Crossfitters! / crossfit at home



  • dayone987
    dayone987 Posts: 645 Member
    If I stop one person from injuring themselves, then it won't have been pointless.

    Its not crossfit that hurts people, it is not knowing the proper technique. The same injuries happen at places like Planet Fitness because proper technique is not being taught. Do not blame the style blame the trainers.


    I will totally agree that there are a LOT of CrossFit boxes out there that have crappy trainers, but just because someone does CrossFit doesn't mean they are automatically going to injure themselves. I used to see dingbats pulling stupid crap all the time at the regular gym... It isn't the sport, its the player. I can appreciate you want to keep others from injury, but don't be "that guy"...

    As CrossFit has marketed itself as a specific brand, do you not think that there should be some accountabilty to ensure that standards are met whenever the name "Crossfit" is attached to a gym? I had heard that all that is required to be certified as a Crossfit trainer is a weekend seminar which kind of leaves the door open for crappy trainers to become part of their program. (I do understand that there are some excellent trainers out there with extensive training background).
  • moto67e
    moto67e Posts: 20 Member
    I just started doing Crossfit this month and really am enjoying it. I'm not worried about getting injured, because I have a coach watching me the whole time and I'm not going to let my ego lift more than I'm ready for.

    Besides getting injured is part of every sport I have ever played. If I would have listened to all the people telling me that motocross was dangerous, I would have never experienced some of my fondest memories of going to the races with my Dad and son. Hockey? Nope can't do that, I might get "injured". My wife has torn both of her acl's from playing hockey. Do you think that stopped her? No fricken way!

    So stop looking for excuses and just get out there and find something that you like and do it a lot.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    As CrossFit has marketed itself as a specific brand, do you not think that there should be some accountabilty to ensure that standards are met whenever the name "Crossfit" is attached to a gym? I had heard that all that is required to be certified as a Crossfit trainer is a weekend seminar which kind of leaves the door open for crappy trainers to become part of their program. (I do understand that there are some excellent trainers out there with extensive training background).

    Pretty much all there is to it.
    get a small business loan, spend a week getting certified, then you're free to charge 150 a month for crappy programming even though you don't know much about lifting..............
    this is why people get injured.

    The sport can be cool. And there are some amazing athletes who are into it, and some good gyms out there. I'm a huge fan of Kelly Starrett and his stuff. Went a long way to help my hips.......... but there are also a lot of bad coaches out there that give crossfit a bad name
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    You can get a lot out of some of the Crossfit workouts done at home.

    For example Cindy is a great full body home workout. It won't make you much stronger, but that isn't the point of metcon type workouts (however it will greatly increase your strength endurance and burns a ton of calories).

    Cindy is:
    5 pullups
    10 pushups
    15 BW squats
    per round, do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

    If you push yourself hard enough it can be absolutely brutal, but at the same time it is an extremely safe and easy to perform workout, plus it is easy to scale and easy to track progress.
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    You can get a lot out of some of the Crossfit workouts done at home.

    For example Cindy is a great full body home workout. It won't make you much stronger, but that isn't the point of metcon type workouts (however it will greatly increase your strength endurance and burns a ton of calories).

    Cindy is:
    5 pullups
    10 pushups
    15 BW squats
    per round, do as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes.

    If you push yourself hard enough it can be absolutely brutal, but at the same time it is an extremely safe and easy to perform workout, plus it is easy to scale and easy to track progress.

    The thing is what really makes this "crossfit" some pull ups, push ups, and squats isn;t some unique thing that crossfit invented. It's jsut working out.
  • ilovedeadlifts
    ilovedeadlifts Posts: 2,923 Member

    The thing is what really makes this "crossfit" some pull ups, push ups, and squats isn;t some unique thing that crossfit invented. It's jsut working out.


    it's basically a poorly designed GPP (general physical preparedness) workout that people might do on an off day. It's a short conditoning circuit......

    I guess it's only crossfit if you wear reeboks, time it, and ate paleo that day.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    Thanks Mac. It has been a long road, but I love how great I feel now and I am so glad to be away from my old habits and lifestyle. Yesterday I worked on my backsquats (form and weight) and nailed a 255lber which set a new personal record for me... so now I am even more hyped up about CF...

    Nice, Phily.
    Thanks for taking on the guys who presumptuously feel that it is their duty to rain on everyone else's parade.
    Noob, get a little humility and start your own thread if you want to voice legitimate criticisms of CrossFit. But quit wrecking everyone else's threads.
  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member

    Nice, Phily.
    Thanks for taking on the guys who presumptuously feel that it is their duty to rain on everyone else's parade.
    Noob, get a little humility and start your own thread if you want to voice legitimate criticisms of CrossFit. But quit wrecking everyone else's threads.

    Thanks Tufel! And I don't really feel like I am "taking them on" (I would if it came down to it) but I do understand where they are both coming from in voicing there concerns of injury. The problem though is just as others have stated, you can injure yourself in any activity. I know DetNoob is not a fan of CrossFit (I've come across him many times voicing his opinion) but I am friends on here with ilovedeadlifts and I get what he is saying, he just says it differently than I do. I think the way that CrossFit is set up is a horrible practice and personally feel about it like I do Paleo. I say "I eat Paleo" because that most easily describes the foods I eat. I am not some dieter that is on the party train until the next new diet comes along, it is just easier to say then "I eat A, B, and C, but not D, E, and F...". Same goes with CrossFit. A lot of what CrossFit does is amazing when done correctly but because of how they set up their business model, you get a lot of poorly trained people training others and then you get a lot of crappy big headed elitist (kinda like you find at globo-gym) that think they are the *kitten* and really have no idea what is going on. I have been blessed to join a box with an AMAZING trainer, so my experience has been pretty amazing.

