Realistic Body Fat %?



  • jonski1968
    jonski1968 Posts: 4,490 Member
    saw this last night on facebook regarding body fat....have a look...if this isn`t enough to encourage us to lose fat...then i don`t know what is..!/photo.php?fbid=399859243374318&set=a.176078149085763.45462.167444599949118&type=1&theater
  • kszabo
    kszabo Posts: 2
    :happy: You must feel awesome! That's a great health acheivement

    I'm around 26/27 down from over 38 (no idea how much over because I never tested back then!)... but still feel like I have a Long way to go!! Def. don't carry my fat anywhere near as well as some of the other ladies in this post!

    Just started adding "Insanity" to my work-out regime & hoping that toning things up a bit will help... but having said that, I'm pretty strong as it is (lean body mass estimated at ~ 140lb and I'm 5'9")