Im 299 and I need HELP!



  • steph1278
    steph1278 Posts: 483 Member
    You definitely need to change your mindset and stop thinking in terms of diet. You need to find something that you can sustain for the rest of your life. We all lead busy lives and as women and mothers, tend to put everyone before ourselves. But if you don't take care of yourself, no one else is going to do it for you and then where will your kids be? Walking is great for exercise and you can do that with your kids. There are plenty of healthy crockpot recipes out there. Or you could cook a bunch of meals in advance and freeze them. Eating out isn't all bad, but not something that should be done on a regular basis. This site has been a great help to me. I started at 332 pounds and am currently 217. I eat over 2000 calories per day on average and still lose 1-2 pounds per week. I exercise a lot now, but when I first started, I walked and did Wii fitness games, and workout dvds. Feel free to send me a friend request. I try to be as helpful as I can. Good luck to you.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Im truly overwhelmed with all the postive feedback! Thank you each and everyone for the words of encouragement and the tips. I take each one to heart and will incorporate as much as possible into my "lifestyle change"

    Also if you are ever feeling overwhelmed just browse the success story forum on here! It's so inspiring and motivating!
  • tiffanympm
    I'm 5'7 and my starting weight was 298. I'm 6 weeks in and more than 20lbs down. I'd love to be friends!
  • LSwan2
    LSwan2 Posts: 58 Member
    Jennifer, I think struggling with the necessary weight is a problem for everyone. I have lost 4 lbs on the fitnesspal and I believe it helps a lot. I just started 2 weeks ago. There is hope and if you stay within the calories that fitness pal is suggesting for you and exercise you will lose weight. I'm routing for you!!!!!! Linda
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    I know how you feel I am 259 and I am a single mother with two jobs. It is hard to keep to a diet. Here is a good idea for you. I started a few months ago then of course stopped exercising to the wii. I lost a total of 35lbs and guess what when I quit here I am at my highest weight and wanting to lose it. If you have a wii you should try it. There are many different exercising things that you can do. Many of which are dancing. The best (yet hardest) is to do the active 2. I am here if you want/need support feel free to add me.
  • fibronut
    At my heaviest, I was 303. I had tried every diet you can imagine. LA Weightloss even gave me money back because I couldn't lose more than 20 lbs. I have fibromyalgia, and work part-time mainly so I can nap on my half days. I have 3 kids; 2 in college and 1 in high school. I started out with great success on the Atkins diet, but my family couldn't tolerate the "weird" veggies I was eating for variety, and I was tired of cooking two separate meals. The pounds piled on. I started using My Fitness Pal in July, and am now at 262.5 pounds.

    I am cooking and eating normal foods. I actually avoid "sugar-free" products and artificial ingredients because I can't believe they are good for you. I eat real butter, because it tastes better than margarine and margarine is like 1 molecule away from plastic. I've learned to drink water because I don't want to waste my calories on beverages, especially pop, although I will have one once in awhile. I'd much rather have the occasional dessert!

    The only number I've paid real attention to is the calories. I try to come in just under calorie goal each day, and the weight is coming off. And the motivator is seeing that number on the scale go down each week and not wanting to see it go back up. I exercise when I can, usually using the Wii Fit exercises which your kids would love to do with you, or Gold's Gym Dance Workout (both of these are great for obese people; I tried Zumba and couldn't fit the belt on and couldn't keep up). This past week I haven't been able to exercise at all due to a back injury that has impacted my entire right side, and yet the weight continues to come off by just watching the calories.

    You can do this!! You NEED to do this -- for you and for your kids! I would love to encourage you on this journey. Please feel free to add me as your friend.
  • vypeters
    vypeters Posts: 475 Member
    First, if you're lazy and hate to prepare meals, then accept that to start. Develop some meal plans that don't require you to do anything special.

    Buy pre-cut veggies for salads, and healthy things to go on top to make it enjoyable. Eat cold veggies with low calorie dips. Get some microwave oatmeal. You can put together a pretty healthy diet while still being lazy in that regard. I speak as someone who knows. I rarely cook, and when I do I batch things (a big crockpot of healthy bean soup, some of it frozen, the rest portioned out into individual bowls for example).

    Second, don't try to change everything at once. As someone else said, this is a lifestyle change. It's something you're going to learn to live with the rest of your life. Start by switching some of your foods for healthier choices and gradually substitute MOST of your foods with healthy choices. Start with simply a half hour walk at a comfortable pace every day and try to improve your pace, then your length of time. Once you've lost some weight you'll feel much better about trying something a little more challenging.

    Good luck!
  • Sylvan012
    Sylvan012 Posts: 6 Member

    If you really are lazy (and I doubt you are: no one who can raise three children while working a full-time job is "lazy" in my book) you can try to make that work for you. Try creating measured-out meals ahead-of-time for the week, ahead. Surround yourself with low-calorie snack options (I am partial to baby carrots).

    In short, if you have meals and snacks pre-made, the "lazy" part of you can revel in a "quick re-heat" or "just grab that, there" mentality. I make large meals on Sunday for the coming week's lunches and put them in reheatable Tupperware.

