I hate gyms and health clubs



  • redlion45
    redlion45 Posts: 155 Member
    No one cares about you in the gym.

    Guys may look at you, only because they may or may not think you are hot.

    That is it.

    Stop making it so personal.

    Just go, I went to the gym when I was extremely overweight, no one ever said a cross word.
    Agreed 100%


    Trust me. Nobody is paying that much attention. Bring your own music and headphones and worry only about getting your workout done. Who cares about the rest. Those machines aren't so complicated once you use them once or twice and they work! Gyms are intimidating at first, but once you become a regular, you are part of the clique.
  • thebigcb
    thebigcb Posts: 2,210 Member
    Firstly, your smokin' hot, so when people look at you in the gym, they are checking you out.

    As for running outside in the dark, I can well understand. RUn in the morning if you can. Or do some HIIT training at home(you don;t need any space for it)

    Also, fitness DVD's would be a good idea.

    And as for the gym, I see all shapes, sizes and levels and always think, fairplay, better to be here than at home
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    I'm on again/off again about gyms. Right now I'm going through an off phase. I must say, when I saw somebody who was clearly new and uncoordinated in a class, the only thought in my mind was "way to go!" I appreciate the effort it takes to start a new exercise routine. It's rare to be good at something when it's new to you.

    Anyway, now that I've left the gym, I'm having a really hard time figuring out what I want to do for exercise instead.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    The gym environment is not for everyone. Maybe working out at home is a better option for you!!!

    ^^This from an amazing person!
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    I prefer to work out at home, but it's less of a "I don't like people watching me", and more of a avoiding "that's my bench!" kind of thing. I hate going to the gym, knowing what I need to do, and not be able to do it because three people have all the free weight stuff "taken".

    At home I never have to worry about who is using the bench, or who used it and didn't clean it.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I, too, hate gyms. The flickery flourescent lights, loud sounds (It only takes one other person there clanking something to be too loud for me- then add the annoying background music some use), the thick air, etc. Gyms are just a huge sensory overload for me. THEN there is the "people' aspect. Not too fond of 'random people' either.

    I just started a book/workout program about using bodyweight, written my a guy that trained marines and Sec Ops people- or something like that. And we have a small weight bench (my sons')- as soon as we get it set up I will add some small lifting once a week. Not sure the results, but the book/author seems good- so "tiime will tell"- It can't hurt to try, I figure- and if after the 10 weeks, I am not fully satisfied, I can change things up.

    (You Are Your Own Gym, by Mark Lauren)
  • TheSink
    TheSink Posts: 97 Member
    I hate gyms and health clubs, too, but only because I'm a cheapskate and they're so expensive. But I haven't the space or the upfront capital to buy equipment, so......
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    I haven't been to a gym in over 2 years. I do all of my workouts at home or outside.
  • Tribbey143
    Tribbey143 Posts: 388 Member
    you are going for YOU! you deserve it:) GO for yourself!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't know how I feel about gyms because I've never belonged to one. And I've never been obese. In fact, I was never even overweight until after age 40 and then only occasionally. I've always gotten my exercise at home or outside because when I was younger I didn't have the money for a gym, and by the time I did have the money I didn't see the point. Walk, run, hike, backpack, bike, swim, play, sports, calisthenics, jump rope, DVDs, home exercise equipment, TV exercise shows. I've done all of those and more over the years to keep fit.

    Why would I want to pay to go inside a sweaty germ filled building and do what I can do for free outside?
  • SNorris01
    SNorris01 Posts: 97 Member
    I love having a gym at my office. We have a running track free weights, many treadmills, elliptical trainers, also a help staff, plus on the upper floor we have a room with DVD player, TV, Sound system wooden floor and now they even have a spinning room brand new bikes that will open in a month cannot wait. All for free!!!! We have a group that meets a 6am right now of about 6 guys who do DVD's we all pitch in to buy them. We have done P90X, Insanity and now doing TapOut-XT...totally loving it....
  • Soloflyergirl2
    Soloflyergirl2 Posts: 127 Member
    Specific DVD for home exercise: Leslie Sansone's series..... Walking..... ( various levels )..... You can add upper arms for more cardio ..... but effective...... Another DVD is Dance Yourself Thin.. with Marie Forleo.... Prevention Fitness Systems. Get a good tv with dvd.... a mat , so you don't wear out the carpet... and away you go... You will perspire... feel better...... It;s less expensive, and if you live in the Midwest or colder climate in winter.... it's safer. Best wishes. :smile:
  • thoeting
    thoeting Posts: 89 Member
    I don't know if it is avaiable in your area, but check to see if your local hospital has a gym. A hospital gym will have all the equipment you need, in a quieter environment, no 'meat market' and generally very supportive. I've used one for my weight loss and I LOVE it!

