Last 10lbs Group - GTKY



  • Am I too late to join you? I've been working on the healthier me since Sept 08. Start weigh of 239...met my goal of 90 pounds this past weekend. I plan to continue to work off another 10 pounds....when I set my goal I honestly never thought I'd get there and now I'm eager to surpass it.

    Rollercoaster with weight since having kids 2 kids 18 (today) Daughter and 13 Son. 4 year breast cancer survivor. I've tried Atkins, bariatric clinic-taking Phentermine/addipex even weight watchers and nothing has been long term until MFP.

    Started Couch to 5k in May of 2009 - this past Saturday I ran a 10 mile run---first half marathon is March 21st. I am a turtle but I am doing it!

    Here's to our last 10!:drinker:

    Welcome Chrissy!
    Awesome story!
    I give you credit because I'm 100% positive I could never run a marathon or even a half marathon!!
  • SarahJoy_79
    SarahJoy_79 Posts: 107 Member
    Awesome stories everyone!
    Very motivating!!!

    I will be honest and say that I am having a rough couple of days! I've been staying within my calorie intake but I've noticed that I am usually slightly over in my "fat" column! I weigh in tomorrow and I'm confident I am down 1lb but I'm just feeling a little bummed out.

    I know how you feel. I've for the most part stayed under on calories but have gone over on either carbs or fat pretty much every day. I'm also bloated from it being my time of the my weigh in tomorrow isn't going to be very good at all.:sad:
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    Awesome stories everyone!
    Very motivating!!!

    I will be honest and say that I am having a rough couple of days! I've been staying within my calorie intake but I've noticed that I am usually slightly over in my "fat" column! I weigh in tomorrow and I'm confident I am down 1lb but I'm just feeling a little bummed out.

    I know how you feel. I've for the most part stayed under on calories but have gone over on either carbs or fat pretty much every day. I'm also bloated from it being my time of the my weigh in tomorrow isn't going to be very good at all.:sad:

    I've had a rough couple of days too. Craving chocolate!!!!!! That has not helped my calorie counting at all. At least I've still been getting in some good exercise, but I have definitely not been making good food choices in the last day or two...
  • The thing that bothers me the most is that I am not eating anything that could be an issue...meaning I'm not eating junk or anything like that. I guess I need to pay more attention to what I am eating to try to eliminate that. I know that cheese & PB are my worst enemy right now!

    UGH! For it being a hump day I sure don't feel like it LOL
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    Hello! I'd like to join :smile: My goal is to lose my last 10 pounds by July. I lost 20 pounds in the past and have kept most of it off for over a year. Now, I feel I'm ready to lose those last ten :happy:
  • Hello! I'd like to join :smile: My goal is to lose my last 10 pounds by July. I lost 20 pounds in the past and have kept most of it off for over a year. Now, I feel I'm ready to lose those last ten :happy:

    Hi & Welcome!

    We are currently doing a "get to know you" thread. Jump in!
    Name & weigh in day

    Also, we have been posting our stories of success etc.
  • 10more
    10more Posts: 87 Member
    My name is Mary and I'm planning on weighing in every Thursday :smile:
  • I started back on a Monday and set that as my WI day, but it seems that Thursdays are popular!
  • lvfunandfit
    lvfunandfit Posts: 654 Member
    Hey! I’d like to join! I’m LeighAnne! I’m 33, 5’6.” I currently weigh 130.4 lbs and my body fat is 21-22%. My goal is to be 120-123 lbs and 16-18% body fat.

    I have two beautiful daughters (2 ½ yr old and a 1 yr old). My pregnancies are the cause of my weight gain. Before having my daughters I weighed 123 lbs and I was at 17% body fat. I worked out daily lifting weights, I belonged to a boxing gym and I was a runner. I always ate healthy and before pregnancy hadn’t been to a fast food restaurant or had a candy bar for years. By my 5th month in my 1st pregnancy, I had gained 30 lbs!!! My Dr. explained that I couldn’t grow a healthy baby on that low percentage of body fat so my body hurried to gain fat. I was horribly nauseous and never vomited. The only thing that made me feel better was a full stomach and sleeping. SO I ATE A TON of food and lied around a lot and watch all of my muscle tone and definition disappear! I gave into the pregnancy “all day sickness” and let the cravings control me. I fell in love with chipotle and chocolate! I gained 50 lbs with my first pregnancy and it took me a yr and 2 months to get back down to 130lbs and 20% body fat and by then I was pregnant with #2. With my 2nd pregnancy I monitored my food better and exercised more, plus I worked full time as a teacher and had a daughter at home. (My first pregnancy I had resigned from teaching for a yr but went back 6 months after having my daughter). There was no lying around the 2nd time. I gained 37 lbs during my 2nd pregnancy. Last May I weighed 149 and was a size 12. I am back down to 130 lbs and am working on getting down to 120. I can finally fit into a size 6! I’ll be happy at 123-125 but I’d like my body fat to be a minimum 18%. I was having a tough time breaking through the plateau of being stuck at 132/133 for months. I finally broke it and I know it’s due to being more accountable for what I put into my mouth because I log EVERYTHING on MFP now . I recently ran a half marathon. I run about 10 miles/week now and I work out at the gym with weights and cardio 3-5 times a week after work before I pick up my gorgeous girls. I want to be back down to my goal weight by April! I plan to wear a bikini again. That’s when we start having our BBQ’s and pool parties! I’m tired of feeling uncomfortable about the way I look. AND… I have a ton of cute summer clothes that I haven’t worn for nearly 4 yrs!!! It’ll be like having a whole new wardrobe!