    If you have things measured out and keep things that you like (but are still low-cal) on-hand, it will greatly increase your chances of success.

  • FitToFifty
    FitToFifty Posts: 164 Member
    You can do this. As other's have said - you did the hard part and realized that now is the time.

    In January of this year I stepped on the scale and saw 245. That was what I weighed when I was 9 months pregnant with my 8 year old. I told myself that enough is enough. I have dieted. I have been to a nutrisionist. I am a WW dropout (3 times). This website is amazingly simple to use - and become addicted to!

    I know what you mean when you say exercise hurts...when you are too big it does hurt. There is only so much you can do. I started out doing WII Fit. I could only do 10 minutes when I started. On my son's birthday 6 weeks later we were going out to a buffet so I pushed myself on the WII Fit -- I did 80 minutes. That was an eye opener that I was capable of more than I ever thought. A month later I started a couch to 5K program. I was able to finish -- I don't like running still but now I don't tell myself that I can't.

    I have been logging for 275 days. A lot of those days I am over on my calories -- but I still log. Come here everyday (I love the Android app). Log EVERYTHING. It is amazing how you feel when you close a day and see what you can "weigh in 5 weeks if you ate everyday like today". It puts your day in perspective.

    Use your friends. I have been not exercising as much as I should; when I look at my list and see all my buddies moving more it guilts me into walking the dog, hitting the treadmill, or riding my bike with my boys anything to burn some calories.

    You will feel SO much better after you lose a little weight. Stick with it. If you blow a day -- so what! Tomorrow is a new day. Stop telling yourself you are a failure. Today is the day to change you.

    Feel free to friend me - I would love to cheer you on!
  • athenaheim
    athenaheim Posts: 496 Member
    The wii is great. I have both those I also have many of the other dancing ones. They are all great for a variety of exercising for many different things. Strength, mind, body and many more.
    At my heaviest, I was 303. I had tried every diet you can imagine. LA Weightloss even gave me money back because I couldn't lose more than 20 lbs. I have fibromyalgia, and work part-time mainly so I can nap on my half days. I have 3 kids; 2 in college and 1 in high school. I started out with great success on the Atkins diet, but my family couldn't tolerate the "weird" veggies I was eating for variety, and I was tired of cooking two separate meals. The pounds piled on. I started using My Fitness Pal in July, and am now at 262.5 pounds.

    I am cooking and eating normal foods. I actually avoid "sugar-free" products and artificial ingredients because I can't believe they are good for you. I eat real butter, because it tastes better than margarine and margarine is like 1 molecule away from plastic. I've learned to drink water because I don't want to waste my calories on beverages, especially pop, although I will have one once in awhile. I'd much rather have the occasional dessert!

    The only number I've paid real attention to is the calories. I try to come in just under calorie goal each day, and the weight is coming off. And the motivator is seeing that number on the scale go down each week and not wanting to see it go back up. I exercise when I can, usually using the Wii Fit exercises which your kids would love to do with you, or Gold's Gym Dance Workout (both of these are great for obese people; I tried Zumba and couldn't fit the belt on and couldn't keep up). This past week I haven't been able to exercise at all due to a back injury that has impacted my entire right side, and yet the weight continues to come off by just watching the calories.

    You can do this!! You NEED to do this -- for you and for your kids! I would love to encourage you on this journey. Please feel free to add me as your friend.
  • jmp1031
    jmp1031 Posts: 95 Member
    feel free to add me! i would start just trying to be active with your kids more instead of trying to do "official" workouts if it hurts. take walks, ride bikes, whatever you can all do together. get them involved in helping you make quick, healthier dinners. that'll speed up the time it takes and make it easier to do. small changes in the beginning will help you make it a lifestyle instead of a diet, and easier to stick to. i find when i try to be perfect and have no treats or pop or unhealthy food and then i slip, i go totally off track and my slip turns into a slide. takes me another week to get out of the funk that i failed and start over. i know you can do it!!
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Start out logging everything...once you realize what you put in your mouth it starts to change...

    My mom and myself got my grandma on here. She is 5'3 and was 250 pounds. She's always had issues with weight. She's had 2 knee replacements, back surgeries and foot surgeries. We got her to start adding everything in. It quickly got her looking is that worth it? She texted me last week and said "went to Subway got a spicy italian and cannot eat for the rest of the day" so I wrote her back saying if you chose a turkey instead you would have still had quite a bit of calories left.
    Now she has issues exercising so we told her...just walk the dogs for 5 minutes a day...So far she has lost a pant size, 8 pounds and 1/2 a shoe size(yes that is what I said)

    It can be done.

    Good luck and feel free to add me
  • liketheseaa
    I don't diet either. Diets have never ever worked for me and I think simple healthy eating and eating less processed food is actually clicking in my mind. You can eat and be full and still lose weight. Like everyone says- portion control. I also would say find a workout you enjoy! Zumba is where I finally realized that I can workout and enjoy myself at the same time. With that being said, I am now working on the Couch to 5K program on my days off from Zumba.

