Last 10lbs Group - GTKY

ellipse22 Posts: 137
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I thought getting a new thread started for our group would be a good idea.

I thought we could start off with some "Getting to Know You" 's

I'll repost what I mentioned in the last thread:

Name & Weigh In Day


  • SarahJoy_79
    SarahJoy_79 Posts: 107 Member
    Hey I would like to join this group!

    My name is Sarah and I weigh in every Thursday.
  • Hey I would like to join this group!

    My name is Sarah and I weigh in every Thursday.

    Hi Sarah!

    I weigh in on Thursdays too!
  • Marking this thread!
  • sssrip
    sssrip Posts: 72
    Matt & Tuesday
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    Crap, I didn't realize we have a new thread started.... this is what I posted in the other one.....

    ellipse22 - to support the "getting to know" everyone phase of our new group - I thought it might be interesting to post your personal weight lose story. I'll start...

    I've gained and lost 40 lbs twice. However, the last time I lost the 40 miserable lbs, I kept it off for about 3 years. Then I met the man of my dreams, got married, we accepted jobs in the UK, moved to the UK - most of which occurred over a short 10 months. After our wedding and when we moved to a new country, I struggled to find my grove with eating and I made some bad choices. Those choices lead to weighing 16 lbs heavier than when I got married. I caught myself in time before that entire 40 lbs packed back on. I am happy to say that I am now back down to my pre-wedding weight!! At this point, I am going after my ultimate goal of another 10 lbs (Goal Weight: 115 lbs). I've ALWAYS wanted to get to 115, which is smack dab in the middle of the weight chart for someone my height (5'1").

    That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! What's your story?
  • Good Idea!

    I have always been a slim person throughout my life. When I was a child I was known as "Skinny Minnie". At the age of 17 I was anorexic and very sick. I weighed 110lbs and 5' 7" tall. While pregnant with my 2nd child I gained alot of weight. She literally sucked the life out of me! After she was born (weighing 9lbs 5oz) I was 175lbs. I was in a horrible relationship and I hated myself. Having a daughter made me realize that I don't need to be "skinny minnie" but I need to feel good about myself.

    I decided I wanted to get to 150lbs. After 9 months of eating right (no real exercise - although having a baby and 4 year old helped) I lost 45lbs and was 130lbs. I maintained that weight for approximately 6 years. I would occasionally go up and down but not very much.

    I met my husband in 2007 and when we got married in 2008 I weighed approximately 135lbs. I was content and happy! He is unfortunately a late night snacker and I too developed his bad habit. I started drinking less water and more alcoholic beverages ;-)

    On January 1st (not a resolution though) I decided to quit drinking and focus on getting my eating habits under control. At that point I was 143lbs. I am 139lbs today and would love to get to 130lbs and perhaps a few pounds lighter.

    This time around though I am going to focus on getting to 130lbs and then toning. I am not a big girl but even at 130lbs I am still in need of some work! summarize..9 months...45lbs...gained 13lbs striving to get back to 130lbs!!
  • Matt & Tuesday

    Hey Matt!

    Losing 16lbs in awesome!! I don't think I could that much in the amount of time you have! What is your secret?
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hi guys! I would love to be a part of this group. I am so close to my goal that I can taste it, yet I feel so far away...

    My name is Courtney and I have been using MFP since June of 2009. I started at 191 then (heaviest ever was 195) and I am now at 146. My goal is 140. I started out wearing a tight size 12 jeans and a large top; now I wear a size 8 jean comfortably and a small/medium top. When I look at pics of myself now I can't believe it is really me. I am excited to take pictures and to try on clothes now, and I even bought a new Victoria's Secret bikini the other day!

    Weight has always been an issue for me (but what girl didn't struggle or think she was fat then?). I wasn't "fat" I was just regular sized. I was a size 8, 150 lbs. in high school. I looked good, and I was a cheerleader, but all of my friends weighed 120 soaking wet. I was shy and always felt like I couldn't get the good looking guys because I was too big. How naive!!! :laugh: My weight crept up in college and really went up after I lived in the sorority house for a year (personal chef!).

    I'm 23 now and I'm in my second year of medical school. I am single and I live with my Boston Terrier, Marley. Oh, and I live in Kentucky. We are currently bombarded with snow, which I can't stand. I just want to get outside and run again! This year, I am making it a goal to myself to become a real runner, maybe even enter in some races. When it is warm, that is :)
  • Hi guys! I would love to be a part of this group. I am so close to my goal that I can taste it, yet I feel so far away...

