


  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    Oh yeah, I didn't mention that in addition to all my daily fiber and water, I eat Activia every day too, and I'm still struggling with this.
  • heavycross
    My colon was backed up and I was experiencing a lot of pain. I got Apo Bisacodyl 5mg from my pharmacy and took 2 before bed, in the morning, everything was moving on out! I have been drinking lots of water too.
  • mish3131
    mish3131 Posts: 276 Member
    Miralax works like a charm. You also may want to try culturelle. it is not a laxative, but it helps your digestive system which may be part of the problem. You can get it at Walgreens, CVS, etc.
  • tammietifanie
    tammietifanie Posts: 1,496 Member
    I bought some Target brand Laxative pills and long with ExLax that you drink... I took the pills last night and woke up with really bad cramps which i know is just one of the side effects but I feel like a million bucks. Im not planning on taking them every day but will keep them handy since i know they work
  • kitujainen
    kitujainen Posts: 143 Member
    i hadnt pooped in days so i went to get some today. They dont make u lose weight it is just normal bowel movement i think and a friend of mines rectum slipped out because of overuse (anorexia)
  • amg_89
    amg_89 Posts: 184
    Does it cause you to rush to the restroom or is it slow working on the body?? I don't want something that will out of now where hit me and i'll have to race to a bathroom

    Take 3 walmart brand laxatives and in like a few hours you will be allllllllllllll good!

    ahahaha 12 hours exactly, actually. For me anyway. Never fails lol. I have the same issue as the OP so every once in a while I just take them if I noticed I haven't cleared my system in a while. Oooh running before you eat anything helps too!
  • ginnyroxx
    oo something else that bears mentioning is - water. LOTS of water. Constipation is often due to dehydration.
    ditto this.
    you can eat all the fiber you want, but if you don't drink water it will have the opposite affect.