Winter is coming....walking isn't an option. HELP!!



  • CATindeeHAT
    CATindeeHAT Posts: 332 Member
    I'm 35 and in need of some weight loss! I did pretty good in the summer time because it's light late and I could walk after the kids were taken care of and in bed. I have 2 very busy kids that have activities most every day of the week. I have to have my son to school at 6:30am and I don't get off work until 6pm. By the time I pick everyone up, feed them, and get them in bed, it's usually 9pm. By then it's too late to go out walking, plus it's starting to get cold out.
    I need some ideas on activities I can do to lose some weight. If I'm not exercising, I tend to slack on the eating right too. I'm not very athletic, but I do have a treadmill, which gets sooooo boring!!!

    Any ideas?

    Hey! You should look into getting a workout DVD. It wasn't my cup of tea at first either, but now I love it.

    I'm doing TurboFire.
  • jojo37696
    jojo37696 Posts: 93 Member
    Stairs!!! Up one down one, up two down two, up three down three, and so on. It can take you up to 10 minutes to get up your stairs at night to go to bed. Do that a few times and you have a work out.
  • markpmc
    markpmc Posts: 240 Member
    Insanity or P90X in the garage !!
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member
    Why is walking out of the question in the winter??? I go running in the winter and it is actually better than running in the summer. All you have to do is dress appropriately...

    And if it is walking in the dark that bothers you then wear some light reflectors and get a walking partner. :)

    Although...there are some great at-home workouts you can online!
    Zuzana Light (on youtube)
  • brendajs
    brendajs Posts: 110 Member
    Leslie Sansone walking tapes are really good for inside walking. There are different distances on the tapes fo you can do it as long as you want or as little as you want. I put it on music only because sometimes her constant talking drives me nuts! LOL Good Luck.

    I really like the Leslie Sansone DVDs! My new fav is her 5 Really Big Miles...each mile is separate and you can stop after one, three or do them all...or...skip ahead to the one you want to do. I didn't think her talking was bad...but good idea to turn on the music if it is!

    Good Luck!!

  • vmekash
    vmekash Posts: 422 Member
    Yep, treadmill can be boring. I MUST watch TV or a movie when I tm. Friend of mine uses treadmill to catch up on phone calls to friends and family. Thought that was a pretty good idea, except I hate the phone more than the treadmill. LOL
  • pilk32
    pilk32 Posts: 15 Member
    Set something up in front of your treadmill to "entertain" you, and keep your thoughts off how boring it may be... I've set up a video game system and TV in front of mine that plays DVD's too. I hardly use it, but it is at least there as an option. Or if you have a good cell phone, there are a number of options/apps you can utilize. I have HBO through my cable service, and downloaded the "HBO GO" app for my phone, and it is a lifesaver!!! It's funny because I do not like HBO as a channel, but the app is amazing. You can watch ALL shows they have made in their entirety on it.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I'm thinking I might invest in some weights to use at home (using any sort of cardio machine at home wouldn't work for me, I just don't get motivated by it). There are certain radio programmes and TV programmes I routinely tune into, so I thnk if I link some weightlifting to those I'll get some extra working out
  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    Lot of ideas... winter is certainly coming )
  • mynewdirection
    mynewdirection Posts: 3 Member
    I had never heard of her (Leslie Sansone) before - just tried her demo tape online - fabulous! Thank you!
  • mojojelo
    mojojelo Posts: 7 Member
    :flowerforyou: There are walking times in the malls usually, or you could start one up in your mall if not. Also the YMCA is a plethera of activity indoors on your own or classes, also fun for the kids. Good Luck!
  • Limbo2012
    Limbo2012 Posts: 170 Member
    Winters can be pretty wicked in Quebec so I've purchased a few Jillian Michael exercise dvds. You can view them on utube. The 30-Day Shred is especially good for under 30 minutes and there's always a Support Group on MFP going on; you may want to join! Good luck! :)
  • redfroggie
    redfroggie Posts: 591 Member
    "Zombies, run!" You don't have to run, you can walk but quicken your pace when you are being chased. It's available for iPhone and Android and I run on my treadmill in the winter 3 days a week with it! You get a story line with currently 23 story missions and 7 supply missions. I LOVE it.
  • MMB5222
    MMB5222 Posts: 19 Member
  • harvo
    harvo Posts: 4,676 Member
    Last year prior to my surgery I played the Michael Jackson dance game on the Wii as well as the boxing game for 30 or so minutes a night. Fun and actually made me sweat.
  • shenisenicole
    shenisenicole Posts: 3 Member
    Its is an option! I really nice fleece thick hoody from old navy, a hat or earmuffs and some good gloves. By the time you start walking you will get hot anyway. Keep it moving and happy fitness!
  • shenisenicole
    shenisenicole Posts: 3 Member
    I also attend the YMCA with my children even during the summer. I do zumba, spinning even swimming indoors for pretty cheap. You can even find a basketball court a shoot some hoops. Anything to stay moving
  • Sarahwillow
    Sarahwillow Posts: 56 Member
    Why can't you walk outside during winter??? I live in Michigan and baby, it snows up here!!! I just walk on the road or I walk in the parking lot at work or in the park (they are always snow plowed) and I also found some snow shoes cheap on ebay. I also found this type of cleat you can put on your shoes or boots that will help you get a better grip on snow and ice covered surfaces. They are a little pricey (20 bucks) but I will pay that price to be healthier! Good luck
  • kimr41
    kimr41 Posts: 219 Member
    Not sure what activities your children do but when my kids were young & in sports I use to walk the track while they practiced, run the bleachers, dips using the chairs, lunges, squats etc while I waited.

    I'm with ya on the walking in winter. I HATE the cold. My boys played hockey in the winter so I was inside.
  • Marc713
    Marc713 Posts: 328 Member