    My name is Courtney and I have been using MFP since June of 2009. I started at 191 then (heaviest ever was 195) and I am now at 146. My goal is 140. I started out wearing a tight size 12 jeans and a large top; now I wear a size 8 jean comfortably and a small/medium top. When I look at pics of myself now I can't believe it is really me. I am excited to take pictures and to try on clothes now, and I even bought a new Victoria's Secret bikini the other day!

    Weight has always been an issue for me (but what girl didn't struggle or think she was fat then?). I wasn't "fat" I was just regular sized. I was a size 8, 150 lbs. in high school. I looked good, and I was a cheerleader, but all of my friends weighed 120 soaking wet. I was shy and always felt like I couldn't get the good looking guys because I was too big. How naive!!! :laugh: My weight crept up in college and really went up after I lived in the sorority house for a year (personal chef!).

    I'm 23 now and I'm in my second year of medical school. I am single and I live with my Boston Terrier, Marley. Oh, and I live in Kentucky. We are currently bombarded with snow, which I can't stand. I just want to get outside and run again! This year, I am making it a goal to myself to become a real runner, maybe even enter in some races. When it is warm, that is :)

    Awesome story Courtney & welcome!!!!
    You have done a great job so far so here's to the last 10 ;-)
  • girlygirl82
    girlygirl82 Posts: 66 Member
    Hello everyone!!

    My story isn't very awe inspiring, but rather about me finding some extra pounds creeping up that I was not comfortable with about 2 years ago. I was about 20 pounds over what I consider my healthy weight and I didn't like it. I tried stepping up my game at the gym and was getting very frustrated that nothing was happening. So I starting logging my food everyday in a journal and 'counting' my calories.... that didn't work. ( I wasn't being realistic about serving sizes) So I stumbled across this site when trying to find out the calories in a bun at Texas Roadhouse... which was shocking BTW. Anyway, thats where my MyFitnessPal relationship started. : ) Last summer I was 2 pounds away from my goal weigh and months later I find myself 9 pounds away. I totally fell off the wagon.

    My reasoning for losing this 'last ten pounds' is because I know I can, I also am getting married on 7/31/10! On my honeymoon I want to look great. That vacation is probably going to be the only time that I am EVER in an exotic place, so I have to make it worthwhile! LOL

    Good Luck to us all..... know with the encouragment of us a a team, we can do it!
  • Taradise
    Taradise Posts: 302 Member
    I even bought a new Victoria's Secret bikini the other day!

    Wooo hooo!! New Bikini!! I put one on for the first time in a long time this past weekend. I felt pretty good in it too!! :bigsmile:
  • SarahJoy_79
    SarahJoy_79 Posts: 107 Member
    I don't really have too much of a story really when it comes to weight loss. I have two daughters...both of which were 9 pounders! So needless to say I did gain a lot of weight during the pregnancies, however once I had them, started breastfeeding and working out the weight came off pretty easy. My biggest weight issue is putting on an extra 5-10 lbs every winter when I'm not as active. I'm a runner...I LOVE to run, but I hate running inside, so I pretty much pack away my running shoes once the weather gets bad and pack on 10 pounds. So here I am again....winter is coming to an end and it's time for me to drop the dreaded winter 10 and get back into bikini shape!
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    I posted this before I realized we had a new thread...

    Hey everybody! I'm Mandy. After our son was born (our oldest), I joined the Wellness Center where I worked and lost weight and got into great shape (Body Pump and Body Step classes were great!!). When our second baby was born, she was in Arkansas Children's Hospital for 3 months clinging to life, so getting the pregnancy weight off was not a priority. We ate in the hospital cafeteria and ate out a lot in those 3 months, so pretty much none of that weight came off. Then we came home with a special needs child, and I quit my job to stay at home with her. More bad food choices, stress, etc. did not do anything for the weight loss. I wasn't even trying. Then, SURPRISE, when our little girl was 9 months old, I found out I was pregnant again. Our youngest little girl was born in December 2008. I went back to work full time. It wasn't until the end of September of this last year that I just woke up one day and decided I was NOT going to be fat anymore. That was the start of my journey. I found this website completely by accident one day and immediately started making better choices as far as nutrition. Actually logging in what I ate really opened my eyes to what I was doing to myself . As I started reading other people's stories, I was inspired to begin exercising again. Now I LOVE to exercise. It's great stress relief in my world of 3 kids, a full time job, and a husband that travels a lot. I've lost 33 pounds so far and have just a little over a pound to get to my original goal. When that goal started seeming attainable, I actually added 5 more pounds, so I'm 6.5 pounds from that goal weight. This has truly been life changing for me! Well, there's my incredibly long, wordy weight loss story. Maybe someone will take the time to read it. Hope I didn't bore you to death .
  • It seems like a few people have weigh-in days on Thursdays so I'm going to switch mine from Mondays to Thursdays.