    Oh…. I prefer to weigh in on Mondays. I run 5-8 miles btwn Sat and Sun and like the number on the scale best on Mondays! HA HA

    here's to losing our last 10!
  • Hey! I’d like to join! I’m LeighAnne! I’m 33, 5’6.” I currently weigh 130.4 lbs and my body fat is 21-22%. My goal is to be 120-123 lbs and 16-18% body fat.

    I have two beautiful daughters (2 ½ yr old and a 1 yr old). My pregnancies are the cause of my weight gain. Before having my daughters I weighed 123 lbs and I was at 17% body fat. I worked out daily lifting weights, I belonged to a boxing gym and I was a runner. I always ate healthy and before pregnancy hadn’t been to a fast food restaurant or had a candy bar for years. By my 5th month in my 1st pregnancy, I had gained 30 lbs!!! My Dr. explained that I couldn’t grow a healthy baby on that low percentage of body fat so my body hurried to gain fat. I was horribly nauseous and never vomited. The only thing that made me feel better was a full stomach and sleeping. SO I ATE A TON of food and lied around a lot and watch all of my muscle tone and definition disappear! I gave into the pregnancy “all day sickness” and let the cravings control me. I fell in love with chipotle and chocolate! I gained 50 lbs with my first pregnancy and it took me a yr and 2 months to get back down to 130lbs and 20% body fat and by then I was pregnant with #2. With my 2nd pregnancy I monitored my food better and exercised more, plus I worked full time as a teacher and had a daughter at home. (My first pregnancy I had resigned from teaching for a yr but went back 6 months after having my daughter). There was no lying around the 2nd time. I gained 37 lbs during my 2nd pregnancy. Last May I weighed 149 and was a size 12. I am back down to 130 lbs and am working on getting down to 120. I can finally fit into a size 6! I’ll be happy at 123-125 but I’d like my body fat to be a minimum 18%. I was having a tough time breaking through the plateau of being stuck at 132/133 for months. I finally broke it and I know it’s due to being more accountable for what I put into my mouth because I log EVERYTHING on MFP now . I recently ran a half marathon. I run about 10 miles/week now and I work out at the gym with weights and cardio 3-5 times a week after work before I pick up my gorgeous girls. I want to be back down to my goal weight by April! I plan to wear a bikini again. That’s when we start having our BBQ’s and pool parties! I’m tired of feeling uncomfortable about the way I look. AND… I have a ton of cute summer clothes that I haven’t worn for nearly 4 yrs!!! It’ll be like having a whole new wardrobe!

    Oh…. I prefer to weigh in on Mondays. I run 5-8 miles btwn Sat and Sun and like the number on the scale best on Mondays! HA HA

    here's to losing our last 10!

    Hi & Welcome LeighAnne!
  • Weigh in day tomorrow for most of us!!!

    What is everyone's expectation?

    I'm hoping for 1lb
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Weigh in day tomorrow for most of us!!!

    What is everyone's expectation?

    I'm hoping for 1lb

    *sigh* I am just hoping to maintain this week....TOM is going to show up any time now....:grumble:

    My name is Erin and I like to weigh in on Thurs also.

    Well, a little bit about me......I have never really been overweight, but I have never been a super healthy eater either. I have always been athletic. I have two girls and after each pregnancy the muscle tone just seemed farther and farther away even though I was a similar weight. I am really focused on getting my body fat percentage down to around 18-20% and toning up as much as possible. I want to see the muscle that I know is in there somewhere! I have lost around 13lbs total just to firm up a bit and I feel I have about 5 or so more pounds to go. Every little bit I lose will get me closer to seeing the muscle definition. I really set my goal to lose another 5 lbs to hold myself accountable for what I eat. I have a wicked sweet tooth and I am a junk food junkie! This website has really helped me realize the impact certain foods have on your body and your exercise performance.
  • Weigh in day tomorrow for most of us!!!

    What is everyone's expectation?

    I'm hoping for 1lb

    *sigh* I am just hoping to maintain this week....TOM is going to show up any time now....:grumble:

    My name is Erin and I like to weigh in on Thurs also.

