cheese is great as a salad dressing! i put tons of veggies in my salad and then add a half cup of cottage cheese, vinegar, and a few grapes to sweeten it up! so good!

    also, hummus is one of my favorite foods. it's great dipping all veggies in hummus. i sometimes even use is as a spread on a turkey and cheese sandwich instead of mustard/mayo to switch it up!
  • TrimAnew
    TrimAnew Posts: 127 Member
    Sushi: No way. As far as I'm concerned, "sushi" is a Japanese word for "bait." The nurse in me just can't tolerate the idea of eating any meat that hasn't been cooked thoroughly. Most anything else I will try once, but not sushi.

    actually it's just the japanese word for rice. "sushi" doesn't have to involve fish at all.

    Hahaha, yeah, I know. Just to my thinking, raw fish is what you use to catch bigger fish--that you then COOK before you eat!

    My dad is a microbiologist and used to be equally unnerved by the idea of eating raw fish, so he would only eat sushi with cooked ingredients, like unagi (BBQ eel) nigiri or tempura rolls. I liked though so sometimes he'd try a bit. Oddly enough, these days it's one of his favorite foods, especially the tuna rolls and nigiri and he doesn't worry about it. I think he started eating it more with co-workers and a few better places opened up in his area, so it grew on him. As long as the fish is fresh and kept cool, it's not that risky, at least not any more so than raw cookie dough with eggs in it or a hamburger that's a pink in the middle or a steak that's a bit more rare than medium.

    It's the salad bars that you really have to worry about! Most salad bars are a microbiologist's nightmare. It's a rare thing for him to trust the salad bar or buffet. :) So I guess I've picked up a bit of that as well. I'm careful about the health ratings at places I eat. Anything less than a 95 and I'm likely to think twice. Anything less than a 90 I absolutely will not eat at.

    Most sushi places I eat at have 100 or 99 for their scores, so they're pretty safe. Often they'll even tell you what day the fish came in or have it posted somewhere, so that sort of transparency makes it easier to trust the fish. We sit at the bar when possible, so we see exactly how the chef is handling everything (and sometimes we can score freebies if we get friendly and chatty with the chef).

    As for someone saying green tea is too bitter, you might be over steeping it. It only gets *really* bitter if you let it steep too long or in water that is too hot. It's usually just a bit bitter, but a tiny dash of honey helps that.

    I also like chopped liver, although I've only had my MIL's version.
  • jlapey
    jlapey Posts: 1,850 Member
    I think I am fairly open to eating new foods, but I'm still not sure of quinoa! I wish I could try some without having to buy a whole container of it! I just started eating sushi and am still not sure on it either... I need to go with someone who is more of a sushi veteran.

    Quinoa can be bought at Wholefoods, from the bulk section in any quantity you want. It is sold by weight.
  • lukeevans85
    lukeevans85 Posts: 108 Member
    Sushi. Never will that enter my mouth

    Why? You know not ALL sushi is raw fish right? In fact the word "sushi" refers to the rice. Not the fish.

    I thought sushi was disgusting for years too...until I realized that the sushi I had was old and the reason I couldn't stand it was because of the non-fresh fish and the chewy seaweed. Turns out good sushi has none of those qualities.

    Now I regularly go out of my way to find the best I can and my favorite is sashimi...which is just straight up raw fish. No rice, no wasabi, no ginger, no seaweed. Just pure...delicious...raw fish.
  • darwinforyou
    darwinforyou Posts: 988 Member
    Good lord! Reading what people won't eat, I must be the odd (wo)man out. I LOVE any strange food that exists out there - the weirder the better, but to me this list isn't even strange. All foods (minus quinoa) that I buy on a regular basis.

    Greek Yogurt is such a great replacement for any cream or sour cream - I make dips out of it or else put it on top of a taco, way less calories.

    Hummus - with any veggies or pita, or even a replacement on a sandwich, love love love! Roast some veggies and go to town with it!

    Avocados - these are a staple to me. BLT with avocado, good lord....soooo good, or guacamole, or on a sandwich, or a replacement fat in baking. So versatile.

    this list could go on and on....