    I'm 5'8 and weigh about 160ish pounds. I used to weigh between 230 and 235lbs. I met my husband and we both lost a lot of weight together. I lost about 70-75lbs and he lost about 50lbs, bringing us both to a healthy weight for our heights. BUT, I want to lose about 10-12 more pounds. We want to start a family and I don't want to balloon past 200lbs when I'm pregnant. Also, he's deployed in Iraq right now and left only 4 weeks ago. I want him to come back to a hot wife. Even though he tells me I'm beautiful all the time and that I don't need to lose any more weight, I want to.

    Good luck everyone!
  • I am Nicole-my story is short. Was a gymnastics coach in great shape, met my husband who had 2 children, I became an instant 'step-mom' . I started working as a travel agent-DESK JOB, and then we got married at about 5 pounds more than I was when I met him. Then gained another 10 pounds, I miscarried and gained another 12 pounds in one month. I got pregnant again with my little man and gained another 40 pounds! I lost the first 20 really easy, but I work full-time. I don't get home until 7pm and my husband gets home around 10pm. We eat late, not always the best choices......I am finally getting a full nights sleep now and have been trying hard since December. I am now at the point I would like to just lose the 'last' 10pounds...preferably 15, but we will see how my body feels when I get rid of the 10! I want to be healthy for my son, and I would like to feel good when I see that person looking back at me in the mirror!:)
  • ooops! my weigh in day is Tuesday! My goal this week is 1 pound!
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    bump for later.......
  • Hello all! Judging from your pics, I'm probably the oldest in the group. I was a thin child, skinny really. Weight started to creep up in high school though, but by senior, I had it under control. I stayed thin, pretty much until I became a flight attendant. Started off well under standards, but being on reserve and just eating poorly, I started to gain. I still was within my range, but still heavier than I wanted to be. Then I met my husband. I left the airline and immediately started to lose weight again, but then I became pregnant with our daughter. I gained alot of weight, but most of it was fluid, thank goodness. I lost weight again after she was born and probably got to my thinnest. I did OK until I started to hit my 30's, then the weight really started to add on. Slowly from size 8 to 10, to 12. By the time I was 50 I was in a 14-16, and getting into a 1X. So we're looking at pushing 190 lbs on a 5'6" frame. I dropped some weight, but it wasn't until I got high blood pressure that I knew I had to do something. All my "numbers" were bad. I put the brakes on and decided I had to lose. I didn't go on any real diet, just cut back and exercised more. I dropped to 172 by summer of 2007 and got down to 167 at my lowest that year. Then I got a groin injury around Thanksgiving, wasn't exercising and the weight slowly crept up again.

    In January 2008, I decided to joing Weightwatchers online. The weight came off slowly, but by May, for my birthday, I weighed 160. I never felt so good. Clothes were fitting great. All my "numbers" were back in the good range. I kept losing and at my lowest, I got to 155, but then kind of settle at 158 or so. I quite WW, thinking I could do it on my own, weight crept up again. I would yo yo from 165 to 163. I had joined MFP a while back, but left, but now I'm back again. I started back on 2/8, tracking what I eat and exercise. Well, today I weighed in at 162. I've got a goal to get another 10 lbs off by May 1st. I am a travel agent and I just completed my certification with Princess Cruiseline, so I earned a graduation cruise. We are leaving May 1st from Ft Lauderdale, going transatlantic to Rome, where we will meet our Italian friends. It will also be my birthday. I am determined to get to my goal finally!!!
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    Am I too late to join you? I've been working on the healthier me since Sept 08. Start weigh of 239...met my goal of 90 pounds this past weekend. I plan to continue to work off another 10 pounds....when I set my goal I honestly never thought I'd get there and now I'm eager to surpass it.

    Rollercoaster with weight since having kids 2 kids 18 (today) Daughter and 13 Son. 4 year breast cancer survivor. I've tried Atkins, bariatric clinic-taking Phentermine/addipex even weight watchers and nothing has been long term until MFP.

    Started Couch to 5k in May of 2009 - this past Saturday I ran a 10 mile run---first half marathon is March 21st. I am a turtle but I am doing it!

    Here's to our last 10!:drinker:
  • Awesome stories everyone!
    Very motivating!!!

    I will be honest and say that I am having a rough couple of days! I've been staying within my calorie intake but I've noticed that I am usually slightly over in my "fat" column! I weigh in tomorrow and I'm confident I am down 1lb but I'm just feeling a little bummed out.
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