    I am new to all of this too and as a beginner those are the things that work for me :) Seriously try Zumba- it's addicitng!
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I think Im lazy. I have no nice way to put it. Its easier to eat out or eat junk then take the time to eat something better. Exercising is hard it hurts so I always find an excuse to no do it. I truely can only blame myself. :(

    I have the same problems sometimes. Especially with the food part. I actually HATE junk food. I hate how it makes me feel and it never tastes good to me. I'm really bad about eating it for the sake of convenience. I do better when I MAKE myself go to the grocery store regardless of whether I "feel" like it or not. Then I take about two hours, one day per week (I'm off on weekends, so usually it's a Saturday or Sunday afternoon) and pre-prepare all my dinner meals and put them in BPA free plastic food storage containers. I take each day's dinner out of the freezer to thaw while I am at work during the day, then all I have to do is pop it in the microwave for a few minutes when I get home. As for lunches/snacks, I pack them the night before (only takes about five minutes) so all I have to do is grab my lunch bag on my way out the door in the morning, which leaves me no excuse to go through the drive thru at lunch time. I understand that exercise is painful at that weight (I started at 297lbs and I stand at 5'4"), but you have to make yourself do it anyway. Even moving just a little bit for 20-30 minutes a day is a start. All I did for the first week or two was walk 1.5-2.0 miles/day at a very slow pace. I had knee pain, foot pain, back pain, and chest pain (mild), but I made myself keep at it because I knew that the more I did it, the less it would hurt. Now I'm able to do the boot camp class at my gym, which was something I NEVER imagined I'd be able to do a couple of years ago. I still have a long way to go to reach my goal, and I'm not gonna lie, some days I question why I even bother....until I remember where I started and how badly I felt. That's usually all the motivation I need to drag my lazy behind to the gym and workout. I NEVER EVER EVER EVER want to find myself back there again.
  • Josette89
    Josette89 Posts: 244
    I used to be a CNA, it tough working in the hospitals and keeping healthy (ironically) While I was working as a CNA I gained the most weight that I've ever had before. I weighed 224. I actually decided to quit nursing and go into a completely different feild, that, also ironically, has made me lose so much weight. I am a cook. I really pay attention to what I eat now and make sure I get in some good exercise. I've educated myself on Nutrition and health and many other things. I decided to go Paleo 100%, not just a diet, I'm changing my life. Also, I read "Wheat Belly" which made me start to look at wheat differently, it disgusts me. I now only eat lean meats and all kinds of veggies as well as nuts and fruits. I am so happy, healthy, and energetic. My skin looks amazing and I do not feel lethargic during the day. I have one bad knee due to a car accident and it hardly ever hurts anymore. I think that if you want to change your life, then you should change your life. Little changes here and there will only help a little and most likely only be temperarily. So go for a complete change and devote much time to it, it is also great to involve your kids too. Make good decisions and good luck to you.
  • Kimdbro
    Kimdbro Posts: 922 Member
    I think Im lazy. I have no nice way to put it. Its easier to eat out or eat junk then take the time to eat something better. Exercising is hard it hurts so I always find an excuse to no do it. I truely can only blame myself. :(

    ^^My problem exactly^^ I had no troubles staying thin and fit when I had just me to think about and a no stress job etc. Now it's so much easier to eat out than juggle making supper/working all day/and all that goes with having responsibility. I only seem to have time in the early morning, and it's a struggle to force myself to work out at 5:30 am.
  • Laurej
    Laurej Posts: 227
    I think Im lazy. I have no nice way to put it. Its easier to eat out or eat junk then take the time to eat something better. Exercising is hard it hurts so I always find an excuse to no do it. I truely can only blame myself. :(

    1) you are in there right place. This is one of the most supportive sites I've ever encountered.

    2) I love how you are not sugar coating it, but I think you may be being hard on yourself. With taking care of kids, it's not easy to find time to take care of yourself.

    Exercise is hard, but it can also be fun. when I started my path on getting back into shape, It was because I realized I was getting out of breath walking up and down my own stairs.. pretty sad. I'm now fairly active. The best advice I can give is not to push yourself to the point that you won't want to or can't exercise the next day. I'm sure I can give you good beginner advice on how to get started being active!
    Feel free to add me if you'd like. I love working out, I'm a huge believer in clean eating. Not saying people can't have some cheat days here and there, but like others here have said, it's not a diet. It's a change in lifestyle for you and your health.

    BTW, I'm not likely to call you out unless I see you completely flaking, but I will support and comment on your exercises and triumphs along the way! LOL and would love your support as well. :happy:
  • mightdomightnot
    mightdomightnot Posts: 181 Member
    I'm just starting out with a similar amount to lose...I'd be happy to be your friend along the way.
  • Pamela_June
    Pamela_June Posts: 342 Member
    WOW - after reading these replies... it helps me to stay on track..... I like so many have the same problems...but I feel with the support from this site - it is the way to get healither! And I know you can do it too...

    You are a hard worker -...and you can do this too...

    I am glad for your question/introduction ... cause all the replies have helped me too!:happy: