News Anchor Stands up to Weight Bullying



  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    It sounds to me like the letter, although offensive to the anchor, had good intentions. The man who wrote the email has an absolutely valid point. She is very overweight, and although we do not know if she has any health conditions that could affect her weight, she has a career in a visual art. I think she took it well out of proportion in calling it "bullying". Yes, he made a judgement based on her appearance, but hellooo...she is a TV anchor. For someone who was not hurt by his words, she sure made a big deal out of it.
    The guy went out of his way to write to her, of course it's bullying. Do you think she should quit her job until she loses weight? You're as bad as the dumb**se who wrote to her.
    I come onto this site to do much the same thing. Am I a bully for pointing out the obvious? Your idea of what a bully is is very lacking....

    We are on this for advice and motivation. She was at work. There is a major difference there. It doesn't matter if his point is valid. He went out of his way to give his advice to a person he doesn't even know who anchors a show he doesn't watch. He is a jerk.
    a jerk is not a bully. to label this as bullying is a slap in the face to everyone who is actually bullied...
  • Kashton2011
    Kashton2011 Posts: 324 Member
    I can't see how the size of the anchor in any way effects her doing her job. How can people say beauty comes in all shapes and sizes but obviously don't apply that sentiment to women on the TV.

    I might be a bit controversial here but I bet a male anchor wouldn't have been sent that email

    Double standards
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Is this lady some sort of health & ftiness news anchor or something? Or was the email just random?

    There are fat people everywhere, just because you're on TV doesn't mean that you should be in the healthy weight range. Would it be good for her health to be? Most likely yes but I highly doubt that was in the prerequisites for the job.
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member
    It sounds to me like the letter, although offensive to the anchor, had good intentions. The man who wrote the email has an absolutely valid point. She is very overweight, and although we do not know if she has any health conditions that could affect her weight, she has a career in a visual art. I think she took it well out of proportion in calling it "bullying". Yes, he made a judgement based on her appearance, but hellooo...she is a TV anchor. For someone who was not hurt by his words, she sure made a big deal out of it.
    The guy went out of his way to write to her, of course it's bullying. Do you think she should quit her job until she loses weight? You're as bad as the dumb**se who wrote to her.
    I come onto this site to do much the same thing. Am I a bully for pointing out the obvious? Your idea of what a bully is is very lacking....

    We are on this for advice and motivation. She was at work. There is a major difference there. It doesn't matter if his point is valid. He went out of his way to give his advice to a person he doesn't even know who anchors a show he doesn't watch. He is a jerk.
    Does it matter if he knows her or not? She's fat and it's possible she has not realized it and he might probably be helping to save her life by telling her the truth. It's a letter he wrote meaning he tried to respect her. If she's hurt the she can seek help like us on this forum and if she's been trying then she should try harder. I understand how she feels but she's just seeking attention cos theres nothing wrong with what he said.
  • Baloostika
    Baloostika Posts: 203 Member
    Bump man.
  • Jynus
    Jynus Posts: 519 Member
    Is this lady some sort of health & ftiness news anchor or something? Or was the email just random?

    There are fat people everywhere, just because you're on TV doesn't mean that you should be in the healthy weight range. Would it be good for her health to be? Most likely yes but I highly doubt that was in the prerequisites for the job.
    Thats the part thats confusing to me as well. The email reads like he was responding to a segment where she was talking about health and fitness or something along those lines. It seems a very odd target for him to suddenly randomly write saying you're a poor roll model for no other reason than being overweight considering the tons of other public figures also obese.
  • Great topic. Here's what I always think when I see stories like this: Do you think that person doesn't know how they look? Or how fat they are? Did the person writing in to her really think she didn't already know she was overweight?
    And since I am not without my own failings, if I do find myself judging someone I try to always correct and think "Who the F*** am I? " When did I become better than anyone? What gives me the right to judge?
    Always before you judge others think about how others might judge you. We all have our issues, we need to lift each other up, help each other out, not put each other down.
  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    If she were a close friend or familymember, it is perfectly justified. From a stranger, it is rude and unnecessary. Is it bullying? I don't thnk so. Should he have written that email? Absolutely not.
  • TonkaDanteFriend
    TonkaDanteFriend Posts: 70 Member

    If she were a close friend or familymember, it is perfectly justified. From a stranger, it is rude and unnecessary. Is it bullying? I don't thnk so. Should he have written that email? Absolutely not.

    If an anonymous email hurt her that badly, she's obviously unhappy with herself. To respond to the email publicly and try to champion a cause (aka be supported in her obesity and bad habits) instead of make a change to be happier with herself so that she is not so easily affected, is nothing more than attention and assurance seeking.
  • Is sooooooo tired of hearing about this.... she just can't let it go and is becoming famous because of it. BULLYING MY *kitten* !!
    I just heard that she runs 3x a week .......suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure she does BAHAHAHAHAHA

    There are many people on this site who are even heavier than that woman and who run regularly. I see posts from them quite often. Here's a recent example:

    I'm sure she's just faking it though. No one who is overweight exercises or eats healthy things ever. Just as no one who is thin starves themselves to get there or spends any time watching T.V. Fat people all stuff themselves and sleep all day. While thin people all run 10 miles daily and eat healthy balanced meals. At least that is what I am "learning" from some of the ignorant comments in this thread.
    Interesting. Maybe you should have read the thread you linked, cause in that thread she lost 30lbs due to running.

    I also find it hard to believe that reporter as well.

    Yes, she lost 30 pounds. Why is that relevant? She still weighs 300 pounds, which I would think is quite a bit more than the television anchor who neither you nor the poster I was responding to "believes" can run. Yes, supergirl 6 lost weight. She might lose more weight, but she is, currently, an overweight (obese even) person who runs. Plenty of obese people exercise, plenty of thin people don't. Why is that so hard to understand? There are examples all over this site. Why do you find it hard to believe that the reporter in the story runs?

    Your responses in this post are completely on point. It's a shame so many people are incapable of opening their eyes and minds to the very simple points you are making and realise that weight issues are often complex and you're never helping someone by pointing them out. Fat people know they're fat.
  • Spokez70
    Spokez70 Posts: 548 Member
    My Type-1 Diabetic daughter was bullied in school a few years ago when a boy in her class was repeatedly threatening to rip off and destroy her insulin pump- no wait- the school said that wasn't bullying sorry- they classified that as some other kind of "behavior incident" since they have policies against "bullying."

    Sorry I don't see a single private email sent directly to her which she and her husband chose to make public as bullying. If the guy was sending her multiple harassing emails or had some kind of attack blog/website devoted to her appearance then sure but for just one email? She should have just deleted it and moved on with her life.
  • *Puts on flame proof suit*

    In my opinion / experience, the only time I get upset when I get called out about my weight is because I know I'm not doing what I need to do to get in shape and I know it.

    My "personal struggles" have always been me not eating right or not going to the gym, not saying that's the same for her case so put yer pitchforks away... But I've seen friends and also people on MFP accomplish a lot even with a number of medical conditions stacked against them.

    It's all about how bad you want it. Her statements such as "If I could snap my fingers to be a size that I don't have to shop on the plus size rack that would be great" Livingstone said during the CBS interview. Wouldn't we all? Damn, if I had spent as much time working out in the gym as I did wasting time wishing that I could be fit and ripped then who knows... Maybe it'd actually would've happened faster than it's happening now. Wish in one hand, poo in the other and just see which one gets full first.

    If you want to be complacent in your level of fitness or lack thereof, than so be it, but taking an e-mail out of context and sensationalizing it (something the media neeeeever does) is a bit extreme in my opinion.

    As for him sending the e-mail, was it right for him to do it, I honestly don't know. I don't see it as him going out of his way to be rude or hurtful (though some here seem to think the e-mail was going out of his way), he didn't tell her that she needed to be a size 0 to be a broadcaster, and in his rebuttal to her national response to him, he said he'd still support her and offer her advice. He seemed generally concerned about the situation.

    I just think the whole thing got blown out of proportion, I know that when I struggled (still am from time to time) I would've welcomed any advice on what to do to remedy the situation... Hell, I still need / want / am grateful for the advice that I get on here and on my friends list.

    Through the whole thing, he didn't get dirty, or insulting or make blanket statements about all overweight people... He didn't even point out the stations foodie Youtube channel ( where they claim to be "A food blog that serves up simple food, inspiring ideas and connects with readers along the way." Yet all the food they seem to make is sugar dipped in sugar and frosted with sugar. Personally, now that I've changed my diet, I find that there's a lot more simple food that is easier and healthier than theirs.

    With all that said, that's been my two cents based my personal experiences / opinions, flame away.
  • Maurice1966
    Maurice1966 Posts: 419 Member
    Bang on!!.
  • ladyjoie
    ladyjoie Posts: 165 Member
    I'm seriously disappointed in some of the responses in this thread. As the news anchor pointed out, does he think she doesn't *know* that she's overweight? Some of us know how easy it is to be in denial, but seriously, you don't get overweight and not know it on SOME level. He was being an *kitten*. She had a powerful message that I completely agreed with. "Don't let your self-worth be defined by others" is my new motto.

    As other people in this thread have pointed out, it is possible to be thin and unhealthy, or fat and healthy. Research has continually shown that if you practice healthy habits, your general health will improve, regardless of your weight.
  • NettyIOM
    NettyIOM Posts: 44 Member
    BUMP to read later.... :smile:
  • wjkfloyd
    wjkfloyd Posts: 125
    I don't agree with the anchor that it was bullying.

    However, the e-mailer is obviously someone seems disgusted with anyone who is not at the 'recommended' weight.

    We know these people. Their subtle, 'helpful' comments (or jokes) pointing out your weight or examining closely what you're eating (to give their opinion). It usually someone who is not a relative or a friend.

    Usually, these individuals are the most fake people you'll meet. They have their own issues, but feel the need to correct everyone else.

    I think this anchor said what we have always wanted to say to these individuals.

    I should add that ALL of us on here had to lose weight on our own, not through the 'help' of others. Criticism does not necessarily lead to pushing someone to lose weight. Weight could be tied into so many other than just eating too much or the wrong foods, etc.

    We all know (or knew) it is a control/lifestyle change, not restricting what we eat. And we all know (or knew) we were not at the weight we wanted to be. What discourages most of us is that it is not a simple fix, it takes a long time.
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    Unfortunately, unhealthy choices manifest as physical appearance. Including her double-chin, thick waist, etc.

    She may be a successful working mother of three - but she should focus on being there for her kids for as long as possible by improving her lifestyle. Hell - I bug my mom to exercise all the time, and I bug the rest of my family who eats fried food 90% of the time when it would be just as easy to grill.

    I'm not suggesting she starve herself, and I'm not suggesting she go down to a size 0. But if she's obese according to her BMI, (as she says in the video) she is at greater risk for a majority of health problems which are preventable. She doesn't have to starve herself, but dropping the pint of Ben & Jerrys and eating a salad instead of a bucket of KFC for her lunch might do wonders toward improving her overall state of affairs.

    I guess the overall point is that her appearance is her choice in a lot of ways - but her health is key and if she still looked the same after getting into a normal weight range I'd say more power to her. But if she's going to be a public figure and whine that pointing out her obesity is akin to pointing out the color of her skin or sexual orientation she's going off the wall worse than the guy who emailed her.

    As for your point here: "Does it look like that tactic is working? "

    Counterpoint: Look at what site you are on after all of that treatment in your youth.

    And how do you KNOW that she doesn't lead a healthy lifestyle?
    Maybe she is in the process of losing weight. Maybe she has a medical condition.
    I'm still a aus size 12 but hell I am a lot fitter and healthier than half my friends who are an aus size 6-8
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Woo! Thread #6 of the same topic!

  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Like I said in another thread....I can guarantee that this wasn't her idea....for one...she was going to keep it quiet until her HUSBAND made it public....and can be damn sure the News Department Director and Executive Producer of whatever show she is on saw a golden opportunity and wrote it in the books to do a story on.

  • Litlbeast
    Litlbeast Posts: 340 Member
    I said it yesterday when we first started talking about this. What the guy did wasn't bullying - it was criticizing. Which the reporter had a right to reply to - but in order to do so on air, while doing her job, she had to enrobe it in a larger issue, i.e. bullying.