    Well, a little bit about me......I have never really been overweight, but I have never been a super healthy eater either. I have always been athletic. I have two girls and after each pregnancy the muscle tone just seemed farther and farther away even though I was a similar weight. I am really focused on getting my body fat percentage down to around 18-20% and toning up as much as possible. I want to see the muscle that I know is in there somewhere! I have lost around 13lbs total just to firm up a bit and I feel I have about 5 or so more pounds to go. Every little bit I lose will get me closer to seeing the muscle definition. I really set my goal to lose another 5 lbs to hold myself accountable for what I eat. I have a wicked sweet tooth and I am a junk food junkie! This website has really helped me realize the impact certain foods have on your body and your exercise performance.


    I hear ya about TOM...right around the corner for me...luckily it doesn't seem to affect my WL at all. I don't usually get any symptoms anyway...usually don't even know it's coming!

    You talk about fat % .. I have no idea what mine can I figure it out?
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Hello everyone! It is great to read all of your inspiring!

    chrissy- I hope I can run 10 miles someday! When it gets warm I'm really going to start training and not casually running every once in awhile.

    ellipse- pb and cheese get me so bad too! I can take a spoon to the pb jar, and I eat cheese at least once a day. I am currently really loving provolone--only 70 cals a slice so it's not so bad. I get it fresh-sliced from the tasty!

    And my weigh-in is today and I was very surprised. I came off a terrrrrible weekend so I am hesitant to believe that I lost :ohwell:

    LW: 146
    TW: 145

  • Hello everyone! It is great to read all of your inspiring!

    chrissy- I hope I can run 10 miles someday! When it gets warm I'm really going to start training and not casually running every once in awhile.

    ellipse- pb and cheese get me so bad too! I can take a spoon to the pb jar, and I eat cheese at least once a day. I am currently really loving provolone--only 70 cals a slice so it's not so bad. I get it fresh-sliced from the tasty!

    And my weigh-in is today and I was very surprised. I came off a terrrrrible weekend so I am hesitant to believe that I lost :ohwell:

    LW: 146
    TW: 145


    1lb is great! Sometimes losing too much too soon isn't a good thing! I aim for 1lb a week and don't expect anything more!
    You must have redeemed yourself some how from the weekend :wink:
  • Hello everyone! It is great to read all of your inspiring!

    chrissy- I hope I can run 10 miles someday! When it gets warm I'm really going to start training and not casually running every once in awhile.

    ellipse- pb and cheese get me so bad too! I can take a spoon to the pb jar, and I eat cheese at least once a day. I am currently really loving provolone--only 70 cals a slice so it's not so bad. I get it fresh-sliced from the tasty!

    And my weigh-in is today and I was very surprised. I came off a terrrrrible weekend so I am hesitant to believe that I lost :ohwell:

    LW: 146
    TW: 145


    How many grams of fat in provolone?
  • girlygirl82
    girlygirl82 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi Everyone. I consider myself pretty computer savy, but I just wanted to ask.... Is there a way for me to know if our group has posted anything without have to 'search' in the message boards all the time?

    I just want to make sure that I don't miss anything. : )

  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    6g of fat in my provolone. I dunno if that is good or bad :S

    And girlygirl you can go to "Community" and there will be a tab called "My Topics." It pulls up the last 25 or so you have posted in, and when one updates is will move it to the top :smile:
  • girlygirl82
    girlygirl82 Posts: 66 Member
    Thanks!! :flowerforyou:
  • Gogo
    Gogo Posts: 9,942 Member
    Weigh in day tomorrow for most of us!!!

    What is everyone's expectation?

    I'm hoping for 1lb

    *sigh* I am just hoping to maintain this week....TOM is going to show up any time now....:grumble:

    My name is Erin and I like to weigh in on Thurs also.

    Well, a little bit about me......I have never really been overweight, but I have never been a super healthy eater either. I have always been athletic. I have two girls and after each pregnancy the muscle tone just seemed farther and farther away even though I was a similar weight. I am really focused on getting my body fat percentage down to around 18-20% and toning up as much as possible. I want to see the muscle that I know is in there somewhere! I have lost around 13lbs total just to firm up a bit and I feel I have about 5 or so more pounds to go. Every little bit I lose will get me closer to seeing the muscle definition. I really set my goal to lose another 5 lbs to hold myself accountable for what I eat. I have a wicked sweet tooth and I am a junk food junkie! This website has really helped me realize the impact certain foods have on your body and your exercise performance.


    I hear ya about TOM...right around the corner for me...luckily it doesn't seem to affect my WL at all. I don't usually get any symptoms anyway...usually don't even know it's coming!

    You talk about fat % .. I have no idea what mine can I figure it out?

    You can get a body fat measurement done at a gym, or you can buy a caliper and measure yourself. They are pretty inexpensive if you don't get the digital ones. I personally don't like the digital. You can google instructions on how to measure and where to take your measurements to get the most accurate reading.
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