Anyone with Depression/Anxiety



  • XXXMinnieXXX
    XXXMinnieXXX Posts: 3,459 Member
    I was like that, but kept swapping antidepressants until I got the right one. Worth trying others. They don't all make you feel that way. Also the thing that really helps me is to keep in a proper exercise routine. (this is hard as I'm also ill) when I'm exercising my whole anxiety / depression / mental attitude is totally different. Like 2 different people.

    The other thing that brings me a lot of peace is putting my headphones on and listening to music, jut transfers me to a different world and keeps me calm. Got to keep experimenting and find out what works for you.

    Don't stop fighting, it can get much better!

    Zara x
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    To be quite honest, celexa and a little therapy got me where I needed to be. A good doc will try different drugs and dosages to get you where you need to be. I did gain about 10 lbs after going on the medication, but that's when I joined MFP - I've lost 25 so far.
  • Jes_ika
    Jes_ika Posts: 72 Member
    I have both depression/anxiety and I just try to go day by day and do thing that keep my mind off things.. I have two kids that help keep me busy too. I don't take anything for it either. Growing up I had a **** life and I lost my brother, mother, sister and my dad is in need of a liver transplant..
  • melsmith612
    melsmith612 Posts: 727 Member
    I'm a big bundle of anxiety and depression. I stopped taking AD's because I hated the side effects and switched to just Xanax "as needed". I take one maybe 2-3x/week when I'm feeling really anxious (sometimes ABOUT feeling depressed) and then for a few hours I stop caring about whatever made me feel anxious/upset, gain some perspective and can deal with life a little better the rest of the day. I started this 3-4 months ago and have actually been able to take it less often (despite the risk of addiction) because I know I have an "out" if things get bad so I actually feel less anxious about my anxiety & depresssion - if THAT makes any sense. :laugh:
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    I take things one day at a time.

    Yesterday, I felt mighty. I cleaned, I walked 6 miles, I was superwoman. Today, I feel like hell and want to sit on my butt and be grumpy all day. But tonight I'll go to the gym and then I'll feel much better.

    This is ME. This is who I am. I don't see it as depression anymore, but just a change in mood that I might not be able to control at the time, but that I am aware of. One day I hope I can be without the days like this, but for now, I accept them and keep on keeping on.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Depression lies. It's a horrible cage that you can't really get out of, no matter what measures you take. Medication has helped me, getting my husband to finally mostly understand helped me, finding ways to hide and press my face to the bars so it doesn't seem like I'm caged helps me. The world is beautiful between the bars.

    In short, I have no advice. What works for me may not work for you. The only thing that I can say is to hang in there, fight it, and be as kind to yourself as possible in whatever ways you can. Also, know you aren't alone.
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    Anxiety and depression. I take St. Johns Wort daily. I also post something I am thankful for daily. Helps me to stay positive. Exercise helps. And playing with my dog helps a lot too. :) The better that I eat (more veggies, etc.) and the more I exercise...the better I feel.
  • Heaven71
    Heaven71 Posts: 706 Member
    In all honesty... take up running, it really is a cure.
  • slackerwoman
    slackerwoman Posts: 261 Member
    ugh...i know I should be on meds, but I don't have insurance. and I make too much for any sort of help. it blows. i have struggled with anxiety and depression since I was a child.

    Try St Johns Wort. Its over the counter and less than $4 a bottle at Walmart. It doesnt have the weight gain side effect or any others like antidepressants.
  • LivingInPuglia
    LivingInPuglia Posts: 122 Member
    good luck to all of you. I have never suffered in the way you have described and I am impressed with how you deal with it. I get minor depressions from time to time, despite living the perfect life ( or so it appears ). I kick myself in the *kitten* and tell myself to get on with it. But like I said, I know my experiences are minor compared to some described her. Just by being here and talking about it you are all doing so well, so a big :flowerforyou:
  • fleur_de_lis19
    fleur_de_lis19 Posts: 926 Member
    best thing i did was get off my meds. But thats not for everyone. I now only have my as needed xanax and use exercise as a way to cope. When im having anxiety issues, i literally run it off.. make myself so tired that i cant even think about stupid crap anymore, lol. The depression part, that comes every once in a while for me as a result of being anxious for days and usually i just need to do something either fun with friends. Go have a drink with some friends, or a movie, dinner, whatever, just to get out and about and laugh. That or i go do something to make me feel better about myself, or pampered. Like get a mani pedi or my hair done. GL and feel free to add me as a friend. Its great to surround yourself with others that deal with the same stuff
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    Anxiety issues here! I actually did go on medication for 6 months and it helped me A LOT. I was able to think clearly. I decided to go off it after the 6 months because I didnt want to spend my life on meds. Now, I still have anxiety about things but i'm able to rationanlize my thoughts because I KNOW it's a condition that I have that makes me think they way I do. So I get through the moment and think it out, breathe it out and i'm OK. It's not easy, but i'm managing so far.
  • Heather_Rider
    Heather_Rider Posts: 1,159 Member
    I have suffered from depression all my life and Anxiety in more recent years. How do you deal with taking care of yourself when you have moments that you just cant give a damn. I was on antidepressants but they made me apathetic and tired so I gained more weight by just laying around all day. Im off now so I am losing weight but then I will have a bad couple of days were I just dont care. What are your ways to cope with depression??