    What do i care that the place has mostly older people in it? That just frees up the weight section for me.

    it's sorta an 'anti-gym' gym.

    good luck
  • eduardoschoen
    I understand where you are coming from. The gym can be quite intimidating at first especially when we are not comfortable with the current state of our bodies.

    However, I firmly believe that people in the gym are there to workout and not to judge or watch other people. When I am working out with my trainer or on my own I am so focused on what I am doing that I rarely, if at all notice what is going on around me. I am more focused on what I am doing and seeing my own gut in the mirror. :)

    Also, if you are really uncomfortable then you can try working with a personal trainer. I think that will help keep you focused on your own workout and not pay attention to what others are doing.

    However, if you are seriously wanting to workout at home there are plenty of programs to help you. P90x, Insanity, etc. are all good workout programs and many people have success with them.

    Best of luck meeting your goals. I wish you the very best! :)
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    I workout at home. Alot of the gym-goers *need* to go somewhere everyday for motivation and alot of them say that the people who workout at home don't push as hard or they lose their motivation and just quit. But, in all honesty it depends what kind of person you are and how much you want your goal :)

    I hope you find something you LOVE because it's really hard to do something you don't like to do every day!

  • theologynerd
    theologynerd Posts: 264 Member
    Check out Jayme Bales' page (SPNluver83). She has never joined a gym, does all of her working out at home, and has had an AMAZING transformation. She's on here and facebook. I admire her from afar!
  • Dawn793
    Dawn793 Posts: 36 Member
    I just saved up the money I would have spent on the gym membership and got myself an elliptical and a treadmill for home. I also have free weights and ton's of DVD's. Problem solved I can work out when I want!
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member
    I agree with the post about it not being the gym. You seem like you are socially awkward, at least around people in the fitness area. To me this makes you seem very insecure. Tackle your fear and overcome it. I have worked at a couple of gyms and all of the trainers I know are actually pretty compassionate people that make crappy money because they enjoy helping people and love fitness.
    My suggestion is to find an experienced workout partner that can show you how to use the equipment. It would only take you about a week to get the hang of it all. Use your lack of knowledge of the equipment to make new workout buddies or at least to work on your social anxiety.
    I don’t know how the gyms are in your area, but I’m suddenly thankful for mine. Most people seem to be just doing their own thing, and often times people know each other because they are regulars and they shoot the breeze between sets and are smiling and having a good time. Making a friend or two can change your entire gym experience.
    As for the group you mentioned, well, I do sympathize with you on how cliquish some groups can be, but that doesn’t mean ALL groups are like that. Don’t give up! Once you find some like-minded friendly people to be active with, it really takes it to another level!
  • slim_photographer
    slim_photographer Posts: 310 Member
    The gym is not for me. Even tho' I've always been overweight always found a way to stay active. I love sports and have played nearly all the sports 'cause I find them fun.
    I guess I share your feelings of magnifying insecurities in my head as soon as I step in the gym but the more I go I see that everything is cool.
    I've been going more and more because I understand the importance of weight training. I'm convince that I can develop a taste for something like broccoli, reading or the gym if I expose myself to it more often.
    You don't have to like or go to the gym to get fit. But if nothing else is an option and the gym is your only path to get fit I would recommend you to close your eyes, lower your forehead and ram it with your best effort because later you will look back and will regret not doing it now.
    Just my opinion :)
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    I also hate gyms, the waiting....constant waiting for equipment.
    I said screw it and bought a treadmill and a bike. I will probably never
    go back to the gym, rather be outside or on my treadmill where noone
    is standing in line waiting for me to get off.