    I'm always up for a good CrossFit style workout and disagree that just because you don't throw in "O lifts" that it is no longer CrossFit. P90X didn't invent the push up, Zumba didn't invent dancing, and Jillian Michaels didn't invent by that theory there is no reason you should ever refer to those workouts as such, they should only be alowed to say "I-eh-I, I work out"...
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    crossfit at home? sounds dangerous AF

    CrossFit does not HAVE to require heavy Olympic lifts. Granted if you are training to compete for the games or something you wont get far... but you can do plenty of body exercises and still get in a fantastic workout (especially if you do them in a weighted vest!)

    then its called calisthenics and not crossfit... crossfit is a brand that people buy into.
  • RobAsRx
    RobAsRx Posts: 17
    The thing is what really makes this "crossfit" some pull ups, push ups, and squats isn;t some unique thing that crossfit invented. It's jsut working out.

    No one said that all movements in Crossfit programming are 100% Crossfit originated and designed... It'd be rediculous to state that Greg Glassman created the squat or push-up, HIIT, cross-training, ect. Crossfit is it's own methodology just like Wendler 5 3 1, Westside, The 5 x 5 Program, Upper Lower Split Training, P90X, Insanity, Zumba, ect. As you so elloquently put it, "It's just working out." That's all it is. You do your method, because it works for you... we'll do ours.

    You can't argue the fact that with poor coaching, at a Crossfit Gym or at a Globo Gym (there are VERY bad trainers at both) that you risk serious injury. That said, if you don't like or feel comfortable with a trainer at a Crossfit Gym, or you just don't like their programming, there's a LARGE number of gyms to choose from. I learned my olympic lifts at my Crossfit Gym and I have not injured myself to date. I can C&J 195# and I can Snatch 185. I learned to DL (PR 455#), to back squat (PR 425#) and to Front Squat (PR 385#) all at a Crossfit gym. Still not injured. High rep workouts are done at a VERY light weight and scaled if you can't do the workout RX. Not a big deal. You still get in a great workout and work up to the heavier weights.

    Like anything else, I don't care if you're ACE, NASM, or CF Level 1 Certified. There are good coaches/trainers and terrible one's. Seek out the good one's and learn from them. The foundation of any fitness program is good solid mechanics. Then you can start going for some fast times, high round counts and heavy weights. Til then, just learn, sweat and smile.
    I guess it's only crossfit if you wear reeboks, time it, and ate paleo that day.

    ^^^See that's funny, even to a Crossfitter. We have a sense of humor. You should try it sometime and not feel intimidated by a new growing faction of fitness. We don't bite. You don't have to like us. We still think you're cool and would welcome you into our gym at any time to work out.

  • PhilyPhresh
    PhilyPhresh Posts: 600 Member
    The thing is what really makes this "crossfit" some pull ups, push ups, and squats isn;t some unique thing that crossfit invented. It's jsut working out.

    No one said that all movements in Crossfit programming are 100% Crossfit originated and designed... It'd be rediculous to state that Greg Glassman created the squat or push-up, HIIT, cross-training, ect. Crossfit is it's own methodology just like Wendler 5 3 1, Westside, The 5 x 5 Program, Upper Lower Split Training, P90X, Insanity, Zumba, ect. As you so elloquently put it, "It's just working out." That's all it is. You do your method, because it works for you... we'll do ours.

    You can't argue the fact that with poor coaching, at a Crossfit Gym or at a Globo Gym (there are VERY bad trainers at both) that you risk serious injury. That said, if you don't like or feel comfortable with a trainer at a Crossfit Gym, or you just don't like their programming, there's a LARGE number of gyms to choose from. I learned my olympic lifts at my Crossfit Gym and I have not injured myself to date. I can C&J 195# and I can Snatch 185. I learned to DL (PR 455#), to back squat (PR 425#) and to Front Squat (PR 385#) all at a Crossfit gym. Still not injured. High rep workouts are done at a VERY light weight and scaled if you can't do the workout RX. Not a big deal. You still get in a great workout and work up to the heavier weights.

    Like anything else, I don't care if you're ACE, NASM, or CF Level 1 Certified. There are good coaches/trainers and terrible one's. Seek out the good one's and learn from them. The foundation of any fitness program is good solid mechanics. Then you can start going for some fast times, high round counts and heavy weights. Til then, just learn, sweat and smile.
    I guess it's only crossfit if you wear reeboks, time it, and ate paleo that day.

    ^^^See that's funny, even to a Crossfitter. We have a sense of humor. You should try it sometime and not feel intimidated by a new growing faction of fitness. We don't bite. You don't have to like us. We still think you're cool and would welcome you into our gym at any time to work out.


    love your comments here Rob, and totally agree. Great job on the PR's btw! I cannot wait until I can get my numbers close to those!!! My C&J and Snatch are only off by about 10lbs, but my DL, BS, and FS have a little more work to do... lol Keep up the great work buddy!