    I have suffered with extreme depression and anxiety, as well as social anxiety my entire life, for as long as i can remember. I can remember being in 3rd grade, and getting so worked up over a field trip, i would vomit, and they would send me home (thinking i was "sick") then getting so upset and depressed because i couldnt go on the field trip, i would cry all day...

    Early on, i started making lists. I made lists of things i MUST get done on a daily basis. This included what most people called the "silly things" like brushing my teeth, and taking my shower.. getting dressed and eating. My lists got more detailed the older i got. This included WHAT i ate, WHAT i got dressed and HOW i got dresses, as in , what i put on first, second, ect... i detailed every minute of my daily life in my notebook. some called this OCD, but it wasnt... it was simply taking up TIME so i didnt HAVE TIME to stress over stupid **** & get myself worked up over it. It worked for me & that was all that mattered. Now, I dont have to do it so much, but i still make my lists. No, they arent as detailed, but i did them for about 5 years... some days more detailed than others. i make my lists of things to do every day.. i include cleaning, dressing, eating, paying bills, taking care of my animals, ect... i include things i might forget.. like taking my meds, preparing things for dinner... lists of things i may need from the store.. and going to the store! lol.. i make daily, weekly and monthly lists.. and when i complete a list, i feel good.. relaxed, better about myself. (i used to reward myself.. now its just a feel good moment)

    Whatever it is you find that works for you, do it.. and dont let anyone tell you its silly or strange or "ocd" or whateevr they may call it. Good luck to you! <3

    Edited to say that if you can... RUN. i didnt even think to say that until i posted & saw someone else & i have started running & i use my anxiety medication a WHOLE lot less now!
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,137 Member

    I got tired of her escaping, so now I keep her in a locked freezer.

    When my depression hits, I have a good bawl session, then go watch comedies. I deal with it on my own because I got sick of people wanting me to be medicated and all medication did was make my sleep shorter (got down to 3/24 hours). Therapy hasn't helped since, so far, the therapists just give me pat answers and referrals for more drugs.
  • 1517jackie
    1517jackie Posts: 3 Member
    hi i was on tablets for 2 years i have been off them for 7 months, i call it the dark place.
    the best thing is find someone that you can talk to that wont be shocked by what you might say to them.
    you must TALK or it will eat you up inside.
  • sicilysclover
    sicilysclover Posts: 173 Member
    I take things one day at a time.

    Yesterday, I felt mighty. I cleaned, I walked 6 miles, I was superwoman. Today, I feel like hell and want to sit on my butt and be grumpy all day. But tonight I'll go to the gym and then I'll feel much better.

    This is ME. This is who I am. I don't see it as depression anymore, but just a change in mood that I might not be able to control at the time, but that I am aware of. One day I hope I can be without the days like this, but for now, I accept them and keep on keeping on.

    Awareness - great word for helping get through the moment. That's just what i was trying to say. Now that i'm aware that this is a problem, I can get through it.
  • jensfitpal2012
    jensfitpal2012 Posts: 145 Member
    Unfortunately I have struggled w/severe depression over the last couple of years,needed more than just meds,had ECT's.I felt better,but still needed meds to maintain. I too found the meds made me tired,and I gained weight on some of them. I started working out to feel better and it was amazing how good I felt,I take my meds after I work out since I am energized by working out,and I don"t even get too sleepy now.Best of luck to you!:)
  • detroitrockcity
    I've suffered with depression since I was 14, and anxiety since I was 10. The thing that sucks the most is that when I am feeling the anxiety attack coming on, it makes me want to eat. I have no idea why but I eat a TON when I am having a panic episode. I am not currently on medication for anxiety nor depression (this may be changing tomorrow) but it's usually only the first two weeks of those medications that you feel apathy and such. Did you try the meds for more than the two week period? That's generally how long it takes for your body to get used to them. I've found working out REALLY helps with my anxiety though, and it's a great stress reliever. I mostly just feel depression as of late from my lifestyle of how much I work but every single dollar I make goes towards bills and I never have money to keep to myself so I get very lonely seeing as I don't have money to go out with friends. Which the depression then leads to anxiety, they sort of go hand in hand I guess. But like I said working out had helped a lot. I also picked up a hobby of going to open skating at local ice arenas. Not only is it fun but it's a great work out! And then I also like to jog around my sub division. It's hard on days where the apathetic feeling is really set in but if you get up out of bed and just go do it, you feel 100% better afterwards.
  • krissielynn87
    krissielynn87 Posts: 214 Member
    I was diagonosed with Anxiety Disorder 2 years ago while I was in basic training. It's difficult for me to do things some times, but I try too. I try..
  • Danielle817
    Danielle817 Posts: 62 Member