    Foods I try and avoid that are healthy??? Some of the meat replacements just don't do it for me - lima beans, just can't eat them....

    I had an aversion to beets until I try them recently on a salad. They were roasted and with this vinagrette - definitely had a perfect place in that salad, though were finely diced though so didn't overwhelm the other flavors.

    I think if done right EVERY food can taste good, you just need to know what to do with it and have an adventurous spirit.

    PS I love can be very addicting, but isn't necessarily healthy for you depending on what you get.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Any kind of yogurt. The texture makes me feel like I'm going to puke.

    I'll buy a few little cups from time to time and mix in something crunchy to see if I like it yet- still hasn't happened. I always end up throwing it away.

    BUT- I have discovered fat free plain yogurt for recipes, dips, and such.
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    Oh how I wish I was "scared" of ANY food...something :)

    I'll try anything :p

    me too!
  • BigGuy47
    BigGuy47 Posts: 1,768 Member
    What's with all the Quinoa haters?

    It's a lot like rice or cous cous with a bit of a nutty taste.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    I'm scared of Bitter Melon... Tried it a couple times ( because everyone says it's an acquired taste) and omg I understand the scarred for life bit!
  • VanessaGS
    VanessaGS Posts: 514 Member
    Sweet potato fries are delicious and avocado is good if you spread it on fajita tacos. Now I LOVE avocados.
  • andreanicole686
    andreanicole686 Posts: 406 Member
    This sounds like a list of what I eat on a daily basis...
    Me too.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    great Quinoa recipe for those who haven't tried quinoa. My meat eater friend ate some and then grabbed the whole bowl and started chowing!

    couple cups cooked tri colored quinoa
    1 fennel bulb shaved or sliced thinly
    1/2 bunch parsley
    1/4 cup dried cranberries or 1/2 cup fresh currants
    squeeze of fresh lemon juice
    1/4 cup raw walnuts
    and top with some thinly shaved parmesan
    salt and pepper to taste
  • AndreaGrace29
    AndreaGrace29 Posts: 51 Member
    I just realized that light greek yogurt is awesome! Kroger (a grocery store in a few of the states) has a light greek, which is much sweeter than regular greek. You could also try adding a bit of sweetner if you need to. I love the consistancy tho.. I dont think I can go back to regular yogurt. Greek is more "hearty" and the protein (16gs!) sticks with you.

    Oh! Brussel sprout people.. if you can't do do them steamed with butter, salt, and pepper, if you have any southern in you, you might like them steamed with white vinegar. I put white vinegar on broccoli and cauliflower sometimes too. :)

    I'm scared of seafood. I hate the texture. Liver scares me because.. well, its liver... thats about it!
  • miss_erynn
    miss_erynn Posts: 140 Member
    I can only really do quinoa when it has spices mixed in and/or is in chili form OR is baked into crackers/breads, then I can't taste it, lol. I wish I could like its nuttiness.

    I'm TERRIFIED of branching out to try seafood.... a few years ago I tried shrimp and became somewhat of an addict, last year I tried tilapia and I can stomach it, and a few weeks ago I tried tuna, liked it - even went on a tuna kick for 2 weeks - now I can't do it anymore. I desperately want to try salmon and a few other milder fishes, but I just can't. SUSHI is a HELLLLLL NOOOOOOO for me. So gross. Raw fish? Just wrong.

    WTH is jicama? I see recipes with it all the time..... don't know what it is, so don't make any recipes that require it.

    I'm also afraif of nut/seed butters, like almond butter, sunflower seed butter, etc. Same with tahini. What are all these things? LOL.
  • LovelyVegetarian
    LovelyVegetarian Posts: 117 Member
    I'm so surprised that not that many people have had quinoa!!! I love love love love it! I cook a package almost every weekend and make different recipes with it (you can do so much with it) and partition it for the week for lunches. It's a complete food so for a vegetarian like myself it's the best.

    I also adore hummus. And sweet potatotes. Love 'em!

    Hate meat (obviously) and anything meat-like (any meaty fish (ew), any fake-meat that seems too real (double ew)).

    Everyone should try quinoa. Please. It's is soo good for you and so deslic!!!

    Oh and vegetarian sushi is awesome!